Program: Minor in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)
Program Description
The TESL minor program in the College of Humanities incorporates courses in Africana Studies, Anthropology, Asian American Studies, Central American Studies, Chicana/o Studies, Communication Studies, Education, English, Linguistics, Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures, and Sociology. The objective is to provide introductory preparation for teaching English to speakers of other languages. Course substitutions may be made only with the written approval of the department chair.
Program Requirements
1. Language Pedagogy (3 units)
LING 330 Fundamentals for TESL (3)
2. Language (9 units)
Choose one course from (A), one course from (B) and one course from (C):
A. An Introduction to Language
Choose one course from the following:
ANTH 310 Language in Culture: Anthropological Linguistics (3)
ENGL 301 Language and Linguistics (3)
LING 300 Approaches to Linguistic Analysis (3)
B. The Structure of Language
Choose one course from the following:
ENGL 302 Introduction to Modern Grammar (3)
LING 403 Morphology (3)
LING 404 Syntax (3)
SPAN 497 Comparative Structure of Spanish and English (3)
C. Language Acquisition
Choose one course from the following:
AFRS 395 Bilingualism in the African-American Community (3)
CHS 433 Language Acquisition of the Chicana/o and ESL Speakers (3)
LING 417 Language Development and Acquisition (3)
3. Language and Culture (9 units)
Choose one course from (A), one course from (B) and one course from (C):
A. Language and Culture
Choose one course from the following:
CHS 482 Language of the Barrio (3)
ENGL 405 Language Differences and Language Change (3)
LING 427 Languages in Contact (3)
LING 441 Sociolinguistics (3)
SPAN 401 Language and Culture (3)
B. Cultural Studies
Choose one course from the following:
ANTH 152 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)
ANTH 305 Individual and Culture (3)
ANTH 345 Diversity in the United States (3)
ANTH 360 Immigration and Ethnicity (3)
COMS 356 Intercultural Communication (3)
SOC 305 Culture and Personality (3)
SOC 307 Ethnic Diversity in America (3)
C. Specific Cultures
Choose one course from the following:
AAS 100 Introduction to Asian American Studies (3)
AAS 350 Asian American Personality and Mental Health (3)
AAS 450 Asian American Child and the Schools (3)
ANTH 306 Native Peoples of North America (3)
ANTH 352 Peoples of South America (3)
ARMN 310 Armenian Culture (3)
ARMN 440 Armenian American Child (3)
CAS 100 Introduction to Central American Studies (3)
CAS 311 The Central American Diaspora (3)
CHS 100 Chicana/o Culture (3)
CHS 430 The Chicana/o Child (3)
CHS 431 The Chicana/o Adolescent (3)
CHS 470 Cultural Differences and the Chicana/o (3)
CHS 471 Chicano Families (3)
4. Writing (3 units)
ENGL 406 Advanced Expository Writing for Teachers (3)
Total Units in the Minor: 24
Department of Linguistics/TESL
Chair: Kenneth Luna
Associate Chair: Stephanie Kim
Sierra Tower (ST) 805
(818) 677-3453
Student Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate a basic knowledge of linguistic theory in phonetics, phonology, morphology, and syntax.
- Demonstrate a basic knowledge of TESL theory, practice, methodology, and assessment.
- Demonstrate an understanding of theories of language structure, acquisition, and language in context.
- Demonstrate basic skills to read, analyze, and critically evaluate research, including a high level of critical thinking and problem solving.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between language use and culture.