This is an archive of the 2020-2021 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2020-2021 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit


Program: B.A., Geography

Geographic Information Science

Program Description

Geography/Geographic Information Science features a strong technical component based on applications of geographic information science (GIS), cartography and remote sensing, along with training in geographical analysis and data presentation.

Social Science Subject Matter Program for the Single Subject Credential

Geography majors who are interested in teaching social studies at the middle school or high school level may combine their major program with the Single Subject Social Science Subject Matter Program to meet requirements for entering a Single Subject Credential Program. View Social Science Subject Matter Program for Secondary School Teachers (.pdf) for more information. The Geography undergraduate advisor also can provide assistance in coordinating the completion of both the major and the subject matter program simultaneously. See also the disclosure statement regarding Programs Leading to Licensure and Credentialing.

Program Requirements

1. Lower Division Courses (6 units)

Foundation Courses

Take the following courses:

GEOG 101A/GEOG 101AL The Physical Environment and Lab (2/1)*
or GEOG 103A/GEOG 103AL Weather and Lab (2/1)**

GEOG 107 Introduction to Human Geography (3)
or GEOG 150 World Geography (3)

*Students in GE Plan R should take GEOG 101 and GEOG 102.
**Students in GE Plan R should take GEOG 103 and GEOG 105.

2. Upper Division Courses (39 units)

a. Gateway Course (3 units)

Take the following:

GEOG 300 The Geographer’s Craft (3)

b. Field Studies (3 units)

Select one course from the following:

GEOG 404A-Z Field Studies in Geography (1-3)

c. Content Courses (6 units)

Select two courses from the following:

GEOG 301 Cultural Geography (3)
GEOG 311 The Atmosphere (3)
GEOG 316 Environmental Geography (3)
GEOG 340 Economic Geography (3)
GEOG 351 Urban Geography (3)
GEOG 364/L Geography of World Ecosystems and Lab (2/1)
GEOG 365/GEOG 365L Geomorphology and Lab (3/1)
GEOG 366 Geography of Environmental Hazards (3)
GEOG 370 Water, Society, and the Environment (3)

d. Method Courses (15 units)

Take the following:

GEOG 206/L Introduction to Geographical Information Science and Lab (2/1)
GEOG 305/L Maps and Graphics and Lab (2/1)
GEOG 306/L Intermediate Geographical Information Science and Lab (2/1)
GEOG 406/L Advanced Geographical Information Science and Lab (2/1)
GEOG 460/L Spatial Analysis and Comparison and Lab (2/1)

e. Application Courses (6 units)

Select two courses from the following:

GEOG 304/L Map and Imagery Interpretation and Lab (2/1)
GEOG 407/L Remote Sensing and Lab (2/1)
GEOG 408A/L Human/Cultural Applications in GIS and Lab (2/1)
GEOG 408B/L Environmental/Physical Applications in GIS and Lab (2/1)
GEOG 408C/L Geospatial Project Management and Lab (2/1)
GEOG 408D/L Spatial Database Management and Lab (2/1)
GEOG 408E/L GIS Automation and Customization and Lab (1/2)
GEOG 408F/L WebGIS and Lab (2/1)
GEOG 408G/L GIS and Decision Making and Lab (2/1)
GEOG 408H/L GIS in Water Resource Management and Lab (2/1)
GEOG 409/L Digital Cartography and Lab (2/1)
GEOG 494 Internship (3)*
GEOG 497A-F Senior Seminar in Geography (3)*

*Must be GIS/Cartography/Remote Sensing topic.

f. Capstone Course (3 units)

Take the following:

GEOG 490 Senior Project (3)

g. Elective Course (3 units)

Take one additional upper division (300- or 400-level) Geography course.

3. General Education (48 units)

Undergraduate students must complete 48 units of General Education as described in this Catalog.
6 units are satisfied by the following courses in the major: GEOG 101A or GEOG 103A satisfies B1 Physical Science; GEOG 101AL or GEOG 103AL satisfies B3 Science Laboratory Activity; and GEOG 107 or GEOG 150 satisfies 3 units of D1 Social Sciences.

If taken, GEOG 311, GEOG 316, GEOG 365 or GEOG 366 satisfies B5 Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning; GEOG 301, GEOG 351 or GEOG 370 satisfies 3 units of upper division D1 Social Sciences; and GEOG 206/L satisfies E Lifelong Learning. (GEOG 206/L or GEOG 365 also fulfills the Information Competence requirement.)

Total Units in the Major/Option: 45

General Education Units: 42

Additional Units: 33

Total Units Required for the B.A. Degree: 120


Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
Chair: Edward Jackiewicz
Sierra Hall (SH) 150
(818) 677-3532

Student Learning Outcomes

Students will demonstrate:

  1. A foundation of knowledge characteristic of the learned individual.
  2. Skills necessary to effectively acquire and synthesize new facts in a fashion characteristic of lifelong learners.
  3. Abilities as effective evaluators and critical analyzers of information and ideas; creatively and/or productively apply analytical skill to a problem or an argument.
  4. Ability to communicate effectively using textual, oral, graphic or numeric media.
  5. Productive civic and global citizenship, and awareness of and respect for human diversity.