Program: M.A., Multicultural and Multilingual Education in Secondary Schools
Program Description
The Master of Arts degree in Multicultural and Multilingual Education in Secondary Schools is developed in response to demographic shifts in California public schools toward multicultural and multilingual student populations. This program is for secondary and other educators who work with students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
The Master of Arts degree in Multicultural and Multilingual Education in Secondary Schools is designed to:
- Broaden students’ knowledge of ESL, bilingual and multicultural education.
- Develop leadership skills in ESL, bilingual and multicultural education.
- Develop research skills in ESL, bilingual and multicultural education.
- Develop skills and knowledge in effectively working with students and families of diverse cultural backgrounds.
Program Requirements
A. Requirements for Admission
- Bachelor’s degree or equivalent.
- Experience as a teacher (desirable).
- Teaching credential (may be waived for private school teachers or college instructors).
- Submission of a completed department application, including:
- Two letters of reference.
- A statement of plans and objectives for graduate study.
- Submission of a completed application to CSUN via Cal State Apply.
- Cumulative undergraduate GPA of at least 2.5.
B. Requirements for Classified Status
Must be fulfilled by the end of the first semester of the program.
- Cumulative undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0 or GPA of at least 3.0 for the M.A. program.
- Passing score (8 or higher) on the Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam or score of 3.0 or higher on the GRE Analytical Writing portion.
C. Corequisite
Maintenance of a 3.0 GPA.
D. Degree Requirements
1. Core Courses (21 units)
SED 525BL Bilingual and Bicultural Teaching in Secondary Schools (3)
SED 600 Research in Secondary Education (3)
SED 610MM Educational Issues in Multicultural and Multilingual Classrooms (3)
SED 625ESL Theory and Research in Teaching ESL in Multilingual Classrooms (3)
SED 625MM Theory and Research in Multicultural and Multilingual Education in Secondary Schools (3)
SED 673 Multicultural Students, Families and Communities (3)
SED 690MM Seminar in Multicultural and Multilingual Education (3)
2. Electives (6 units)
Electives are selected from various graduate-level course offerings across the college or University, with the approval of the program advisor. In some cases, preliminary credential program courses may be approved.
3. Culminating Experience (3 units)
SED 697 Directed Comprehensive Studies (3)
or SED 698 Thesis or Graduate Project (3)
Total Units Required for the M.A. Degree: 30
Department of Secondary Education
Chair: Julie Gainsburg
Education (ED) 1208
(818) 677-2580
Graduate Coordinator: Mira Pak
(818) 677-2181
Student Learning Outcomes
- Students read, evaluate, and synthesize educational theory and research in multicultural and multilingual education in order to develop and establish their own conceptualizations of the guiding principles and areas of inquiry of the field.
- Students critically examine their subject knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and pedagogical skills to situate these within the guiding principles of multicultural and multilingual education.
- Students design, conduct, and apply research to promote the principles of multicultural and multilingual education within diverse schools and communities.
- Students demonstrate educational awareness through critical analysis of current discipline-based and general educational issues, and evaluation of how those impact diverse schools, families, and communities.
- Students strive to influence policy and practice that promote the principles of multicultural and multilingual education through advocacy, example, and leadership.