AE 196A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Aerospace Engineering (1-4)
Course content to be determined.
AE 296A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Aerospace Engineering (1-4)
Course content to be determined.
AE 396A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Aerospace Engineering (1-4)
Course content to be determined.
AE 472. Aeropropulsion Systems (3)
Prerequisites: ME 370, ME 390. Analysis of aeropropulsion systems: gas turbine, fan jet, ram jet, scram jet, scram-rocket, solid rocket and liquid rocket systems. Introduction to aero-thermodynamics and advanced propellant combustion processes.
AE 480. Fundamentals of Aerospace Engineering (3)
Prerequisites: ME 390; PHYS 220A/PHYS 220AL. Atmospheric structure/space environment. Aircraft/spacecraft configurations. Aircraft/missile systems performance, including flight envelope, aerodynamic approximations, available propulsion systems, structural form, take-off, landing, climb and range. Introduction to vehicle stability and control.
AE 486A. Senior Design in Aerospace Engineering I (2)
Prerequisite: ME 386. First semester of a two-semester capstone design experience, simulating professional aerospace engineering practice. Emphasis is on the application of engineering fundamentals to a comprehensive design project utilizing computer-aided design and analysis tools. Addresses effective group participation and preparation of written and oral preliminary and critical design reviews. Ethical, regulatory, manufacturing and economic issues are considered as required by the project definition. Two 3-hour labs per week.
AE 486B. Senior Design in Aerospace Engineering II (2)
Prerequisite: AE 486A. Continuation of AE 486A. Students carry out the group design project initiated in AE 486A. Influence of technical, legal, ethical and regulatory constraints are considered. Computer-aided engineering design methods are utilized. Two 3-hour labs per week.
AE 496A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Aerospace Engineering (1-4)
Course content to be determined.
AE 499A-C. Independent Study (1-3)
No course description.
AE 572. Rocket Propulsion (3)
Prerequisites: ME 370 and ME 390, or equivalent background. Flight environment. Mission propulsive requirements, staging and optimization. Chemical rockets. Thrust chamber design, nozzle design, propellant storage and pressurization systems. Liquid propellant combustion and expansion; monopropellant systems. Solid propellant grain design. Combustion instabilities. Multiple phase, reacting nozzle flow. Ram/rocket hybrid engines. Energy limited vs. power limited systems. Introduction to electrical rocket propulsion.
AE 586. Aircraft Design (3)
Prerequisite: AE 480. Aircraft conceptual design, focused on industry practice, including discussion of the design process, initial sizing, selection of thrust-to-weight ratio and wing loading, configuration layout, propulsion integration, systems integration, performance optimization and trade-off studies. Students complete an individual aircraft design project. Includes performance analysis via simulated flight testing using a flight simulator.
AE 589. Aerodynamics (3)
Prerequisite: ME 390. Prediction of aerodynamic forces due to subsonic flows over aircraft/missile wings and bodies. Calculation of pressure distribution, lift, drag, moments and wall-shearing stress in incompressible flow. Compressibility corrections are considered. Impact of these calculations on aerodynamic design are evaluated.
AE 672. Advanced Topics in Aero-Propulsion (3)
Prerequisites: AE 472 and AE 589, or equivalents. Off-design performance of aero-propulsion systems. Solid propellant, ram jet, ram rocket, gas turbine, turbo-fan and prop-jet engines. Emphases on air-breathing applications in both subsonic and supersonic flight regimes.
AE 694. Seminar in Aerospace Engineering (1-3)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Advanced studies in selected areas of the field of mechanical engineering.
AE 695A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Aerospace Engineering (1-4)
Course content to be determined.
AE 696A-C. Directed Graduate Research (3)
No course description.
AE 697. Directed Comprehensive Studies (3)
Classified graduate status is required for enrollment. (Credit/No Credit only)
AE 698. Thesis or Graduate Project (1-6)
Classified graduate status is required for enrollment.
AE 699A-C. Independent Study (1-3)
Independent Study.
ME 101/L. Introduction to Mechanical Engineering and Lab (1/1)
Prerequisite: MATH 102, MATH 104, MATH 105, MATH 150A or MATH 150B, or a passing score on the Mathematics Placement Test (MPT) that satisfies prerequisites for MATH 150A or MATH 255A. Corequisite: ME 101L. Freshman orientation course introducing the Mechanical Engineering Program, the profession and the University. “Tools of the trade”—the Internet, word processing, spreadsheets, power point, computer-aided design, basic lab measurement instruments, commercial component catalogs and numerically controlled machine tools to support prototype fabrication—are introduced in the context of engineering practice. Fundamental engineering analysis/design is explored through simple examples covering all aspects of mechanical engineering. 1 hour lecture, 3 hours lab per week. (Available for General Education, Lifelong Learning for ME majors.)
ME 186/L. Computer-Aided Design and Lab (1/1)
Prerequisites: ME 101/L; MATH 102, MATH 104, MATH 105, MATH 150A or MATH 150B, or a passing score on the Mathematics Placement Test (MPT) that satisfies prerequisites for MATH 150A or MATH 255A. Corequisite: ME 186L. Introduction to concepts in engineering graphics and their implementation with computer-aided design (CAD) parametric modeling tools. Creation of sketches, parts, assemblies, and engineering drawings. Application to group project, including oral and written reports. 1 hour lecture, 3 hours of lab per week.
ME 196A-Z/L. Experimental Topics Courses in Mechanical Engineering (1/1)
Corequisite: ME 196AL-ZL. Course content to be determined.
ME 209. Programming for Mechanical Engineers (1)
Corequisite: MATH 150A. Basic programming concepts implemented with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), with an emphasis on engineering problem solving. Topics include the use of flowcharts, variable types, the Excel/VBA environment, decision and looping structures, and program debugging. (Available for General Education, Lifelong Learning for ME majors.)
ME 280. Differential Equations for Mechanical Engineers (3)
Prerequisite: MATH 150B. Recommended Preparatory Course: MATH 250. Introduction to differential equations used in engineering applications. Engineering analysis of physical systems described by differential equations: pendulums, mass-spring damper, R-L-C circuits, vibrations, beam bending, heat transfer, and hydrodynamics. Exploration of solution techniques, including undetermined coefficients, power series, and Laplace Transform. Determination of initial/boundary conditions. Linear algebra and solution of systems of differential equations. Introduction to partial differential equations and separation of variables. Not available to students with credit for MATH 280 or ECE 280.
ME 286. Mechanical Engineering Design (2)
Prerequisites: ME 186/L; Corequisite MSE 227. Introduction to mechanical design, design methodology and design for manufacturing. Engineering materials selection, metal forming/removal theory and practice. A group design project is required. 2 hours lecture per week.
ME 296A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Mechanical Engineering (1-4)
Course content to be determined.
ME 309. Numerical Analysis of Engineering Systems (2)
Prerequisites: MATH 150B; ME 209 or COMP 106/L or ECE 206/L or CE 280/L. Features engineering problems which require the use of algorithms and numerical analysis to obtain a solution. Modern tools, such as spreadsheets with imbedded high level-languages, are used for analysis and code development. Program documentation that requires extensive use of computer-based technical writing skills with graphical presentations. Cross section of problems are selected from various branches of engineering. Two 3-hour labs per week.
ME 330. Machine Design (3)
Prerequisites: CE 340; ME 286; MSE 227. Engineering principles and practice in the selection and design of fasteners, bearings, couplings, shafting, transmissions and other mechanical power transmission devices. Design project. 3 hours lecture per week.
ME 335/L. Mechanical Measurements and Lab (1/1)
Prerequisites: ME 209, PHYS 220B. Corequisite: ME 335L. Measurement of temperature, pressure, flow rate, force and motion. Statistical methods for analysis of uncertainty and experiment design. Use of data acquisition software for data collection and storage. Analysis of dynamic response of instruments. Written and oral presentations of experimental results. 1 hour lecture, one 3-hour lab per week.
ME 370. Thermodynamics (3)
Prerequisites: CHEM 101/L; MATH 250; PHYS 220A/AL. Fundamental theories and engineering applications of thermodynamics with emphasis of First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics. Thermodynamic properties of solids, liquids, gases, and mixtures. Work-producing and work-absorbing systems. Applications to design.
ME 375. Heat Transfer I (3)
Prerequisites: ME 370; MATH 280 or ME 280 or ECE 280; PHYS 220A/AL. Basic principles of heat transfer and their application. Introduction to conductive, convective and radiative heat transfer. Applications to design.
ME 376. Heat Transfer in Electrical and Electronic Systems (3)
Prerequisites: MATH 280 or ECE 280; PHYS 220A/AL. Basic principles of thermodynamics and heat transfer applicable to electrical and electronic systems. Introduction of conductive, convective, and radiative modes of heat transfer. Analysis of a finned heat sink. Not available for credit for Mechanical Engineering majors.
ME 384. System Dynamics: Modeling, Analysis and Simulation (3)
Prerequisites: AM 316; ECE 240/L. Corequisite: ME 390. Modeling of dynamic engineering systems in various energy domains—mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic—using bond graphs, block diagrams and state equations. Analysis of response of system models. Digital computer simulation.
ME 386/L. Computer-Aided Analysis and Design and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisite: ME 286. Corequisite: ME 330, ME 386. This course addresses the use of finite element analysis (FEA) tools for effective and efficient design of mechanical elements. A commercial, general purpose FEA software application is used for the solution of non-trivial problems. Emphasis will be placed on the selection of suitable FEA models, and interpretation and critical evaluation of the results. The integration of the use of FEA tools in a well-organized design process also is emphasized. Lecture material is complemented by laboratory case studies and a design project. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab per week.
ME 390. Fluid Mechanics (3)
Prerequisites: MATH 250; ME 370; PHYS 220A/AL. Fundamental equations of fluid mechanics are derived and applied to engineering problems, with emphasis on understanding the physical principles involved. Basic developments are applied to compressible as well as incompressible fluids. Selective exploration of the state of the art of experimental knowledge in major areas of applications. Applications to design.
ME 396A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Mechanical Engineering (1-4)
Course content to be determined.
ME 400A. Engineering Design Clinic I (1-3)
Group design experience involving teams of students and faculty working on the solution of engineering design problems submitted by industry and government agencies.
ME 400B. Engineering Design Clinic II (1-3)
Prerequisite: ME 400A. Continuation of ME 400A.
ME 415. Kinematics of Mechanisms (3)
Prerequisites: AM 316; Upper division standing. Study of forces and motion of constrained mechanisms in machine systems. Analysis of linkages, cams, sliders, crank and rocker, offset crank-slider, universal joints and more. An internal combustion engine is utilized to demonstrate application of these elements at a systems level.
ME 430. Machine Design Applications (3)
Prerequisites: CE 340; ME 330. Continuation of ME 330, with emphasis on fatigue of machine parts, life, wear and friction considerations. Turbine, pump, transmissions and other devices discussed and analyzed as case studies. Design project.
ME 431/L. Machine Design and Manufacturing and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisites: ME 286; CE 340. Corequisite: ME 431L. An advanced mechanical design course with emphasis on computer aided design and design for manufacturing of machine parts. Introduction to machine elements. Metal machining theory, operation, and tool technology. Non-traditional machining and surface treatment. Working drawings, tolerancing, and limits of fit. Fixture design and planning. 2 hours of lecture and 3 hours of lab per week.
ME 434. Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (3)
Prerequisite: ME 330. Fundamental principles of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) and their applications in computer aided mechanical design. Interpretation of fits, limits, and tolerances. Thorough analysis of coordinate and positional tolerancing. Gaging techniques, material conditions and current standards examined. Design project required. Available for graduate credit. 3 hours lecture per week.
ME 435/L. Mechatronics and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisites: ECE 240/L and ME 335/L. Corequisite: ME 435L. Machine and process control applications, data acquisition systems, sensors and transducers, actuating devices, hardware controllers, transducer signal processing and conditioning. 2 hours lecture, one 3-hour lab each week.
ME 436/L. Mechanics and Design of Composite Materials and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisites: ME 330, ME 386/L. Corequisite: ME 436L. Introduction to composite materials. Analysis, design and applications of laminated fiber reinforced composites. Macro-mechanical analysis of engineering constants and failure. Design project.
ME 460. Automotive Engineering (3)
Prerequisites: AM 316; ME 330. Introduction to automotive engineering. Design and analysis of automotive chassis, suspension, steering, brakes, power plants and drive system. Vehicle dynamics, performance and system optimization. Design project required.
ME 462. Internal Combustion Engines (3)
Prerequisites: ME 330; ME 370. Recommended Corequisite: ME 470. Characteristics and Performance of internal combustion engines, with an emphasis on Otto and Diesel types. Alternative cycles also are considered. Thermodynamics of cycles, combustion, emissions, ignition, fuel metering and injection, friction, supercharging and engine compounding. 3 hours lecture per week.
ME 470. Thermodynamics II (3)
Prerequisite: ME 370. Continuation of Thermodynamics I, with applications to engineering systems. Gas and vapor cycles for power and refrigeration. Reactive and non-reactive mixtures. Introduction to combustion.
ME 476. Heat Transfer II (3)
Prerequisites: ME 375; ME 390; ME 280 or MATH 280 or ECE 280. Intermediate topics on conduction, convection, radiation heat transfer. Introductions to heat exchangers, simultaneous heat and mass transfer and phase change. Applications to design.
ME 482. Fundamentals of Alternative Energy and Fuel Cell Technology (3)
Prerequisites: ME 375, ME 390, MSE 304. Alternative energy basics, energy economics, fuel cell fundamentals, fuel cell operating principles and performance, fuel cell types, construction features, balance of fuel cell power plant, hydrogen infrastructure.
ME 483. Solar, Wind and Geothermal Energy (3)
Prerequisites: ME 375, ME 390, MSE 304. Overview of alternative energy resources. Solar radiation characteristics. Solar energy collection and conversion devices. Design and analysis of passive and active solar energy systems. Solar electric power production and inverter technology. Wind energy conversion. Geothermal energy systems.
ME 484/L. Control of Mechanical Systems and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisite: ME 384. Corequisite 484L. Classical feedback control theory emphasizing mechanical systems. Time domain, frequency domain, stability criteria and system sensitivity techniques. Introduction to design compensation and methods. Digital computer simulation of translational and rotational mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems. Control system design projects. 2 hours lecture, one 3-hour lab per week.
ME 485. Introduction to Environmental Engineering (3)
Prerequisite: ME 370. Application of concepts of mass and energy balances to environmental problems as a basis for analyzing and understanding the multimedia aspect of environmental engineering. Introduction of principles of air-pollution control and global-climate change, water and wastewater treatment, groundwater contamination, hazardous waste, risk assessment and resource recovery. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of sources of pollutants, and treatment and reduction processes. Description of pertinent environmental legislations. A semester-long team design project is assigned.
ME 486A. Senior Design in Mechanical Engineering I (2)
Prerequisites: ME 309; ME 330. Corequisites: ME 386/L. First semester of a two-semester capstone design experience simulating professional mechanical engineering practice. Emphasis is on the application of engineering fundamentals to a comprehensive design project utilizing computer-aided design and analysis tools. Addresses effective group participation, and preparation of written and oral preliminary and critical design reviews. Ethical, regulatory, manufacturing and economic issues are considered as required by the project definition. Two 3-hour labs per week.
ME 486B. Senior Design in Mechanical Engineering II (2)
Prerequisite: ME 486A. Continuation and realization of the design project initiated in ME 486A. Project culminates in a final written report and oral presentation. Two 3-hour labs per week.
ME 490. Fluid Dynamics (3)
Prerequisite: ME 390. Second-semester fluids course with applications to systems of engineering interest. Potential flows, boundary layers, duct flows, lubrication theory, lift and drag. 1-dimensional compressible flow with area change, friction, heating/cooling, normal shock waves, oblique shock waves and Prandtl-Meyer expansions. Both numerical and analytical solution techniques are explored.
ME 491. Thermal-Fluids Lab (1)
Prerequisites: ME 335, ME 370, ME 375, ME 390. Experimental studies of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and heat transfer. Measurement and analysis of performance of simple cyclic devices, aerodynamic shapes, turbo machines, piping systems and heat exchangers. One 3-hour lab per week.
ME 493. Hydraulics (3)
Prerequisite: ME 390. Fundamental principles of incompressible fluid flow and their applications to pipe flow, open channel flow and the performance of hydraulic turbomachines. Flow in pipe systems ranging from simple series systems to complex branched networks. Uniform flows, gradually varying flows, rapid transitions and hydraulic jumps in open channels. Performance of radial, mixed-flow and axial flow centrifugal pumps and turbines, and of impulse turbines.
ME 494A-C. Academic Internship (1-3)
Prerequisites: Sophomore, junior or senior standing in the Department of Mechanical Engineering; Prior approval of the Department Internship Coordinator; Good standing as a matriculated student. Supervised practical professional experience relevant to the field of study in approved public or private organizations. Industrial supervisor and faculty sponsor performance evaluations and student self assessment are required. A final report written by students describing the work accomplished and knowledge and skills acquired are required. Units earned may not be used to fulfill Major Program requirements. Enrollment is limited to 6 units total in any combination of A, B, C. Available for graduate credit. (Letter Grade only)
ME 496A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Mechanical Engineering (1-4)
Course content to be determined.
ME 499A-C. Independent Study (1-3)
Independent Study
ME 501A. Seminar in Engineering Analysis (3)
Analytic and numerical methods applied to the solution of engineering problems at an advanced level. Solution methods are demonstrated on a wide range of engineering topics, including structures, fluids, thermal, thermal energy transport and mechanical systems. This course emphasizes physical phenomena that can be described by systems of ordinary differential equations.
ME 501B. Seminar in Engineering Analysis (3)
Analytic and numerical methods applied to the solution of engineering problems at an advanced level. Solution methods are demonstrated on a wide range of engineering topics, including structures, fluids, thermal, thermal energy transport and mechanical systems. This course emphasizes physical phenomena that can be described by partial differential equations.
ME 503. Biomedical Instrumentation (3)
Preparatory: Senior standing. Covers the design of medical instrumentation, specifically biosensors, therapeutic and prosthetic devices, biopotential amplifiers and lab instrumentation. Applications to associated human organ systems also are covered. Multidisciplinary analysis, design and simulation of bioengineering instrumentation are studied and implemented using computer methodology and techniques from engineering, physics and mathematics. (Cross-listed with ECE 503.)
ME 515. Dynamics of Machines (3)
Prerequisite: ME 415. Recommended Corequisite: ME 501A. Forces, motion and inertia in machines. Analysis of linkages, cams, rotor dynamics, reciprocal and rotational balancing, whirl modes and orbits, and signature analysis of machine elements. Computer simulation of machinery dynamics, including the inverse dynamics.
ME 520. Robot Mechanics and Control (3)
Prerequisite: ME 384 or equivalent. Corequisite: ME 415 or consent of instructor. Overview of the state-of-the-art of robotics and tele-robotics. Analysis, modeling and simulation of motions, differential motions and dynamics of robots. Emphasis will be placed on various aspects of robot controls, including position and force. Experience in robot design will be gained through course projects.
ME 522. Autonomous Intelligent Vehicle (3)
Prerequisite: Senior standing. Overview of the state of the art on autonomous ground vehicles. Locomotion, mobile kinematics, perception, localization, obstacle avoidance and navigation of autonomous vehicles. Emphasis will be placed on chassis design, various sensor performance and navigation algorithm development. Knowledge of motion control, vision perception, sensor active ranging and GPS navigation will be gained through course projects.
ME 531. Mechanical Design with Composites (3)
Prerequisite: ME 330. Introduction to various types of composite materials, their classifications and properties. Mechanics of composite materials with a focus on macromechanics of lamina and laminate. Stress, stiffness and failure analysis of laminate. Design and analysis of symmetric and non-symmetric laminated beams. Shaft design under torsional and bending loading scenarios. Design and analysis of walled-cylinders. Integration of numerical design and analysis software suites.
ME 532. Mechanics of Polymers (3)
Prerequisites: Undergraduate course in machine element analysis and design or equivalent background; Enrollment for graduate students only. Introduction to polymeric materials, their characterization and properties. Focus on key mechanical properties essential for design. Stress-Strain behavior theories and models with special attention to hyperelasticity and viscoelasticity. Integration of numerical design and analysis software suites.
ME 575. Applied Heat and Mass Transfer (3)
Prerequisite: ME 375 or equivalent. Continuation of ME 375, with emphasis on the convective modes of heat and mass transfer. Heat exchangers, evaporation, boiling, condensation, high speed flows and combined processes are considered with application to design.
ME 579. Municipal Solid Waste Management and Engineering Design (3)
Prerequisite: ME 370. Corequisites: ME 483 or ME 485. Engineering principles for problem solving and design of municipal solid-waste management (MSW). Chemical and physical properties and characterization of MSW as it relates to process design. Design and operation of MSW processing facilities. Landfills design and operation. Regulatory framework for recycling. Waste reduction and environmental sustainability. Group projects are assigned.
ME 583. Thermal-Fluid Systems Design (3)
Preparatory: ME 470, ME 490. System design and optimization course that integrates the disciplines of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer. Intent is to build on and extend information previously acquired in these courses. Emphasis is placed on the synthesis of components into a thermal-fluid system to accomplish a specified task with technical, economical and social constraints. Series of design problems are assigned to the class as homework. These problems require students to incorporate design methodology into their work.
ME 584. Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems (3)
Prerequisites: AM 316; ME 501A. Comprehensive and advanced treatment of the modeling techniques and response analyses of engineering dynamic systems. Both linear and nonlinear dynamic behavior of physical systems of different technical disciplines are studied with the aid of computer simulation. Mixed systems composed of electromechanical, fluid-mechanical and electrohydraulic components also are investigated. Computational and visualization tools, such as MATLAB and Simulink, are used to enhance analyzing and understanding of system performance.
ME 590. Advanced Fluid Dynamics (3)
Prerequisites: Background equivalent to a two semester undergraduate course sequence in fluid mechanics; Enrollment for graduate students only. Corequisite: ME 501A or equivalent. Derivation of conservation equations from fundamental principles and the constitutive relations for Newtonian fluids. Exact solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations, including transient and oscillatory solutions. Laminar and turbulent boundary layers as well as Stokes flow solutions. Introduction to the vorticity equation and vortex dynamics. Potential flow applications.
ME 593. Compressible Flow (3)
Prerequisites: Background equivalent to a two semester undergraduate course sequence in fluid mechanics; Enrollment for graduate students only. Corequisite: ME 501A or ME 501B. Fundamental treatment of compressible flows including generalized one-dimensional flows, normal and oblique shock waves, Prandtl-Meyer expansion waves, unsteady waves, linearized potential flow. Method of characteristics. Hypersonic flow, high temperature and low density effects.
ME 595A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Mechanical Engineering (3)
Course content to be determined.
ME 630. Computer-Aided Design of Machinery (3)
Prerequisites: ME 330, ME 415. Presentation and discussion on design of complex machinery based on closed- or open-chain mechanisms. System approach to the design and analysis of practical systems, with emphasis on the use of computer-aided engineering. Iterative design processes are exercised through completing design projects with steps of component selection and design optimization included. Pro-Engineer and Pro-Mechanica software programs are used to facilitate design processes.
ME 670. Advanced Topics in Thermodynamics (3)
Prerequisites: ME 390, ME 470. Advanced topics in thermodynamics, emphasizing real fluid behavior and modeling. Interaction between thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, fluid mechanics and transport processes. Selected topics from microscopic thermodynamics applied to both equilibrium and non-equilibrium processes. Applications to real engineering systems are stressed.
ME 675A. Conductive and Radiative Heat Transfer (3)
Prerequisites: ME 575; ME 501A or ME 501B. Theory and applications of the conductive and radiative modes of heat transfer. Analytical and numerical methods for single- and multi-dimensional steady state and transient conduction. Numerical and analytical techniques as applied to radiative exchanges between diffuse and specular surfaces, and transfer through absorbing-transmitting media.
ME 675B. Convective Heat and Mass Transfer (3)
Prerequisites: ME 575; ME 590; ME 501B. Theory and application of convective heat and mass transfer. Free and forced convection in laminar and turbulent flows. Heat transfer with change of phase. Mass transfer applications, including ablation and transpiration cooling, condensation and evaporation.
ME 684. Design and Control of Dynamic Systems (3)
Prerequisite: ME 484. Design and control of mechanical systems. Time-domain and state space methods integrated into the design of dynamic processes. Application to automotive, aircraft, spacecraft, robots and related mechanical/aerospace systems. Digital simulations.
ME 692. Computational Fluid Dynamics (3)
Prerequisites: ME 309, ME 490. Introduction to the numerical analysis of fluid flows. Special techniques required for solution of the governing equations for viscous, inviscid and boundary layer flows. Applications to convective heat and mass transfer. Turbulence modeling and other submodels for complex engineering applications.
ME 695A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Mechanical Engineering (1-4)
Course content to be determined.
ME 696A-C. Directed Graduate Research (3)
No course description.
ME 697. Directed Comprehensive Studies (3)
Classified graduate status is required for enrollment. (Credit/No Credit only)
ME 698. Thesis or Graduate Project (1-3)
Classified graduate status is required for enrollment.
ME 699A-C. Independent Study (1-3)
Independent Study