This is an archive of the 2019-2020 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, Please visit

This is an archive of the 2019-2020 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit


NCOD: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services

Since 1964, the NCOD: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services has served students who are deaf and hard of hearing at the University level. NCOD, internationally recognized for its mainstreamed programs and services, provides an innovative orientation program, communication access services (interpreting, transcription and notetaking), academic advisement, tutoring and select direct communication (sign) classes to students who are deaf or hard of hearing, as well as CSUN faculty and staff.

Each semester, approximately 150 students who are deaf and hard of hearing have access to University classes, co-curricular activities and student-sponsored functions, including the Deaf CSUNians club and various student leadership programs. Student assistantship opportunities are available. To receive services and accommodations through NCOD, students must register with the office.

NCOD was the first postsecondary program in the nation to provide paid sign language interpreters for deaf students. The program has grown to be the largest mainstreaming program in the western United States. NCOD also provides in-service training for service providers through its monthly seminars and Summer Institute.


NCOD: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services
Director: Cathy McLeod
Jeanne M. Chisholm Hall (JC)
(818) 677-2054
VP: (818) 435-6531