Policies and Procedures by Category: Graduate Policies And Procedures
Academic Leave (Leave of Absence) for Graduate Students
Graduate students in good standing may take a two-semester leave of absence. Though no formal approval is required, it is suggested that students seek academic advisement. Graduate students in degree programs should contact their departments before the end of the second semester of leave of absence. Students who do not enroll by the third semester …
Academic Performance and Study Load (Graduate)
Numerous requirements exist that specify the grading policies at CSUN and the academic standards and progress expected of students. These regulations are dictated by Title 5 of the California Administrative Code, the California State Universities and College System and the President of CSUN.
Admission to the Program (Graduate)
The applications of students meeting University requirements for admission will be reviewed in the appropriate program. The program will determine whether the student meets requirements for admission to its program. Some programs require a separate graduate program application. Students who meet program and University requirements will be admitted as either conditionally classified or classified graduate …
Admission to the University for Graduate Programs
To be admitted to CSUN as a graduate student, students must meet the following requirements: Have a four-year baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution. Be in good academic standing at the last college or university attended. Have satisfied one of the following conditions: Attained a GPA of at least 2.5 in a baccalaureate degree …
Animal Subjects Research (Graduate)
In addition to administering grants and contracts for the University, the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) oversees the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Federal regulations require all research involving the use of animal subjects undergo a review by the IACUC to ensure that animals are handled in an ethical manner and …
Application for the Master’s/Doctorate Degree and Diploma
Students must apply for graduation one semester prior to completion of requirements. Students may obtain an Application for Graduate Degree and Diploma for graduation online. In the event that a student changes the completion date to a later time, a Master’s/Doctoral Graduation and Diploma Date Change form needs to be submitted and a processing fee will …
Certificate Policy (Graduate)
The primary responsibility of the University is to provide educational experiences leading to a baccalaureate, master’s or doctoral degree. It also provides education for professional licenses or credentials offered by off-campus authorities. In addition, the University offers coursework which serves a more specialized purpose, but which is of significant value to individuals. To encourage the …
Change of Objective
Enrolled graduate students may change their objective and seek admission to an alternate degree program by filling out a Change of Objective form. The form can be obtained online. Transfer of previously earned units to the alternate program must have the approval of the department to which the student applies. A request for a change …
Classified Status (Graduate Policy)
To be granted classified status, students must have a 3.0 GPA for all work taken as a conditionally classified student and in any courses required by the program for admission to its program. Once the requirements for classified status have been met, it is the responsibility of the students to notify their graduate coordinator. The …
Conditionally Classified Status
Students who do not meet all requirements may be accepted as conditionally classified students, subject to meeting various University and program requirements for classified status. It is important to achieve full classified standing prior to completing 12 units of graduate coursework on the program of study. No more than 12 units of work taken prior …
Course Numbering System
001-099: Courses that carry no credit toward a degree or credential. Generally remedial or subcollegiate-level in content. 100-199: Lower division, introductory courses that constitute the beginning of college work in a major or in General Education and which require no previous college experience. Open to upper division students. 200-299: Lower division courses of freshman and sophomore level. …
Courses for Graduate Students
Graduate students are expected to take courses numbered 500 and above, as well as 400-level courses approved for graduate credit. Some graduate programs list prerequisites numbered 100-399. These courses or their equivalents should be successfully completed before admission, at another university or community college or through Open University. Graduate program coordinators will determine course equivalency. …
Credit for Work Completed Prior to Earning the Baccalaureate Degree
A maximum of 9 units of credit earned at the 500-level during a student’s final undergraduate semester at CSUN may be applied toward a master’s degree, subject to departmental approval. Requests for such credit are filed following admission to a CSUN master’s program on a Graduate Petition form. Courses are subject to the following University …
Culminating Experiences (Graduate Policy)
A culminating experience is required for completion of a master’s or doctorate degree program. The University recognizes the following types of culminating experiences: Theses, Dissertations, Graduate Projects/Artistic Performances and Comprehensive Examinations. Each graduate program permits one or more of the culminating experiences as described below. Where more than one option is offered, the specific type …
Dual Enrollment in Master’s Degree Granting Programs (Self-Support and/or State-Support)
Students may not be enrolled in multiple degree granting programs simultaneously. Upon completion of the first graduate degree, students must reapply to the University to pursue an additional degree. Students wanting to complete a master’s degree and a certificate may be dually enrolled when: Self-support matriculated master’s students also pay state-support tuition fees to enroll …
Enrolling in Courses with Prerequisites
Students must fulfill a course’s prerequisite(s) prior to enrollment in the course. For further information, see Course Requisites in this Catalog, Requirements—Course Requisites or Registration FAQs. Graduate students are not held to prerequisites listed for enrollment in undergraduate-level courses.
Formal Program (Program of Study)
The formal program (program of study) is a statement of the academic requirements that students must meet for the master’s/doctorate degree. The following University requirements apply to the program: It must be composed of a minimum of 30 units of 400-, 500- and 600-level work. None of the courses on the program may have been used for any other …
Full-Time Enrollment (Undergraduate and Graduate)
Full-Time Enrollment Full-time enrollment for undergraduate students is considered to be 15 units (12 units for financial aid and certain external legal requirements). Graduate students who need to be considered full time must be enrolled in a minimum of 8 units. SUMMER TERM ONLY: For undergraduate international students enrolled in the Semester at CSUN program through The …
GPA Requirements for Graduate Programs Policy
Students pursuing a graduate degree must maintain a minimum 3.0 (“B”) GPA in the formal program and in the cumulative grade point average once admitted to the program. No grade below a “C” can be counted in the formal program. Any grade of “C-” or below in the formal program must be repeated after an …
Grading System for Graduate Students
CSUN uses the traditional A-F grading system and a non-traditional system of Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) as explained in the Policies and Procedures section of this Catalog. Note the following provisions: Incomplete (I): The symbol “I” indicates that a portion of required coursework has not been completed. A substantial portion of the course requirement has been completed with …
Graduate and Post-Baccalaureate Application Procedures
The following information applies generally to all 23 campuses of the California State University system. For information specific to CSUN graduate and post-baccalaureate application procedures, refer to the Graduate Studies section of this Catalog and to the Prospective Students website. All graduate and post-baccalaureate applicants (i.e., doctorate, joint Ph.D. applicants, master’s degree applicants, those seeking educational credentials or certificates …
Graduate Credit for Extension and Concurrent Enrollment Courses
Courses taken prior to admission to a master’s degree program through CSUN’s Extension or Concurrent Enrollment programs are subject to the limitations that apply to graduate work taken at other institutions (see Transfer Work policy). Courses taken through Extension or Concurrent Enrollment following admission to a master’s degree program are subject to departmental approval for …
Graduate Foreign Language Reading Examination Policy
When competency in a foreign language is a departmental requirement, students may demonstrate competency in one of three ways: Passing the Graduate Foreign Language Examination (Princeton Examination), Passing a departmental examination. The examination is given by the Department of Foreign Languages in the fifth week of each semester. Candidates who plan to take this examination should notify the …
Graduate Institutional Learning Outcomes Policy
The goal of graduate education at California State University, Northridge, is to offer students advanced intellectual development and to prepare students for success in their careers. Upon completion of their programs, all graduate students will have: Demonstrated a graduate-level mastery of the contemporary knowledge base of their field of study. Mastered the discipline-based skills appropriate …
Graduate Status
A graduate student is one who has applied and received formal admission to a specific course of study that will lead to a master’s or doctorate degree in one of the many disciplines available at CSUN. Graduate status is subdivided into classified and conditionally classified standing, depending on whether or not certain University and program …
Graduate-Post-Baccalaureate English Language Requirement
All graduate and post-baccalaureate applicants, regardless of citizenship, whose native language is not English and whose preparatory education was principally in a language other than English must demonstrate competence in English. Those who do not possess a bachelor’s degree from a postsecondary institution where English is the principal language of instruction must receive a minimum …
Graduation with Distinction (Graduate Policy)
A student may receive the master’s degree with distinction by maintaining a 3.885 or higher GPA on all formal master’s degree program coursework. The notation “With Distinction’’ is posted with the degree on the transcript, and also will appear on the diploma.
Human Subjects Research (Graduate)
Federal regulations require that all research involving the use of human subjects undergo review by the Human Subjects Committee to ensure that ethical research is being conducted. This committee is composed of scientists, non-scientists and community members with diverse backgrounds to maintain a comprehensive review of the research projects. The Standing Advisory Committee for the …
Joint Graduate Project
A graduate project is a significant, culminating undertaking appropriate to the fine arts and to some applied and professional fields. In a few graduate programs, students may work collaboratively on a Joint Graduate Project. Such Joint Projects have additional requirements that define each contributor’s responsibilities. A Joint Project requires the completion of an addendum form …
Probation and Disqualification (Graduate Program Policy)
Academic Probation Students enrolled in a graduate program (certificate, master’s, or doctoral) will be placed on academic probation at the end of the semester when their cumulative GPA falls below 3.0. Failure to raise their cumulative GPA to 3.0 in the following semester of enrollment will result in disqualification. (Refer to Grading in the Regulations …
Probation and Disqualification (Post-Baccalaureate Credential Program Policy)
Academic Probation Students enrolled in a post-baccalaureate credential program will be placed on academic probation at the end of the semester when their cumulative GPA falls below 2.75. Failure to raise their cumulative GPA to 2.75 in the following semester of enrollment will result in disqualification. (Refer to Grading in the Regulations section of this …
Repeat of Courses (Graduate Policy)
A graduate student may repeat up to 6 units in which a grade of “B-” or below has been earned. In these cases, only the most recent grade will count. Students seeking a second master’s degree will be allowed to repeat up to 6 units in which a grade of “B-” or below has been …
Syllabus Policy
To better inform students about the requirements, content, and methodology of the university’s curricula, all faculty teaching classes will distribute a written syllabus to each student in the class and/or post it online no later than the first class meeting. The written syllabus must be readily printable as a single document, and must contain the …
Theses, Dissertation and Graduate Projects Rules and Procedures Policy
The following rules apply to Theses, Dissertations and Graduate Projects: Students must be classified before they can be given permission by the department to enroll in a Thesis/Project (698) course. The Thesis must be an individual effort. However, the University recognizes that there are circumstances that warrant group graduate projects. In such instances, a signed …
Time Limit for Completion (Graduate Policy)
Students must complete requirements for the degree within 7 calendar years from the date they were admitted to a program, unless a lesser time is specified by the department or program committee. Courses that were completed more than 7 years prior to the date on which all requirements for the degree are completed cannot be …
Transfer Work for Graduate Programs
Credit for work performed in extension or at another regionally accredited institution is subject to the following limitations: Transfer of work is subject to the approval of the graduate coordinator of the major department and the Associate Vice President of Graduate Studies. An unofficial transcript must be submitted with either the formal program or course …
Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) Substitution for Graduate Students
All CSUN graduate students earning a degree are required by the CSU to satisfy the Graduate Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) prior to full classification. Graduate students who completed an undergraduate degree at any CSU since 1982 have automatically met this requirement because they were required to demonstrate writing proficiency in order to graduate. All other …
Withdrawals (Graduate Policy)
Cancellation of Registration or Withdrawal from the Institution Students who find it necessary to cancel their registration or to withdraw from all classes after enrolling for any academic term are required to follow the university’s official withdrawal procedures. Failure to follow formal university procedures may result in an obligation to pay fees as well as the …