Policies and Procedures by Keyword: Undergrad
Academic Leave (Leave of Absence) for Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate students in good standing may take a leave of absence. Though no formal approval is required, it is suggested that students seek academic advisement. To encourage continuing students with satisfactory scholastic performance to return to CSUN following an absence, the University will automatically place qualified resident and nonresident students on a leave of absence if they: …
Academic Reinstatement to the University (Undergraduate)
Reinstatement for Undergraduates After a Third Disqualification Five years from the final day of the semester during which the student received a third disqualification, the student may reapply to the University during the appropriate application filing period. The student must provide evidence that demonstrates acquired skills or achievements that support a successful return to the …
Academic Standing for Undergraduates (Good Standing, Probation and Disqualified Status)
Academic standing is defined by the student’s GPA. The GPA is calculated by dividing the number of grade points earned in courses that assign letter grades by the number of units attempted. Courses in which grades of CR, NC, I and W are assigned are not used in GPA calculation. A student’s academic status takes …
Administrative Action on Prerequisites
Although it is the student’s responsibility to drop classes, the University may withdraw a student within the first three weeks from a course if he or she fails to meet the prerequisite(s) or other requirements as indicated in this Catalog. These prerequisites may include: Completion of prior coursework. Passing of qualifying examinations. Class year standing. Admission …
Administrative Grading Symbols (I, IC, RP, SP, W, WU, CR and NC)
Incomplete (I) The symbol “I” indicates that a portion of required coursework has not been completed and evaluated in the prescribed time period due to unforeseen but fully justified reasons, and that a substantial portion of the course requirement has been completed with a passing grade and that there is still a possibility of earning …
Administrative Graduation Policy (Undergraduate)
Upon review by the Office of Undergraduate Studies, students who accumulate more than 140 earned units may be graduated administratively if they have completed any major, whether or not they have declared that major. Enrollment beyond the 140 units will be restricted to courses required to graduate in the major for which the student has …
Applying for a Bachelor’s Degree and Diploma
Undergraduate Degree Services assists students who apply for their bachelor’s degree and diploma and verifies that all degree requirements have been met. The student’s “Application for Bachelor’s Degree and Diploma” initiates the graduation evaluation process, participation in Commencement and receipt of the diploma. Students may apply for graduation once they have completed 90 units (including work in progress). There …
Attendance (Class Attendance)
Students are expected to attend all class meetings. Students who are absent from the first two meetings of a class that meets more than once a week, or from the first meeting of a class that meets once a week, lose the right to remain on the class roll and must formally withdraw from the class, …
Bachelor’s Degree Requirements
To graduate from CSUN, students must complete all of the following requirements: The applicable General Education program, which includes requirements in American History and U.S. State and Local Government. The requirements for a major. Writing Skills Requirements as listed below. Lower Division Requirement The University requires of all students a 3-unit lower division course in composition. …
Categories of Disqualification (Undergraduate)
Disqualification of Undergraduate Students First Disqualification Any student whose cumulative GPA is below a 1.0 will be disqualified immediately without first being placed on probation. In addition, students who were on probation the previous semester are placed in disqualified status if at the end of the next semester either their cumulative total or CSUN GPA falls …
Credit/No Credit Grading
A grade of CR, indicating passed with credit, is given for work equivalent to “C” or better for undergraduate students and for work equivalent to “B” or better for post-baccalaureate and graduate students. NC, indicating no credit, is given for work equivalent to C-, D+, D, D- or F for undergraduate students and for work …
Dean’s List (Undergraduate)
Students who carry a minimum of 12 graded semester units (CR/NC courses do not apply) and who achieve a GPA of 3.5 or better are awarded Dean’s List standing for that semester. Students whose minimum unit load includes courses from The Tseng College may apply for Dean’s List standing if the Extension courses are required …
Enrolling in Courses with Prerequisites
Students must fulfill a course’s prerequisite(s) prior to enrollment in the course. For further information, see Course Requisites in this Catalog, the Schedule of Classes Registration Guide—Enrollment Requirements or Registration FAQs. Graduate students are not held to prerequisites listed for enrollment in undergraduate-level courses.
Final Examination Policy
In lecture courses, no final examination may be scheduled by an instructor prior to the regularly scheduled time. Any student who finds it impossible to take a final examination on the date scheduled must make arrangements in advance with the instructor either to take the examination at another time prior to the deadline for reporting …
Grading Symbols
Grade Definition Points Dates Used A Outstanding 4.0 1958-present A- 3.7 1987-present B+ 3.3 1987-present B Very Good 3.0 1958-present B- 2.7 1987-present C+ 2.3 1987-present C Average 2.0 1958-present C- 1.7 1987-present D+ 1.3 1987-present D Barely Passing 1.0 1958-present D- 0.7 1987-present F Failure 0.0 1958-present CR Credit 0.0 1967-present NC No Credit …
Honors at Graduation (Undergraduate)
To receive honors at graduation, a student must: Complete a minimum of 30 units of work in letter-graded courses at CSUN. Earn a GPA of 3.50 or above in all work taken at CSUN. Earn a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or above in all units attempted, including transfer units. The following are the categories of honors …
Letter Grading
A-F letter grading: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D- and F. Grades A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D- indicate passing grades; F indicates failure. Faculty define the grading criteria for all courses. Any changes in grading policies should be provided in writing to students before …
Majors and Minors (Policies)
Maximum Number of Majors and Minors A maximum of up to two majors and up to two minors is permitted, provided all work can be completed within 140 units. A major and an honors major in the same program are considered to be a single major. Exceptions to the 140-unit completion rule can be made for CSUN bachelor’s …
Missed Classes While Representing the University in Official Curriculum-Related, University-Approved Activities
When representing the University in official curriculum-related, University-approved activities requires a student to miss classes, faculty are expected to provide, within reason, opportunity to make up any work or exams that are missed. To be eligible for such accommodation, the student is obligated to provide the instructor of the class with written documentation signed by …
Readmission of Previously Disqualified Students (Undergraduate)
Students in disqualified status who are interested in returning to the University for a subsequent semester must reapply to the University. Students in disqualified status seeking readmission must submit: A formal application for readmission through Cal State Apply. Official transcripts of course(s) completed at another college or university during the period in which the student has …
Repeating Courses (Grade Forgiveness) Undergraduate
The University recognizes that undergraduate students may need to repeat one or more courses in order to fulfill degree requirements and/or enhance previously acquired skills. However, students should seek academic advisement before deciding to repeat any course. Students should be aware that other institutions (e.g., medical schools, graduate programs, law schools) might not recognize this repeat …
Schedule Adjustments (Undergraduate)
Students are permitted to change their initial enrollment by following the University’s Adjustment of Schedule procedure. Ordinarily, during the first three weeks of a semester a student may add, drop or change the basis of grading online through myNorthridge Portal and the self-service registration system, using permission numbers, or later by filing a Late Change …
Simultaneous Enrollment in Classes (Time Conflict)
Students may not enroll simultaneously in two or more classes meeting during the same time period. Exceptions to this policy will be permitted only if one of the classes does not meet on a regular basis, such as an independent study or internship that permits independent lab work. Students who meet the acceptable criteria must submit …
Syllabus Policy
To better inform students about the requirements, content, and methodology of the university’s curricula, all faculty teaching classes will distribute a written syllabus to each student in the class and/or post it online no later than the first class meeting. The written syllabus must be readily printable as a single document, and must contain the …
Withdrawals (Undergraduate Policy)
Cancellation of Registration or Withdrawal from the Institution Students who find it necessary to cancel their registration or to withdraw from all classes after enrolling for any academic term are required to follow the university’s official withdrawal procedures. Failure to follow formal university procedures may result in an obligation to pay fees as well as …