Program: Minor in Information Systems
Program Description
The study of Information Systems (IS) bridges all functional areas of today’s organizations. Business professionals need a thorough understanding of IS to be competitive in the job market. Since IS facilitates communications throughout every type of organization, a concentration of study would also be of interest to students majoring in degree programs throughout the University. The Information Systems minor is for (1) students within the David Nazarian College of Business and Economics (except for ISBS or ISIT majors) and (2) students throughout the University who are majoring in programs such as Communications, Geography, Graphic Design, Engineering, Health Science, Kinesiology, Journalism or any other program where a student feels a concentration of Information Systems courses would be useful for his or her career.
This minor is not available to Information Systems majors.
Program Requirements
ACCT 220 Introduction to Financial Accounting (3)
IS 212 Information Systems for Business Users (3)*
IS 312 Systems and Technologies for Managers (3)**
IS 431 Systems Analysis and Design (3)***
IS 435 Business Data Networks and Cybersecurity (3)***
IS 441 Database Management Systems (3)***
IS 451 Enterprise Systems and Project Management (3)†
*IS 212 satisfies the GE Subject Explorations requirement in Lifelong Learning and counts as one of the two courses required for Information Competence (IC).
**IS 312 has prerequisites of ACCT 220 and IS 212.
***IS 431, IS 435 and IS 441 have a prerequisite of IS 312.
†IS 451 has prerequisites of IS 431 and IS 435.
Total Units in the Minor: 21
Department of Accounting and Information Systems
Chair: Rishma Vedd
Associate Chair: David Liu
Bookstein Hall (BB) 3123
(818) 677-2461