This is an archive of the 2019-2020 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, Please visit

This is an archive of the 2019-2020 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit


Probation and Disqualification (Graduate Program Policy)

Academic Probation

Students enrolled in a graduate program (certificate, master’s, or doctoral) will be placed on academic probation at the end of the semester when their cumulative GPA falls below 3.0. Failure to raise their cumulative GPA to 3.0 in the following semester of enrollment will result in disqualification. (Please refer to Grading in the Regulations section of the Catalog to determine grade points assigned per unit value of coursework.)


Students on probation are placed in disqualified status if, at the end of their next semester of enrollment, their cumulative GPA remains below 3.0.

Categories of Disqualification

First Disqualification

Upon a first disqualification, a graduate student who wishes to be considered for readmission to a master’s/doctoral/certificate program must submit the Graduate Reinstatement form for the semester immediately following disqualification notification. First disqualification materials will be emailed to students after final grades are posted. The form should be submitted by students to the graduate coordinator or department chair of the program. The student must then submit the completed form for processing as specified in the letter or reinstatement form the student receives. Students who choose not to file a reinstatement form for the semester following first disqualification will be required to submit a new University application and fee in order to be considered for enrollment in any future semester.

Second Disqualification

Students who are disqualified a second time are not permitted to enroll in CSUN courses through the matriculated enrollment process for a minimum of 3 years after the final day of the semester during which they received the second disqualification. Students who have been disqualified two times may not retake classes for the purpose of raising grades to avoid another disqualification.

Three years from the final day of the semester during which the student received a second disqualification, the student may reapply to the University during the appropriate application filing period. The student must provide evidence to the graduate coordinator or department chair of the program that demonstrates acquired skills or achievements that support a successful return to the University.

Readmission of Disqualified Graduate Students

The student’s cumulative GPA will be analyzed at the time of both first and second disqualification. If it is found to be arithmetically impossible for the disqualified student to bring the cumulative GPA to 3.0 or above within the parameters of the current course repeat policy, the disqualified student will not be readmitted to the University.

Final Disqualification

Students returning from a second disqualification who do not earn a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA by the end of the first semester of reinstatement will receive a final disqualification. Furthermore, students returning from a second disqualification who fail to maintain a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA in every semester following reinstatement will receive a final disqualification. Students receiving a final disqualification will be given no further opportunities for readmission.

A separate policy exists for post-baccalaureate credential students.