MSE 101/L. Introduction to Engineering and Lab (1/1)
Corequisite: MSE 101L. Introduction to the engineering profession and academic programs. Orientation to the University, the College and its Departments. Development of study, communication, problem-solving, design, analytical and computing skills. Introduction to Internet, word processing, spread sheet, computer-aided design and presentation software. Design project development and team experience. 1 hour lecture-discussion, 3 hours lab per week. (Design units: 0.5)
MSE 196A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Manufacturing Systems Engineering (1-4)
Course content to be determined.
MSE 220/L. Construction Materials and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisites: PHYS 100A and PHYS 100AL. Corequisite: MSE 220L. Introduction to basic construction materials and their properties, including concrete, masonry, metals, woods and thermal materials. Introduction to finishes, equipment, and specialty items. Not available for credit toward an Engineering degree. 2 hours lecture-discussion, 3 hours technical activity-lab per week.
MSE 227. Engineering Materials (3)
Prerequisites: MATH 150A, CHEM 101, CHEM 101L, PHYS 220A, PHYS 220AL. Introductory course in engineering materials, including metals, ceramics, polymers and composites. Study of atomic and crystalline structures of materials. Application of basic principles to study of mechanical, physical and chemical behavior of materials. Selection of materials in engineering applications based on above criteria. Design project on materials properties, selection or application. 3 hours lecture per week.
MSE 227L. Engineering Materials Lab (1)
Prerequisites: MATH 150A, CHEM 101, CHEM 101L, PHYS 220A, PHYS 220AL. Corequisite: MSE 227. Introductory lab course in engineering materials and their properties. Includes experiments in mechanical properties, heat treatment, metallography, corrosion properties and X-ray diffraction. Course culminates in a special project in which students identify, design and perform an experiment of their choosing. One 3-hour lab per week.
MSE 248/L. Engineering CAD and Graphics and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisite: MATH 250. Corequisite: MSE 248L. Development of concepts and skills in engineering graphics and computer-aided design (CAD). Reading, interpretation and preparation of working drawings; dimensioning and tolerances; and interpretation of blueprints. Orthographic and isometric representations; auxiliary and sectional views. 3-dimensional solid modeling. Application of CAD graphics in the design and development of an assembly. 2 hours lecture-discussion, 3 hours lab per week. (Design units: 1.0) (May be used in General Education, E Lifelong Learning if required by students major.)
MSE 296A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Manufacturing Systems Engineering (1-4)
Experimental Topics
MSE 300. Construction Technology Economy (3)
Prerequisites: ACCT 220; BLAW 280; ECON 160. Applications of engineering economy and capital investment analyses for construction management technology. Evaluation of project cash flows incorporating effective interest rates, inflation, price and wage rate changes, and uncertainty and risk. Considerations of national fiscal and monetary policy impact on project planning and analysis. Not available for credit toward an Engineering Degree. 3 hours lecture-discussion per week. (Available for General Education, D1 Social Sciences if required by a student’s major.)
MSE 302. Women in Mathematics, Science and Engineering (3)
Prerequisite: Completion of the lower division writing requirement. Exploration of the activities, contributions, and struggles of women in mathematics, science, engineering and related areas and professions, such as computer science. Research on individual women engaged in these fields. Investigation of different international, ethnic and culture-based practices and perspectives. Consideration of policy-related issues and intervention strategies addressing the participation and achievement of women in pertinent areas of study. (Available for General Education, F Comparative Cultural Studies.) (IC)
MSE 303. Innovation, Invention and Technology (3)
Prerequisite: Completion of lower division writing requirement. Course includes exploration of the history, processes, methods, and models of technological innovations and inventions. This includes evaluations of global contributions, creator diversity and technological failures. Critical assessments of technological innovation and invention, include evaluation of and drawing conclusions of whether the innovation is feasible or not. Not available for credit toward an Engineering degree. (Available for General Education, B5 Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning or E Lifelong Learning.) (IC)
MSE 304. Engineering Economic Analysis (3)
Prerequisites: MATH 150B; Completion of the lower division writing requirement. Systematic evaluation of the economic benefits and costs of projects involving engineering design and analysis. Economic decision making in an environment of limited resources and uncertainty. Present economy, the economy of multi-year projects, selection among competing independent alternatives, sensitivity of outcomes to input parameters, before and after tax analyses, replacement economy, inflation and breakeven analysis in production environments are discussed. (Design units: 0.5) (Available for General Education, D1 Social Sciences if required by a student’s major.)
MSE 362. Engineering Statistical Applications (3)
Prerequisite: MATH 250. Development and application of probabilistic and statistical methods for selected classes of engineering design and analysis problems. Applications to product and structural design, engineering experiments and processes, and the reliability of engineering systems.
MSE 396A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Manufacturing Systems Engineering (1-4)
Course content to be determined.
MSE 401. Introduction to Engineering and Technology Management (3)
Recommended Preparatory: MSE 304, MSE 362. An introduction to the roles of the engineer in managing engineering and technology activities. Responsibilities of engineering and technology managers, and transitioning into these roles. Challenges and risks in engineering and technology management. Available for graduate credit.
MSE 402. Engineering Project Management (3)
Prerequisite: MSE 362 or equivalent. The engineering project management process, from the feasibility stage through project close out. Topics include project initiation, project screening and selection, organizational and project structure, time and cost estimation, budgeting, developing work plans, scheduling resources, managing risk, tracking work, managing teams, partnership projects and close out. Students learn to use appropriate software to assist with the project-management process. Available for graduate credit. (Design units: 0.5)
MSE 403CS. Facilities Planning and Design (3)
Prerequisite: MSE 248/L or equivalent, or graduate status. Basic concepts in the planning and design of manufacturing facilities, product analysis, manufacturing processes and equipment selection, and schedule design; flow, space, activity relationships and space planning; location and layout; material handling systems; and facilities planning models. Offers a community service opportunity with activities relating to concepts and theories presented. Available for graduate credit. (Design units: 1.5)
MSE 406. Engineering Cost Analysis (3)
Prerequisites: MSE 304, MSE 362. Principles of cost analysis and estimating for the evaluation of engineering design and production, with emphasis on evaluating innovations and inventions. Case studies and practical application experiences. Available for graduate credit.
MSE 407. Manufacturing Systems (3)
Prerequisites: MSE 248/L. Principles, practices and methodologies of manufacturing systems. Effective design and implementation of manufacturing operations, production, control, quality and automated systems. Available for graduate credit.
MSE 409/L. Fundamentals of Computer-Aided Manufacturing and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisites: MSE 248/L or equivalent, or graduate status. Corequisite: MSE 409L. Topics in computer-aided manufacturing (CAM). Fixed, programmable and flexible automation; numerical control technology; manual NC programming; post-processing; graphical NC programming; and NC programming with CAD/CAM systems. Selection and design of tooling. Available for graduate credit. 2 hours lecture-discussion, 3 hours of lab per week. (Design units: 1.5)
MSE 410/L. Production Systems Modeling and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisites: MSE 248/L. Design and analysis of production systems. Fixed, flexible, and programmable automation. Modeling and simulation of alternative production systems in conjunction with the systems-design process. Available for graduate credit. 2 hours lecture-discussion, 3 hours lab per week.
MSE 412/L. Manufacturing Process and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisites: MSE 227, MSE 227L, MSE 248/L; CE 240. Corequisite: MSE 412L. Manufacturing processes for cost-effective, high-quality production. Consideration of technical capabilities and limitations of alternative methods. Includes forming, removal, casting, joining, heat treating, molding, finishing and coating. Course project required. Laboratory experiments include heat treating, deep drawing, powder metallurgy, casting, injection molding, fabricating composites, friction coefficients analysis and milled surface evaluation. Available for graduate credit. 2 hours lecture-recitation, 3 hours lab per week. (Design units: 1.5)
MSE 415. Product Design (3)
Prerequisites: MSE 227/L and MSE 248/L. Engineering principles and practices of product design, applications of process design for manufacturing engineering, and approaches to design for manufacture (DFM) and design for assembly (DFA). Available for graduate credit.
MSE 420. New Product Innovation and Technical Entrepreneurship for Engineers (3)
Prerequisite: MSE 304 or instructor’s consent; Recommended Preparatory: MSE 406. This course will focus on the skills needed by engineers related to new product development. This will include students’ understanding of creativity and innovation as well as understanding customer needs and wants. The course will also focus on product design as well as entrepreneurship tools such as design thinking and the Business Model Canvas. Available for graduate credit with approval of the graduate coordinator.
MSE 488A. MSEM Senior Design I (2)
Prerequisites for Manufacturing Systems Engineering majors: MSE 402, MSE 407, MSE 409/L and MSE 412/L and passing score on UDWPE. Prerequisites for Engineering Management majors: MSE 402, MSE 407 and passing score on UDWPE; Corequisite: MSE 420. Student teams engage in complex engineering design projects subject to multiple realistic constraints. Economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, sustainability and other relevant factors are addressed. Formal design reviews demonstrating written and oral communication skills are required. MSE 488A and MSE 488BCS must be completed during the same academic year. 6 hours of lab per week. Not available for graduate degree program credit.
MSE 488BCS. MSEM Senior Design II (2)
Prerequisite: MSE 488A. Continuation of MSE 488A. Includes a community service opportunity with activities relating to concepts and theories presented. MSE 488A and 488BCS must be completed during the same academic year. 6 hours of lab per week. Not available for graduate degree program credit. (Offered Spring semester.) (Design units: 2.0)
MSE 494A-C. Academic Internship (1-3)
Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing in a major in the Department of Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Management, prior approval of the department chair, and in good standing as a matriculated student. Supervised practical professional experience relevant to the field of study in approved public or private organizations. Learning contracts and written reports required. Students may earn up to 3 units credit per semester and up to 3 units total for program elective credit. Available for graduate credit. (Credit/No Credit only).
MSE 496A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Manufacturing Systems Engineering (1-4)
Experimental Topics
MSE 499A-C. Independent Study (1-3)
Prerequisites: Senior or graduate standing in Manufacturing Systems Engineering; Written approvals of the faculty sponsor and the department chair. Admission is based on evidence of ability to pursue independent study in depth and on approval of a proposal submitted prior to registration in the course. (Design units: Varies)
MSE 504. Engineering Management (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Principles and applications for effective management of technology projects, people, budgets and schedules. Organizing and motivating people, and controlling activities. Managing research, development, design, marketing and production functions in engineering and technology. Ethical considerations in engineering and technology management. (Design units: 0.5)
MSE 505. Engineering Decision Analysis (3)
Preparatory: MSE 362 or equivalent. Introduction to decision- and risk-analysis methods in the context of engineering. Organizing frameworks for the synthesis, analysis and evaluation of complex unstructured engineering problems and situations. (Design units: 1.0)
MSE 507. Lean Manufacturing Systems (3)
Prerequisite: MSE 407 or instructor consent. Concepts and principles of lean manufacturing systems. Methods and tools for application to manufacturing systems improvement. Practices and projects for effective design and implementation of lean manufacturing operation, production, control and quality systems.
MSE 508/L. CAD/CAM Systems and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Corequisite: MSE 508L. Concepts and applications of computer-aided design and manufacturing systems. 3-dimensional geometric modeling, surface and solid modeling, and finite element modeling and analysis. Data exchange standards. Survey and evaluation of commercial CAD/CAM systems. Computer integrated manufacturing and management systems, and e-factory implementation. Emphasis on advanced modeling tools and applications. 2 hours lecture-discussion, 3 hours lab per week. (Design units: 1.0)
MSE 509. Computer-Aided Manufacturing Systems (3)
Prerequisite: MSE 409/L or equivalent. Introduction to the design of computer-aided manufacturing systems. Concepts and principles of computer-aided manufacturing programming language development. Methods, tools, practices and projects for design and implementation of computer-aided manufacturing systems.
MSE 511/L. Robotics with Applications and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Corequisite: MSE 511L. Fundamentals of robotics and robot applications. Topics include control system components, end effectors, sensors, programming, robotic cell design and programmable automation. 2 hours lecture-discussion, 3 hours of lab per week. (Design units: 2.0)
MSE 512. Fundamentals of MEMS Fabrication (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Introduction to MEMS technology. Working principles of microsystems, engineering science for microsystem design and fabrication, materials for MEMS and microsystems, fabrication processes, micromanufacturing, packaging, CAD for MEMS design and assembly, and CIM integration for fabrication.
MSE 513. NDE Methods and Analyses (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Study of the methods of measuring quality in manufacturing products, including metrology and non-destructive evaluation (NDE) methods; radiographic, ultrasonic, surface examination; and acoustic emission. The capability limitations and economics of the methods of gathering and interpreting data for measurement of quality. Reliability engineering topics introduced. (Design units: 1.5)
MSE 515. Engineering Supply Chain Systems (3)
Prerequisite: MSE 304 or equivalent, or instructor’s consent. Supply chain design and distribution networks for engineers, information, coordination and communication, sourcing, pricing and promotion, supplier qualification in a global environment.
MSE 516/L. CAD/CAM Advanced Tools and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Corequisite: MSE 516L. Advanced approaches to 2- and 3-dimensional computer-aided design and manufacturing. Part and assembly design, stress and mock-up using such advanced tools as CATIA. Design projects and applications. 2 hours lecture-discussion, 3 hours lab per week.
MSE 517. CAD/CAM Advanced Applications and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisites: MSE 516/L or instructor consent. Corequisite: MSE 517L. Examination and employment of advanced CAD/CAM tools throughout the product manufacturing life cycle. Applications to product and fabrication sequences modeling, and to the evaluation of product behavior during automated processes and assembly operations in the production system. 2 hours lecture-discussion, 3 hours lab per week.
MSE 523. Composite Materials (3)
Prerequisites: Undergraduate course in strength of materials and instructor consent. Introduction to composite materials. Analysis of composite properties (structural, thermal, electrical, etc.), micro- and macro-mechanics; models for describing composite properties. Composite manufacturing methods. Environmental and manufacturing effects on composites. Methods of composite testing.
MSE 527/L. Mechanical Behavior of Materials and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Corequisite: 527L. Relationships between mechanical behavior and materials structure. Elements of creep and fracture of metals, ceramics and composites. Introduction to linear-elastic fracture mechanics and its application to design and environmentally-assisted cracking lab methods for evaluating structural property relationships; fracture toughness measurements; and engineering applications to the design of structures and pressure vessels. Fatigue analysis and failure analysis methods. 2 hours lecture-discussion, 3 hours lab per week. (Design units: 1.0)
MSE 528/L. Principles of Materials Engineering and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Corequisite: MSE 528L. Study of the principles governing the selection, treatment and use of metals and alloys. Introduction to crystal structures, their imperfections and the effect on diffusion, and phase transformations. The application of thermodynamic laws to metallic alloys; solid solutions; alloying and solubility in solids; and metal/metal, metal/liquid and metal/gas interactions. 2 hours of lecture-discussion, 3 hours of lab per week. (Design units: 1.0)
MSE 531. Corrosion (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Corrosion and oxidation, thermodynamics of corrosion, electrochemical fundamentals, aqueous corrosion, oxidation, kinetics of corrosion, corrosion rates, corrosion mechanisms, Wagner Theory of Oxidation and corrosion prevention are examined. (Design units: 0.5)
MSE 536. Introduction to Advanced Biomaterials (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. The interaction between the human body environment and synthetic materials, including materials for medical implants and for dental restoration and appliances is explored. Tissue engineering, biosensing, imaging and drug delivery interact directly with biomaterials. Consideration of new technologies that depend on overcoming present material limits, and improving material/biological environment interactions.
MSE 540. Sustainability for Engineers (3)
Prerequisite: MSE 602 or MSE 303. Exploration of concepts to think innovatively about achieving sustainability in the engineering domain by introducing the three aspects of sustainability, namely, economic, environmental and social. The course also includes identification and understanding of best practices and development of sustainability models for engineers.
MSE 550. Thin Film Technology (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. The basic processes for the deposition of films and coatings. Physical vapor deposition (PVD); evaporation, sputtering and ion plating, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition (PACVD); electrodeposition and electroless plating. Thermal spraying, plasma spraying and detonation gun technologies. The scientific background, basic processes, as well as relationships and applications of each process will be discussed. (Design units: 0.5)
MSE 556. Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Introduction to nanotechnology and types nanomaterials that have been synthesized for applications in nanotechnology (mechanics, electronics, optoelectronics, energy and biomedical sciences). Illustration of the novel synthesis methods of various nanomaterials.
MSE 595A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Manufacturing Systems Engineering (1-4)
Experimental Topics
MSE 600. Decision Tools for Engineering Managers (3)
Prerequisite: Admission into graduate program. Identification and formulation of engineering management problems with alternative approaches to modeling and analysis. Students will undertake data collection and utilize appropriate tools in statistics, forecasting, optimization, and simulation to make and analyze decisions in engineering-management. Focuses on formal quantitative modeling with strong recognition of the behavioral and political contexts of decision making in complex organizations.
MSE 601A. Engineering Statistics I (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Comprehensive statistical estimation, design and hypothesis testing methods, and their application to selected problems in engineering.
MSE 602. Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Engineering Professionals (3)
This course will assist engineers as well as engineering managers working in high tech organizations obtain an in-depth understanding of what entrepreneurship is, how to manage an entrepreneurial project in the high tech environment and will relate how innovation is the key aspect of being a successful entrepreneur. This course will also cover an analysis of why engineers and other tech personnel should understand how innovation is a key aspect of the value proposition in high tech organizations which will include writing a real business plan using latest software.
MSE 603. Computer Integrated Manufacturing (3)
Prerequisites: MSE 508/L or instructor consent. The integration of CAD/CAM, information management and communication technologies in manufacturing environments. Provides advanced instruction in design and implementation of integrated CAD/CAM, robotics and flexible manufacturing systems, with particular attention toward bridging information gaps. Topics include analysis of product definition processes, communication in manufacturing environments, technological and organization requisites for CIM, manufacturing requirements planning, just-in-time manufacturing and future directions for factory automation.
MSE 604. Engineering Economy and Financial Analysis (3)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Evaluation of economic feasibility from an engineering perspective. Application of various methods of comparing alternatives on an economic basis. Implications of depreciation, inflation, currency exchange rates and taxation on the profitability of engineering projects. Reviewing the basics of cost estimation and accounting. Development of income statement, cash flow statement and balance sheet for engineering projects. Other applications in corporate financial decision making are briefly covered.
MSE 606. Production and Operations Management for Engineers (3)
This course explores a wide variety of production and operations management topics including managing operations related to production planning processes, manufacturing, and service organizations.
MSE 606A. Engineering Operations Management (3)
Systems methodology and mathematical bases in industry and service organizations. Selected approaches in optimization methods, such as linear programming and multi-criteria decision making tools; inventory modeling; logistics; decision analysis as well as PERT/CPM methods. Emphasis will be placed on applying the tools and the economic interpretation of results.
MSE 608A. Seminar in International Engineering Management (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Advanced studies of topics relevant to international problems in the field of engineering management. The course consists in part of an intensive study of selected papers from current literature.
MSE 608B. Leadership of Engineering Professionals and High-Tech Firms (3)
Prerequisite: Admission to the program. Advanced study of the leadership attributes, skills, theories, and concepts required for high-tech
companies in today’s rapidly changing workplace. Study of special considerations in the management of engineering professionals, including selection, performance, termination and conflict situations.
MSE 608C. Engineering Financial and Cost Analysis (3)
Recommended Preparatory: MSE 604 or equivalent. Fundamental concepts and methods of engineering financial cost analysis. Understanding the relevance of financial and managerial accounting to the effective management of engineering and technology projects.
MSE 609. Advanced Topics in CAD/CAM (3)
Recommended Preparatory: MSE 508/L or equivalent. Areas of current interest in computer-aided design and manufacturing. Topics include computer graphics software and hardware, mathematical bases of geometric modeling, simultaneous engineering, manufacturability analysis, feature-based processing and database management for manufacturing environments.
MSE 611. Robotics and Programmable Automation (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Recommended Preparatory: MSE 511/L. Introduction to the design of programmable automation with robotic applications. Concepts, principles and applications of programmable automation in manufacturing environments. Methods, tools, practices and projects for design and implementation of programmable automation systems.
MSE 612. Seminar in Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Advanced studies of topics of current interest in advanced manufacturing technologies. The course consists in part of an intensive study of selected papers from current literature.
MSE 614. Intelligent Manufacturing (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Software and methodologies for integrating intelligence into manufacturing, such as artificial intelligence and expert systems, fuzzy logic, agent software, case-based reasoning, feature-recognition, intelligent maintenance and monitoring. Methods of capturing expertise and knowledge for developing intelligent systems. Development of knowledge-based systems. Understanding examples of intelligent manufacturing available in industry.
MSE 617. Seminar in Quality Management (3)
Comprehensive overview of quality management concepts needed by engineering managers. Information covered will include the application of relevant engineering-related case studies that allow students working in high tech organizations to understand and apply quality management theory to the contemporary engineering or related projects carried high-tech firm. Additionally, students will design surveys, with a focus on the voice of customer and they will learn to implement quality management tools such as Quality Function Deployment (QFD), which are increasingly required in engineering and high-tech firms.
MSE 618. Six Sigma Quality Engineering (3)
Overview and evolution of continuous improvement methodologies. Comparison of product-related and process-related Six Sigma methodologies. Integration of operating philosophies, applied statistics and project management in continuous improvement deployment. Phases of Six Sigma methodology and application of computing technologies to quality engineering projects. Advanced topics in Six Sigma continuous improvement design.
MSE 624. Failure Analysis (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Modes, mechanisms, models and theories of materials failures. Environmental-assisted cracking and fatigue of materials. Analyses of engineering failures. Emphasis is placed on the development and formulation of approaches to materials selection based on probable failure modes.
MSE 629. Phase Transformations (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Thermodynamics of phase transformations, kinetics of reactions, diffusion, crystal growth, solidification, recovery, recrystallization and grain growth, solid state phase transformation, and diffusional and martensitic transformations.
MSE 630. Electronic Materials (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Electrical behaviors of materials; conductors, semiconductors and insulators; electronic structure of materials; preparation of semiconductor materials; crystal growth and doping; intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors; semiconductor devices; superconductivity and superconducting materials; photoelectron effects with semiconductors; photovoltaic materials and solar cells; imperfections in semiconductors; and characterization of electronic materials.
MSE 690. Materials Engineering Research Practicum (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Applications of advanced materials and processes, engineering laboratory research techniques and methodologies to studies of current interest, such as nanotechnology, MEMS, sensors, smart materials, microelectronics, optoelectronics, bio-materials and environmentally-assisted cracking of advanced materials.
MSE 691. Automated Systems Practicum (3)
Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Application of advanced engineering principles to automated systems. Research and methodologies of current interest, such as intelligent manufacturing, modern manufacturing automation, automated systems management, automated assembly and disassembly, and the factory of the future.
MSE 692. Engineering Management Research Practicum (3)
Prerequisites: Completion of at least 18 units in formal program of study with GPA of at least 3.75; Classified status; Instructor consent. Application of advanced concepts of current interest in engineering management to research and implementation in technology-based environments, such as analytical methods, production systems, technical personnel, innovation and cost analyses.
MSE 695A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Manufacturing Systems Engineering (1-4)
Course content to be determined.
MSE 697MFS. Manufacturing Systems Directed Comprehensive Studies (3)
Preparatory: Classified status in M.S. Manufacturing Systems Engineering Program; Satisfactory completion of at least 24 semester units in formal program of study; Supervising faculty advisor and graduate coordinator permission. Preparation for and completion of written and oral comprehensive culminating experience requirement for the Master of Science in Manufacturing Systems Engineering degree. (Credit/No Credit only)
MSE 697MGT. Engineering Management Directed Comprehensive Studies (3)
Preparatory: Classified status in M.S. Engineering Management; Satisfactory completion of at least 27 semester units in formal program of study; Supervising faculty advisor and graduate coordinator permission. Preparation for and completion of written comprehensive case studies culminating experience requirement for the Master of Science in Engineering Management degree. (Credit/No Credit only)
MSE 697MTL. Materials Engineering Comprehensive Directed Studies (3)
Preparatory: MSE 690; Classified status in M.S. Materials Engineering Program; Permission from supervising faculty advisor and Department Graduate Coordinator. Preparation for and completion of written comprehensive examination culminating experience requirement for the Master of Science in Materials Engineering Degree. (Credit/No Credit only)
MSE 698D. Engineering Management Graduate Project (3)
Prerequisites: Consent of Instructor. The student will chose a project that provides them an opportunity to apply the skills learned in the EM program. The project may be defined by the faculty or proposed by the student and approved by the faculty. (Credit/No Credit only)
MSE 699A-C. Independent Study (1-3)
Prerequisites: Classified status in M.S. degree program; Witten approvals from faculty sponsor and department graduate coordinator or department chair. Admission is based in part on evidence of the ability to pursue independent study or research in-depth and approval of a proposal submitted prior to the time of registration.