Mission Statement
The Department of Urban Studies and Planning prepares students, at both the undergraduate and graduate level, for professional careers in urban studies and planning. It provides a broad-based educational experience, set in the context of the social sciences that develops informed, thoughtful and able individuals who are prepared to contribute to society. The department faculty supports the mission through teaching, research and publication, community outreach and University service.
Academic Advisement
The department requires that all majors be advised in person each semester. Transfer students who want to major in urban studies and planning should seek departmental advising prior to enrolling in classes for their first semester. This is essential for all students, but it is especially so if a student wants to pursue a double major or prepare for specific job opportunities. Students must call the department office at (818) 677-2904 to make an advisement appointment.
The Department of Urban Studies and Planning provides professional training that prepares majors for careers in such fields as urban and regional planning, community development, environmental analysis, public administration and resource management. Please see the department’s webpage for more information on internship and career opportunities in urban studies and planning.
Clubs and Societies
Students with interests in urban studies and planning have established the Urban Planning Students of Northridge (UPSN), which engages in a range of activities each academic year. For more information about joining UPSN and participating in its activities, contact urbanplanners.csun@gmail.com or visit the UPSN webpage.
International Studies
The Department of Urban Studies and Planning supports the concept of international education and encourages students to investigate opportunities of overseas study. The department supports campuswide initiatives to increase international learning opportunities and offers Independent Studies courses that entail field trips abroad. Certain courses taken at CSU International Program Study Centers in foreign countries are equivalent to courses in Urban Studies and Planning, and they may be used to fulfill some of the requirements for the degree and/or General Education requirements. Students should consult with the Department of Urban Studies and Planning, the International Programs Bulletin available in the International and Exchange Student Center, a program advisor or the campus International Programs advisor for information.
Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Chair: Robert B. Kent
Sierra Hall (SH) 220
(818) 677-2904