M.A., Educational Therapy
The Master of Arts degree in Educational Therapy is an online program designed to prepare individuals to become Educational Therapy practitioners who are specifically trained to combine educational and therapeutic approaches that address the needs of children, adolescents and adults with learning challenges. Educational therapists provide intensive services to their clients, including creating and implementing …
M.A., Special Education
The Master of Arts degree in Special Education builds upon the competencies developed in the Preliminary Education Specialist and Induction Education Specialist Credential programs. This degree is designed to prepare graduates for positions of leadership, advocacy and scholarship in schools, the community and within the overall profession of special education. Toward this end, faculty members …
M.A., Special Education
Early Childhood Special Education
The Master of Arts degree in Special Education builds upon the competencies developed in the Preliminary Education Specialist and Induction Education Specialist Credential programs. This degree is designed to prepare graduates for positions of leadership, advocacy and scholarship in schools, the community and within the overall profession of special education. Toward this end, faculty members …
M.A., Special Education
Mild/Moderate Disabilities
The Master of Arts degree in Special Education builds upon the competencies developed in the Preliminary Education Specialist and Induction Education Specialist Credential programs. This degree is designed to prepare graduates for positions of leadership, advocacy and scholarship in schools, the community and within the overall profession of special education. Toward this end, faculty members …
M.A., Special Education
Moderate/Severe Disabilities
The Master of Arts degree in Special Education builds upon the competencies developed in the Preliminary Education Specialist and Induction Education Specialist Credential programs. This degree is designed to prepare graduates for positions of leadership, advocacy and scholarship in schools, the community and within the overall profession of special education. Toward this end, faculty members …
Preliminary Education Specialist Credential
Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Authorizes the holder to conduct assessments, provide instruction and special education-related services to individuals with a primary or secondary disability of deaf or hard of hearing, deaf-blind, autism spectrum disorders within the disability area and a hearing loss that manifests itself in conjunction with additional disabilities, including unilateral or bilateral, whether fluctuating, conductive, sensori-neural and/or …
Preliminary Education Specialist Credential
Early Childhood Special Education
Authorizes the holder to conduct assessments, provide instruction and special education-related services to children from birth through pre-kindergarten, with a primary disability of specific learning disabilities, mild/moderate mental retardation, traumatic brain injury, other health impairment, autism spectrum disorders, moderate/severe mental retardation, deaf, blindness, serious emotional disturbance and multiple disabilities in services across the continuum of …
Preliminary Education Specialist Credential
Mild/Moderate Disabilities
Authorizes the holder to conduct assessments, provide instruction and special education-related services to individuals with a primary disability of specific learning disabilities, mild/moderate mental retardation, other health impairment, emotional disturbance and autism spectrum disorders within the disability area in kindergarten and grades 1-12. Classes organized primarily for adults in services across the continuum of program …
Preliminary Education Specialist Credential
Moderate/Severe Disabilities
Authorizes the holder to conduct assessments, provide instruction and special education-related services to individuals with a primary disability of autism, moderate/severe mental cognitive impairment, deaf-blind, emotional disturbance and multiple disabilities in kindergarten and grades 1-12 up to age 22. Classes organized primarily for adults in services across the continuum of program options available. Candidates are …
Single Subject Preliminary Credential
Dual Single Subject/Education Specialist Teaching Credential (Mild/Moderate Disabilities)
Candidates who complete a Single Subject Credential program are specialists in the teaching of a subject area such as English, mathematics, physical education or science and are able to work with students in diverse classroom settings. Candidates meet subject matter competency by completing an approved program specified by the subject area department or by passing …
Teacher Induction Education Specialist Credential
Moderate/Severe Disabilities
The Teacher Induction Education Specialist Credential is a 2-year, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support and professional development beginning in the candidates’ first year of teaching. Candidates complete a 14-unit* program: 6 units in semester one, 1 unit in semesters two and three, and 6 units in semester four. This program is designed for candidates …
Teacher Induction Education Specialist Credential
Mild/Moderate Disabilities
The Teacher Induction Education Specialist Credential is a 2-year, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support and professional development beginning in the candidates’ first year of teaching. Candidates complete a 14-unit* program: 6 units in semester one, 1 unit in semesters two and three, and 6 units in semester four. This program is designed for candidates …
Teacher Induction Education Specialist Credential
Early Childhood Special Education
The Teacher Induction Education Specialist Credential is a 2-year, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support and professional development beginning in the candidates’ first year of teaching. Candidates complete a 14-unit* program: 6 units in semester one, 1 unit in semesters two and three, and 6 units in semester four. This program is designed for candidates …
Teacher Induction Education Specialist Credential
Deaf and Hard of Hearing
The Teacher Induction Education Specialist Credential is a 2-year, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support and professional development beginning in the candidates’ first year of teaching. Candidates complete a 14-unit* program: 6 units in semester one, 1 unit in semesters two and three, and 6 units in semester four. This program is designed for candidates …
Added Authorizations
A holder of a Special Education Credential may add an authorization to add expertise in areas of Special Education that were not part of their original credential authorization. Added Authorizations include: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Emotional Disturbance (ED) and Resource Specialist (RS).
Educational Therapy, Advanced Study Certificate
Advanced Study in Educational Therapy Certificate The Educational Therapy post-M.A. degree certificate program, designed in collaboration with the Association of Educational Therapy (AET), provides M.A. degree students an opportunity to develop expertise and professional skills related to educational therapy. Completion of the certificate program, which includes courses and field experience, leads to the award of …
Transdisciplinary Intervention, Advanced Certificate
Advanced Certificate in Transdisciplinary Intervention A University Certificate designed for post-bachelor’s students with a concentration of 18 units of selected coursework in the Early Childhood Special Education Credential Program. Provides interdisciplinary training to holders of bachelor’s degrees in one of the disciplines involved in providing early intervention services. Contact the department office at (818) 677-2596 …