This is an archive of the 2018-2019 University Catalog.
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SCM 416. Supply Chain Management (3)

Prerequisites: SOM 306; Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) score of 8 or higher. BUS 302/L are prerequisites for Business majors. This course covers the fundamental concepts, principles and tools associated with supply chain management. Topics include supply chain integration, logistics network configuration, inventory management, strategic alliances, procurement and outsourcing, warehousing, quality management, global logistics and the impact of information technology on supply chain management. Global implications will be discussed throughout the course. This course involves case studies, a simulation game and a culminating term project. (Cross-listed with SOM 416.)

SCM 442. Business to Business Marketing (3)

Prerequisites: MKT 304 (Marketing majors must attain a grade of “C” or higher) or consent of instructor; Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) score of 8 or higher. BUS 302/L are prerequisites for Business majors. Analysis of the marketing structure for industrial products, including raw materials, installations, operating supplies, accessory equipment and fabricating materials. Buying motives and buying habits for industrial goods, major trade channels, research, pricing, advertising and legal aspects. The purchasing function. Buying by governmental agencies. Governmental regulation. (Cross-listed with MKT 442.)

SCM 447. Logistics and Transportation Management (3)

Prerequisites: MKT 304 (Marketing majors just attain a grade of “C” or higher); Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) score of 8 or higher. BUS 302/L are prerequisites for Business majors. Introduction to the management of firms that market transportation services; the managerial implications of the legal, economic and social environment. (Cross-listed with MKT 447.)

SCM 492. Supply Chain Management Strategy (3)

Prerequisites: SCM 416, SCM 442, SCM 447 or equivalent; Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) score of 8 or higher. BUS 302/L are prerequisites for Business majors. This is a capstone course that integrates various aspects of supply chain management. Students will use their previous work in transportation, purchasing and quality processes to study current practices, which should lead to higher levels of customer satisfaction and lower delivery costs. Designed to give students more practice in standard business skills, especially communication skills, analytic problem solving and cross-disciplinary integration.

SOM 120. Basic Business Statistics (3)

Prerequisite: MATH 103 or a higher-level mathematics course with a grade of “C” or higher. Basic elements of statistics for students in business and economics. Descriptive statistics, elements of probability, probability distributions (including normal), sampling distributions, statistical inference for means and proportions (including estimation and hypothesis testing), simple linear regression and correlation. Applications of these topics in business and economics are emphasized. The course requires assignments in which students are required to explain the results of statistical computations using personal computer software.

SOM 306. Operations Management (3)

Prerequisites: MATH 103SOM 120 or MATH 140. Recommended Corequisite or Preparatory: BUS 302/L. Discusses operational issues facing organizations and introduces operations management concepts and techniques. Students develop skills necessary to improve productivity and quality of operations in both manufacturing and service organizations. Topics include international competitiveness, quality assurance, forecasting, design and control of operations systems, creating value for the customer, project management and supply chain and inventory management.

SOM 307. Data Analysis and Modeling for Business (3)

Prerequisites: MATH 103SOM 120 or MATH 140. Recommended Corequisite or Preparatory: BUS 302/L. Statistical methods and stochastic models to support decision making by managers. Topics include: exploratory data analysis, probability distributions and assessment, expected value, variation, estimation of means and proportions, hypothesis testing for one and several populations, F test, chi-square test, simple and multiple regression and correlation, decision trees, waiting lines and simulation. Applications to business are emphasized. Written assignments based on computer software required.

SOM 416. Supply Chain Management (3)

Prerequisites: SOM 306; Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) score of 8 or higher. BUS 302/L are prerequisites for Business majors. This course covers the fundamental concepts, principles and tools associated with supply chain management. Topics include supply chain integration, logistics network configuration, inventory management, strategic alliances, procurement and outsourcing, warehousing, quality management, global logistics and the impacts of information technology on supply chain management. Global implications will be discussed throughout the course. This course involves case studies, a simulation game and a culminating term project. (Cross-listed with SCM 416.)

SOM 464. Manufacturing Resource Planning (3)

Prerequisites: SOM 306 or MSE 304; Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) score of 8 or higher. BUS 302/L are prerequisites for Business majors. Planning and control systems for the management of production and operations. Topics include demand management and forecasting, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), supply chain management, inventory management, master production scheduling, Material Requirements Planning (MRP), capacity planning, just-in-time (JIT) production, activity sequencing and other current topics. Includes a term project as well as an in-depth case study using integrated manufacturing planning and control software such as Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II) or Enterprise Resource Planning.

SOM 466. Project Management (3)

Prerequisites: SOM 120, SOM 391 or MATH 140; Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) score of 8 or higher. BUS 302/L are prerequisites for Business majors. Introduction to the operations management of small, intermediate and large projects. The course surveys project organization, staffing, planning and scheduling (PERT/CPM), control, budgeting and quality. The project environments, including international issues, are explored. Various project management software packages are utilized.

SOM 467. Quality Management and Control (3)

Prerequisites: SOM 306 or MSE 304; Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) score of 8 or higher. BUS 302/L are prerequisites for Business majors. Application of total quality control for improvement of products and services, including both statistical techniques and managerial approaches. Control charts, quality costs, responsibility for quality, quality at the source, ethical issues and ISO 9000. International differences in philosophy of quality.

SOM 468. Managing for Service Excellence (3)

Prerequisites: SOM 306; Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) score of 8 or higher. BUS 302/L are prerequisites for Business majors. Techniques learned will benefit service managers and entrepreneurs by improving skills in managing efficiency and quality. Students will learn concepts and tools useful for service management. Topics include service assessment, improvement and innovation, yield management, service technologies (including management of Internet businesses), quality and productivity and new service development. The course involves case studies as well as software applications.

SOM 485. Decision Support Systems (3)

Prerequisites: SOM 306; IS 312; Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) score of 8 or higher. BUS 302/L are prerequisites for Business majors. Concepts, development and application of Decision Support Systems (DSS) and related management support systems (Executive Information Systems and Expert Systems). Design framework and Management Science models for DSS. DSS development process and tools, user interface, evaluation and implementation. Study of recent development in model-based DSS applications with knowledge base enhancement. Class project designing prototype management support systems will be required.

SOM 496A-Z. Experimental Courses (3)

Prerequisite: Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) score of 8 or higher. BUS 302/L are prerequisites for Business majors. Course content to be determined. (See Schedule of Classes and Enrollment Guide.)

SOM 498A-C. Field Assignments and Reports Systems and Operations Management (1-6)

Prerequisite: Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) score of 8 or higher. BUS 302/L are prerequisites for Business majors. Individual study pertaining to present or future career. Student must obtain approved employment. Consultation with employer and instructor determines program. A maximum of 12 units may be earned by combining Field Assignments and Reports (SOM 498) and Independent Study (SOM 499). This is an Academic Internship course.

SOM 499. Independent Study (1-3)

Prerequisites: Consent of department chair and consent of an instructor to act as sponsor; Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) score of 8 or higher. BUS 302/L are prerequisites for Business majors. In order to do an Independent Study assignment in the College of Business and Economics, a student must have at least a 3.0 overall GPA, a 2.0 GPA in all major courses and a 2.0 GPA in his/her option courses. A student who does not meet these requirements will not receive credit for any SOM 499 that he/she may take. Admission is based on evidence of ability to pursue Independent Study in-depth and on approval of a project submitted at the time of registration. Regular progress meetings and reports are required throughout the semester. Completion of the project is required before credit may be received. Enrollment in Independent Study is not allowed for the purpose of substitution for an existing course.

SOM 591. Business Analytics Foundation (3)

Prerequisite: Permission of the director of Nazarian Graduate Programs. Statistical methods and stochastic models to support decision making by managers. Topics include: exploratory data analysis, probability distributions and assessment, expected value, variation, estimation of means and proportions, hypothesis testing for one and several populations, F test, chi square test, simple and multiple regression and correlation, time series and forecasting, decision trees, waiting lines and simulation. Applications in service organizations and small businesses are provided along with applications for production organizations and large businesses. A key element is a group project involving the application of one or more course topics to a current business problem.

SOM 676. Global Supply Chain Management (3)

This course covers the fundamental concepts, knowledge, models, and tools for supply chain design, operation and strategy. Global perspective will be emphasized throughout the course. Major topics include supply chain network design, sourcing decisions, sales and operations planning, inventory planning and management, supply chain collaboration, supply chain coordination, transportation planning and management, information technology for supply chain management, and supply chain metrics/drivers. This course uses a combination of lectures, case studies and computer simulation.

SOM 686. Operations Management (3)

Prerequisites: SOM 591, or both SOM 306 and SOM 307. This course focuses on managerial issues arising in the design, operation and improvement of the systems that create and deliver goods and services. The main objective of the course is to introduce the concepts, principles, models and analytical techniques applied to operations and supply chain management.

SOM 699. Independent Study Systems and Operations Management (3)

Prerequisites: Permission of graduate advisor and department chair. No more than 6 units of Independent Study may be taken in any one department, and no more than 6 units may be taken in the College of Business without prior approval of the dean. Only those graduate students who have a current 3.0 or higher GPA may register in a 600-level Independent Study course. Note: See Graduate Business Interdepartmental Courses for GBUS 696D, GBUS 697D and GBUS 698D.