The complete list of General Education courses is found below.
*If required in major.
A2 - Written Communication (19)
AAS 113B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
AAS 114B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
AAS 115. Approaches to University Writing (3)
AFRS 113B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
AFRS 114B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
AFRS 115. Approaches to University Writing (3)
CAS 113B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
CAS 114B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
CAS 115. Approaches to University Writing (3)
CHS 113B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
CHS 114B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
CHS 115. Approaches to University Writing (3)
ENGL 113B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
ENGL 114B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
ENGL 115. Approaches to University Writing (3)
LING 113B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
QS 113B. Approaches to University Writing B (3)
A3 - Critical Thinking (11)
AAS 201. Race, Racism and Critical Thinking (3)
AFRS 204. Race and Critical Thinking (3)
CHS 202. Race, Racism and Critical Thinking (3)
COMS 225/L. Argumentation and Lab (2/1)
ENGL 215. Critical Thinking About Research Writing (3)
PHIL 200. Critical Reasoning (3)
PHIL 210. Reasoning in the Sciences (3)
PHIL 225. Evolutionary Reasoning (3)
B1 - Physical Science (25)
ASTR 152. Elementary Astronomy (3)
ASTR 154. Elementary Astronomy (2)
CHEM 100. Principles of Chemistry (3)
CHEM 101. General Chemistry I (4)
CHEM 102. General Chemistry II (4)
CHEM 103. Introductory Chemistry I (3)
CHEM 104. Introductory Chemistry II (3)
CHEM 110. Chemistry in Action (3)
GEOG 101. The Physical Environment (3)
GEOG 101A. The Physical Environment (2)
GEOG 111. Understanding Climate Change (3)
GEOL 101. Geology of Planet Earth (3)
GEOL 107. Geology Goes Hollywood (2)
GEOL 110. The Fossil Record of Ancient Life on Earth (3)
GEOL 113. Earth and Life Through Time (2)
GEOL 117. Geological Disasters (2)
PHYS 100A. General Physics I (3)
PHYS 100B. General Physics II (3)
PHYS 220B. Electricity and Magnetism (3)
B2 - Life Science (9)
B3 - Science Laboratory Activity (27)
ASTR 154L. Observational Astronomy Lab (1)
BIOL 100L. Introductory Biology Lab (1)
BIOL 101L. General Biology Lab (1)
BIOL 106L. Biological Principles I Lab (1)*
BIOL 107L. Biological Principles II Lab (1)*
BIOL 218L. Microbes and People Lab (1)
BIOL 292L. Field Studies in Biology – Wild SoCal (1)
CHEM 100L. Principles of Chemistry Lab (1)
CHEM 101L. General Chemistry I Lab (1)
CHEM 102L. General Chemistry II Lab (1)
CHEM 103L. Introductory Chemistry I Lab (1)
CHEM 104L. Introductory Chemistry II Lab (1)
CHEM 110L. Chemistry in Action Lab (1)
GEOG 101AL. The Physical Environment Lab (1)
GEOG 111L. Understanding Climate Change Lab (1)
GEOL 102. Geology of Planet Earth Lab (1)
GEOL 107L. Geology Goes Hollywood Lab (1)
GEOL 112. Earth and Life Through Time Lab (1)
GEOL 117L. Geological Disasters Lab (1)
PHYS 100AL. General Physics I Lab (1)
PHYS 100BL. General Physics II Lab (1)
PHYS 220BL. Electricity and Magnetism Lab (1)
B4 - Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning (12)
COMP 102/L. Programming for Data Applications and Lab (2/1)
MATH 103. Mathematical Methods for Business (3)
MATH 106. Mathematical Foundations for Non-Calculus Physics (5)
MATH 131. Mathematical Ideas (3)
MATH 140. Introductory Statistics (4)
MATH 140BUS. Introductory Statistics for Business (4)
MATH 140SCI. Introductory Statistics for STEM (4)
B5 - Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (37)
ANTH 341. Bones: An Introduction to the Study of Human Remains (3)
ASTR 352. Current Developments in Astronomy (3)
BIOL 306. In the Light of Evolution (3)
BIOL 323. Plants and Animals of Southern California (3)
BIOL 324. The World of the Dinosaurs (3)
BIOL 327. Ecology and People (3)
BIOL 341. Human Pregnancy and Embryology (3)
BIOL 362. Genetics and Society (3)
BIOL 366. Biology of Disease (3)
BIOL 375. Emerging Issues in Regenerative Medicine (3)
CM 336/L. Fundamentals of Green Buildings and Lab (2/1)
EOH 353. Global Perspectives of Environmental Health (3)
FCS 315. Issues in Housing (3)
FCS 323. Family and Individual Money Management (3)
FCS 324. Consumer Rights, Issues, and Problems (3)
GEH 333. Interdisciplinary Inquiries: Ways of Knowing (3)
GEOG 316. Environmental Geography (3)
GEOG 366. Geography of Environmental Hazards (3)
GEOL 300. Environmental Geology (3)
GEOL 324. The World of the Dinosaurs (3)
GEOL 344. California Geology (3)
HSCI 336. Health Aspects of Drug Use (3)
HSCI 337. Nutrition and Health (3)
HSCI 345. Public Health Issues (3)
KIN 309. Science and Technology in Sports (3)
LING 303. Human Language: Defining Our Biological Identity (3)
LING 310. Forensic Linguistics: Language and the Law (3)
MATH 331. Mathematical Explorations (3)
MSE 303. Innovation, Invention and Technology (3)
PHYS 305. Physics of Music (3)
PHYS 331. Physics of Sports (3)
C1 - Arts (35)
AFRS 246. Introduction to African-American Drama (3)
AFRS 280. Workshop in Creative Writing for Minority Students (3)
ANTH 232. Expressive Culture (3)
ART 100/L. Introduction to Art Processes and Lab (1/2)
ART 110. World Arts: The Western Tradition (3)
ART 140. Beginning Two-Dimensional Design (3)
ART 141. Beginning Three-Dimensional Design (3)
ART 305. Art and Mass Culture (3)
CHS 111. The Chicana/o and the Arts (3)
CHS 310. Regional Music of Mexico (3)
COMS 104/L. Literature in Performance and Lab (2/1)
CTVA 210. Television-Film Aesthetics (3)
CTVA 309. Film as Literature (3)
ENGL 208. Creative Writing (3)
FLIT 151. Introduction to Modern Chinese Culture and Literature (3)
FLIT 250. Traditional Culture of Japan (3)
HUM 101. Forms and Ideas in Humanities (3)
HUM 105. Cultural Eras in Humanities I (3)
HUM 106. Cultural Eras in Humanities II (3)
JS 300. Ancient and Medieval Jewish Arts and Literature (3)
KIN 236/L. Introduction to Choreography Lab (2/1)
KIN 380/L. Perspectives of Dance and Lab (2/1)
LING 240. Language and Music (3)
MUS 105. Understanding Music (3)
MUS 306. Introduction to Jazz (3)
C2 - Humanities (65)
AAS 220. Survey of Asian American Literature (3)
AAS 321. Asian American Fiction (3)
AFRS 245. African-American Literature Since 1930 (3)
AFRS 344. Literature of the Caribbean and African Experience (3)
AFRS 346. Contemporary Black Female Writers (3)
ANTH 222. Visions of the Sacred (3)
ANTH 326. Introduction to Folklore (3)
CAS 201. Survey of Central American Literature (3)
CHS 201. Survey of Mexican Literature in Translation (3)
CHS 350. Religions and Spiritualities in Chicana/o Communities (3)
CHS 351. Survey of Mexican Philosophical Thought (3)
CHS 380. Chicana/o Literature (3)
CHS 381. Contemporary Chicana Literature (3)
CLAS 315. Greek and Roman Mythology (3)
ENGL 254. Popular Literary Genres (3)
ENGL 255. Introduction to Literature (3)
ENGL 258. Major English Writers I (3)
ENGL 259. Major English Writers II (3)
ENGL 275. Major American Writers (3)
ENGL 300. Contemporary Literature (3)
ENGL 333. Comics and Graphic Novels (3)
FLIT 151. Introduction to Modern Chinese Culture and Literature (3)
FLIT 295A. Masterpieces of European Literature I (3)
FLIT 331. Literary Masterpieces of Italian Humanism and Renaissance Literature (3)
FLIT 381. Aspects of the Italian-American Experience in Cinema, Literature, Philosophy and Music (3)
GWS 100. Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies (3)
GWS 230. Women and Entertainment (3)
GWS 351. Gender, Race, Class and Sexuality (3)
HIST 150. Western Civilization to 1500 (3)
HIST 151. Western Civilization Since 1500 (3)
HIST 303. Themes in Western Civilization Before 1500 (3)
HIST 304. Themes in Western Civilization After 1500 (3)
HUM 101. Forms and Ideas in Humanities (3)
HUM 105. Cultural Eras in Humanities I (3)
HUM 106. Cultural Eras in Humanities II (3)
JS 200. Jewish Religion and Culture (3)
JS 300. Ancient and Medieval Jewish Arts and Literature (3)
LING 200. (How) Language Matters (3)
PHIL 150. Introduction to Philosophical Thought (3)
PHIL 165. Today’s Moral Issues (3)
PHIL 170. Philosophy and Popular Culture (3)
PHIL 201. Ancient Philosophy (3)
PHIL 202. Modern Philosophy (3)
PHIL 240. Environmental Ethics (3)
PHIL 250. Philosophy of Technology (3)
PHIL 310. Philosophical Problems (3)
PHIL 325. Philosophy and Biology (3)
PHIL 330. Philosophy of Science (3)
PHIL 337. Philosophy of Religion (3)
PHIL 349. Contemporary Social and Political Issues (3)
PHIL 354. Kierkegaard and Nietzsche (3)
RS 100. Introduction to Religious Studies (3)
RS 304. Women and Religion (3)
RS 307. Religion in America (3)
RS 310. Religion and Literature (3)
RS 356. Contemporary Religious Thought (3)
RS 361. Contemporary Ethical Issues (3)
RS 362. Race, Power, Religion (3)
RS 370. Religion and Ecology (3)
C3 (CHIST) - American History, Institutions and Ideals (10)
AFRS 271. African-American History to 1865 (3)
AFRS 272. African-American History Since 1865 (3)
CHS 245. History of the Americas (3)
ECON 175. Introduction to U.S. Economic History (3)
HIST 270. The United States to 1865 (3)
HIST 271. The United States Since 1865 (3)
HIST 370. Questions in American History to the Civil War (3)
HIST 371. Questions in American History Since the Civil War (3)
D1 - Social Sciences (93)
AAS 210. History of Asians in America (3)
AAS 350. Asian American Personality and Mental Health (3)
AFRS 201. Economics of the African-American Community I (3)
AFRS 220. Psychological Environment of the African-American (3)
AFRS 221. Social Environment of the African-American (3)
AFRS 361. African-American Politics (3)
AIS 222. Gender, Sexuality, and American Indian Communities (3)
ANTH 150. The Human Adventure: Introduction to Anthropology (3)
ANTH 151. Introduction to Biological Anthropology (3)
ANTH 152. Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)
ANTH 153. Temples, Tombs and Treasures? An Introduction to Archaeology (3)
ANTH 212. Anthropology of Sex (3)
ANTH 250. Archaeology of Warfare (3)
ANTH 262. Forensic Anthropology (3)
ANTH 302. Introduction to Applied Anthropology (3)
ANTH 305. Individual and Culture (3)
ANTH 319. World Prehistory (3)
ANTH 341. Bones: An Introduction to the Study of Human Remains (3)
CADV 150. Foundations of Child and Adolescent Development (3)
CAS 309. Ancient to Pre-Modern History of the Central American People (3)
CAS 310. Modern History of the Central American People (3)
CAS 368. Central American Revolutionary Movements (3)
CAS 369. Contemporary Social Movements in Central America (3)
CHS 261. Race, Racism and the Sciences (3)
CHS 345. History of the Mexican Peoples (3)
CHS 346. History of the Chicana/Mexicana (3)
CHS 361. Urbanization and the Chicana/o (3)
CHS 366. Women in Latin America (3)
COMS 312. Health Communication (3)
ECON 101. Economics for Everyday Life (3)
ECON 156. Introduction to Economic Analysis and Policy (3)
ECON 160. Principles of Microeconomics (3)
ECON 161. Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
ECON 310. Price Theory and Applications (3)
ECON 311. Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve (3)
ECON 360. Environmental Economics (3)
FCS 256. Global Fashion Production (3)
FCS 340. Marriage and Family Relations (3)
FCS 357. Apparel and Human Behavior (3)
FLIT 325. Social Issues in Modern China (3)
GEH 333. Interdisciplinary Inquiries: Ways of Knowing (3)
GEOG 107. Introduction to Human Geography (3)
GEOG 170. Water Resources of California (3)
GEOG 301. Cultural Geography (3)
GEOG 350. Metropolitan Los Angeles (3)
GEOG 370. Water, Society, and the Environment (3)
GWS 110. Women, Work, and Family (3)
GWS 220. Men, Masculinity and Patriarchy (3)
GWS 222. Gender, Sexuality, and American Indian Communities (3)
GWS 300. Women as Agents of Change (3)
GWS 320. Women and Urban Life/Urban Space (3)
GWS 340. Women, Gender and Global Development (3)
GWS 351. Gender, Race, Class and Sexuality (3)
GWS 370. Women and Violence (3)
HHD 185. Public Health for Social Justice (1)
HIST 110. World History to 1500 (3)
HIST 111. World History Since 1500 (3)
HIST 305. Cultural History of the United States (3)
HIST 341. Modern Europe Since the French Revolution (3)
HIST 342. The World Since 1945 (3)
HIST 350. History of Women (3)
HIST 380. Los Angeles: Past, Present, Future (3)
HIST 389. Disability in American History and Law (3)
HSCI 132. History of Preventive Medicine and Public Health (3)
HSCI 345. Public Health Issues (3)
HSCI 369. Public Health Strategies in HIV and STI Prevention (3)
JS 318. Applied Jewish Ethics (3)
LING 230. Forbidden Language: Swearing and Taboo Language (3)
LING 309. Language and Social Interaction (3)
MKT 350. Consumer Information in the Digital Age (3)
POLS 156. Introduction to Comparative Politics (3)
POLS 225. Elements of International Relations (3)
POLS 310. Problems of Political Economy (3)
POLS 350. Great Questions in Politics (3)
POLS 380. Los Angeles: Past, Present, Future (3)
PSY 150. Introduction to Psychology (3)
PSY 312. Psychological Aspects of Parenthood (3)
PSY 365. Introduction to Gerontology (3)
RS 240. Approaches to the History of Religions (3)
SOC 150. Introductory Sociology (3)
SOC 200. Social Crises of Today (3)
SOC 305. Culture and Personality (3)
SOC 324. Sociology of Sex and Gender (3)
SUST 300. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sustainability (3)
URBS 150. Discover the City (3)
D3/D4 (DGVT) - Constitution of the United States/State and Local Government (7)
AAS 347. Asian American Politics and the Law (3)
AFRS 161. American Political Institutions: A Black Perspective (3)
CHS 260. Constitutional Issues and the Chicana/o (3)
CHS 445. History of the Chicano (3)
POLS 155. American Political Institutions (3)
POLS 355. American National, State and Local Governments (3)
E - Lifelong Learning (101)
AAS 230. Asian Americans and the Media (3)
AAS 390/F. Asian American Communities: Field Practicum (2/1)
AFRS 337. Black Images on the Silver Screen (3)
AIS 301. American Indians and Popular Culture (3)
ART 151. Photography as Art (3)
ART 201. Introduction to Web Art (3)
BIOL 327. Ecology and People (3)
BIOL 375. Emerging Issues in Regenerative Medicine (3)
BLAW 108. The Citizen and Civil Law (3)
BLAW 368. Law, Business and Ethics (3)
BUS 104. Introduction to Business (3)
CADV 310. Developmental Impacts of Abuse and Neglect (3)
CAS 270/F. Fieldwork in Central American Communities (1/2)
CCE 200. Introduction to Civic and Community Engagement (3)
CD 133. Survey of Communication Disorders (3)
CD 361. Language Development in Children (3)
CHS 270SOC/F. Fieldwork in Barrio Studies (1/2)
CHS 360. Political Organizations and Social Movements of the Barrio (3)
CHS 390. Alternative Chicano Press (3)
CJS 340. Ethics in Criminal Justice (3)
CM 336/L. Fundamentals of Green Buildings and Lab (2/1)
COMP 100. Computers: Their Impact and Use (3)
COMP 300. Computer Fluency (3)
COMS 150. Introduction to Communication Studies (3)
COMS 251. Introduction to Interpersonal Communication (3)
COMS 323. Group Communication (3)
COMS 360. Communication and the Sexes (3)
CTVA 100. Introduction to Mass Communication Arts (3)
ENGL 253. Bestselling Literature (3)
ENGL 313. Studies in Popular Culture (3)
EOH 101. Introduction to Environmental Health (3)
EOH 353. Global Perspectives of Environmental Health (3)
FCS 207. Nutrition for Life (3)
FCS 315. Issues in Housing (3)
FCS 323. Family and Individual Money Management (3)
FCS 324. Consumer Rights, Issues, and Problems (3)
FCS 330. Child Growth and Development I (3)
FCS 340. Marriage and Family Relations (3)
FIN 102. Financial Literacy (3)
FLIT 234. Virtual Study Abroad (3)
GEOG 108. Earth From Above (3)
GEOG 206/L. Introduction to Geographical Information Science and Lab (2/1)
GEOL 104. Living with Earthquakes in California (3)
GWS 305/CS. Gender and Women’s Studies Community Service (1/2)
HIST 366. Popular Culture in Latin America (3)
HSCI 131. Health and Society (3)
HSCI 170. Emergency Health Procedures (2)
HSCI 231. Women and Health (3)
HSCI 336. Health Aspects of Drug Use (3)
HSCI 337. Nutrition and Health (3)
IS 212. Information Systems for Business Users (3)
JOUR 100. Mass Communication (3)
JOUR 390. Freedom of the Press (3)
JS 390CS. Nonprofit Internship in the Jewish Community (3)
KIN 115A. Adapted and Therapeutic Exercise (1-1-1-1)
KIN 117. Adapted Aquatic Exercise (1-1-1)
KIN 118. Adapted Self-Defense (1-1-1)
KIN 125A. Fitness for Life (1)
KIN 126A. Strength Training (1)
KIN 129A. Running Conditioning I (1)
KIN 142B. Dance, Latin Dance II (1)
KIN 148. Dance Conditioning and Somatic Practices (1)
KIN 153. Sexual Assault Defense for Women (1)
KIN 154. Sexual Assault Defense for Men (1)
KIN 177A. Swimming for Non-swimmers (1)
KIN 179A. Swimming Conditioning (1)
LING 310. Forensic Linguistics: Language and the Law (3)
MSE 303. Innovation, Invention and Technology (3)
PHIL 180. Human Nature and the Meaning of Life (3)
PHIL 250. Philosophy of Technology (3)
PHIL 305. Business Ethics and Public Policy (3)
PHIL 337. Philosophy of Religion (3)
QS 302. L.A. in Transit: Communities, Organizations and Politics (3)
RTM 251. Recreation and the Natural Environment (3)
RTM 278. Recreation and Leisure in Contemporary Society (3)
RTM 310/L. Adventure Recreation and Human Relations and Lab (2/1)
RTM 352. Play and Human Potential (3)
RTM 353/L. Literature of the Wilderness Experience and Lab (2/1)
F - Comparative Cultural Studies (135)
AAS 100. Introduction to Asian American Studies (3)
AAS 340. Asian American Women (3)
AAS 345. Contemporary Issues in Asian American Studies (3)
AAS 360. Asian American Immigration–Global Perspective (3)
AFRS 100. Introduction to Black Studies and Culture (3)
AFRS 165. Introduction to Pan Africanism (3)
AFRS 226. Traditional African Cultures (3)
AFRS 300. Contemporary Issues in the African-American Community (3)
AFRS 320. African-American Personality Development (3)
AFRS 322. African-American Family (3)
AFRS 324. The Black Woman in Contemporary Times (3)
AFRS 325. The Black Man in Contemporary Times (3)
AFRS 366. Colonialism in Africa (3)
AIS 101. Introduction to American Indian Studies (3)
AIS 304. American Indian Law and Policy (3)
AIS 333. American Indian Philosophy (3)
ANTH 108. Latin American Cultures (3)
ANTH 308. Gender and Culture (3)
ANTH 310. Language in Culture: Anthropological Linguistics (3)
ANTH 315. World Cultures and Societies (3)
ANTH 345. Anthropology of the Contemporary United States (3)
ARAB 101. Elementary Arabic I (4)
ARAB 102. Elementary Arabic II (4)
ARMN 101. Elementary Armenian I (3)
ARMN 102. Elementary Armenian II (3)
ARMN 310. Armenian Culture (3)
ARMN 360. Changing Roles of Armenian Women (3)
ART 112. World Arts: Africa, Oceania and the Americas (3)
ART 315. World Perspectives in Art History (3)
BLAW 391. Women and the Law (3)
CAS 100. Introduction to Central American Studies (3)
CAS 102. The Salvadoran Experience (3)
CAS 311. The Central American Diaspora (3)
CAS 365. Changing Roles of Central American Women (3)
CHIN 101. Elementary Mandarin Chinese I (4)
CHIN 102. Elementary Mandarin Chinese II (4)
CHIN 201. Intermediate Mandarin Chinese I (3)
CHIN 202. Intermediate Mandarin Chinese II (3)
CHS 100. Chicana/o Culture (3)
CHS 101. Spanish for Chicanos I (3)
CHS 246. Contemporary Issues of the Chicana (3)
CHS 333. Language and Society: Chicanas/os and Other Language Minority Children (3)
CHS 364. World Migration and the Chicana/o (3)
CHS 365. Third World Women and the Chicana (3)
CLAS 101L. Elementary Latin I (3)
COMS 356. Intercultural Communication (3)
ENGL 311. History of African-American Writing (3)
ENGL 371. Issues in Jewish-American Writing (3)
FLIT 150. Gateways to Western Civilization: Greece and Rome (3)
FLIT 370. Modern Japanese Culture (3)
FLIT 371. Modern Italian Culture (3)
FLIT 380. Cultural Development of Modern Russia and Eastern Europe (3)
FREN 101. Elementary French I (4)
FREN 102. Elementary French II (4)
GEOG 334. Geography of Oceania (3)
GWS 100. Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies (3)
GWS 110. Women, Work, and Family (3)
GWS 300. Women as Agents of Change (3)
GWS 351. Gender, Race, Class and Sexuality (3)
HEBR 101. Elementary Hebrew I (4)
HEBR 102. Elementary Hebrew II (4)
HIST 161. The History of Latin America from Pre-Columbian Times to Today (3)
HIST 185. Middle East from 600CE to the Present (3)
HIST 192. History of Modern East Asia (3)
HIST 210. A History of the Jewish People (3)
HIST 349A. American Women I (3)
HIST 349B. Women in American History Since 1848 (3)
HIST 369. Native Peoples and Cultures (3)
ITAL 101. Elementary Italian I (4)
ITAL 102. Elementary Italian II (4)
ITAL 201. Intermediate Italian I (3)
ITAL 202. Intermediate Italian II (3)
JAPN 101. Elementary Japanese I (4)
JAPN 102. Elementary Japanese II (4)
JAPN 201. Intermediate Japanese I (4)
JAPN 202. Intermediate Japanese II (4)
JOUR 371. Gender and Media (3)
JOUR 372. Diversity and the Media (3)
JS 210. History of the Jewish People (3)
JS 306. Sociology of Jewish Families and Communities (3)
JS 330. Women in the Jewish Experience (3)
JS 335. Jewish Identity in the U.S. (3)
KOR 101. Elementary Korean I (4)
KOR 102. Elementary Korean II (4)
KOR 201. Intermediate Korean I (3)
KOR 202. Intermediate Korean II (3)
LING 250. Language(s) in California (3)
LING 325. Language, Gender, and Identity (3)
MSE 302. Women in Mathematics, Science and Engineering (3)
MUS 309. Traditional Music of the U.S. (3)
MUS 310. Understanding World Cultures Through Music (3)
PERS 101. Elementary Persian I (4)
PERS 102. Elementary Persian II (4)
PERS 201. Intermediate Persian I (3)
PHIL 333. American Indian Philosophy (3)
PHIL 343. Indian Philosophy (3)
PHIL 344. Chinese Philosophy (3)
PHIL 348. Philosophy and Feminism (3)
POLS 197. Racial and Ethnic Politics (3)
POLS 321. Comparative Political Ideologies (3)
POLS 332. Politics of Latin America (3)
QS 208. Issues in Queer Health (3)
QS 301. Perspectives in Queer Studies (3)
QS 304. Queering the Screen, Queering the Spectator (3)
RS 306. American Religious Diversity (3)
RS 378. American Jewish Experience (3)
RS 380. Asian Religions: Communal Traditions and Transitions (3)
RTM 310/L. Adventure Recreation and Human Relations and Lab (2/1)
RTM 330. Women, Leisure and Ethnicity in the United States (3)
RUSS 101. Elementary Russian I (4)
RUSS 102. Elementary Russian II (4)
RUSS 200. Beginning Russian Conversation (3)
RUSS 201. Intermediate Russian (3)
RUSS 202. Intermediate Russian Reading (3)
SOC 306. Sociology of Jewish Families and Communities (3)
SOC 307. Ethnic Diversity in America (3)
SOC 335. Jewish Identity in the U.S. (3)
SPAN 101. Elementary Spanish I (4)
SPAN 102. Elementary Spanish II (4)
SPAN 103. Elementary Written Spanish I (3)
SPAN 220A. Intermediate Spanish I (3)
SPAN 220B. Intermediate Spanish II (3)
SPED 200SL. Introduction to Disability Studies (3)