BUS 104. Introduction to Business (3)
For non-Business majors only. Designed to provide an introduction to the American enterprise system, its economic foundation and basic concepts of business organization and the nature of business activity. (Available for General Education, Lifelong Learning.)
BUS 296BHA-Z. Business Honors Selected Topics (1-1-1-1-1-1)
Prerequisite: Admission to the Business Honors Program. This course consists of individual seminars that vary in content and approach. Seminars may be interdisciplinary, spotlight cutting-edge ideas, or focus on specific business related disciplines. The goal of each seminar is to develop excellent communication skills, to participate in in-depth critical reasoning and problem solving approaches, and build successful teamwork and leadership skills. Maximum of 6 units may be applied toward degree requirement. (Credit/No Credit only)
BUS 302. The Gateway Experience (3)
Prerequisites: ACCT 220, 230; BLAW 280; COMP 100; ECON 160, ECON 161; ENGL 205; MATH 103; MATH 140 or SOM 120. (Lower division business core courses). To be taken by all business majors prior to, or concurrently with, the student’s first upper division business core courses. Team-taught course integrating concepts from the lower division core courses by using case studies. Students learn how to build an effective team and to become a team member as well as develop written and oral communication skills. Includes team analyses of case studies, exams and quizzes to review and integrate lower division core material and individual writing assignments, including a term project aimed at helping students develop an effective, customized path to their desired career.
BUS 302L. The Gateway Experience Laboratory (1)
Prerequisites: Junior standing; Completion of all lower division business core courses. To be taken by all business majors prior to, or concurrently with, the student’s first upper division business core courses. This laboratory class is designed to certify and solidify a student’s knowledge of lower division business core course concepts. The laboratory includes instruction, practice quizzes, examinations and other activities designed to ensure that students moving to the upper division business curriculum have the knowledge and ability to apply core concepts necessary for success in the program. (Credit/No Credit only)
BUS 310. Foundations of Entrepreneurship (3)
Prerequisites: BUS 104 or BUS 302; BLAW 280; ACCT 220. This course is intended to help students gain knowledge and skills that are the foundation to become a successful entrepreneur in business. The course provides aspiring entrepreneurs a preview of the journey starting from an idea through the initial phases of a business venture. Students will learn about business model formation, early stage capital, small business market development and sales, small business operation and modeling, and project management. Students will acquire or enhance problem identification/definition aptitude, self-help ability, solution development know-how, as well as communication and collaboration skills.
BUS 410. Business Development and Operation for Entrepreneurs (3)
Prerequisite: Grade of “C” or higher in BUS 310. This course is intended to help students gain knowledge and skills that are critical for developing and running a successful business as an entrepreneur. The course provides aspiring entrepreneurs with a business model and the tools to grasp the essential operational aspects of a business venture both in the U.S. and abroad. Students will learn about business formation, fundraising, business development, operation setup, process design and automation, revenue generation, management of innovation and change, and new venture governance. Students will acquire or enhance problem identification/definition aptitude, self-help ability, solution development know-how, as well as communication and collaboration skills.
BUS 491CS. Small Business Consulting (3)
Prerequisites: BUS 302/L; Instructor consent; Normally a minimum 3.0 GPA overall and in business courses; Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) score of 8 or higher. For senior-level Business majors only. Perform situation analyses and develop business/marketing recommendations for actual clients. Mandatory client meetings several times within the semester. Present final recommendations to both the instructor and client. Offers a community service opportunity with activities relating to concepts and theories presented.
BUS 495E. New Venture Launch (3)
Prerequisites: Grade of “C” or higher in BUS 310 and BUS 410; Instructor consent. In this Credit/No Credit course, students or teams of students will actively work towards preparing to launch a new venture. Students will actually prepare to implement a business model, and business development and operational strategies developed in BUS 310 and BUS 410. Each student must should plan to invest a minimum of 150 hours in preparing to launch a new venture as well as successfully complete all assignments, which are designed to assist students in linking entrepreneurship concepts and theories to the actual practice of starting up a new business. (Credit/No Credit only)
BUS 497A. Capstone: Strategic Management (3)
Prerequisites: BUS 302/L; FIN 303; MGT 360; MKT 304; Senior standing; Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) score of 8 or higher. Integrates previous coursework and introduces concepts and approaches for analyzing, formulating and implementing business interdependencies between the functional areas within organizations, and examining how these are impacted by external factors.
BUS 497B. Capstone: Small Business Planning and Growth (3)
Prerequisites: BUS 302/L; FIN 303; MGT 360; MKT 304; Senior standing; Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) score of 8 or higher. Seminar integrating a broad range of business disciplines, requiring students to apply them to actual problems facing local small businesses. Course reviews and integrates functional areas of business as they relate to small business problems. Examines business strategy for effective small business management and growth. Using a consultancy approach, students assess business owner’s situation and provide strategic, implementable recommendations in the form of a business plan. Offers a community service opportunity with service learning activities relating to concepts and theories presented.
BUS 498. Honors Mentorship (3)
Prerequisites: BUS 302/L; Junior standing; Admission to the Business Honors Program; Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) score of 8 or higher. Provides business honors students with the opportunity to work on a project within the University or a community organization. The range of possibilities is wide. Students may assist faculty members with research or teaching, tutoring or developing an original project. All mentorships involve careful guidance and training from faculty members who supervise the student’s work. Proposed mentorships must be approved by the Business Honors Program Director. (Credit/No Credit only)