This is an archive of the 2022-2023 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2022-2023 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit



Debi Choudhary, Physics and Astronomy, Department Chair

Rabia Djellouli, Mathematics, Department Chair

Steven Dudgeon, Biology, Department Chair

Simon Garrett, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Department Chair

Nidia Goitia, Director of Finance and Operations

Richard Heermance, Geological Sciences, Department Chair

Elizabeth Riegos-Olmos, Student Services Center/EOP, Director


Research Centers and Institutes

Center for Cancer and Developmental Biology
Director: Steven Oppenheimer

Center for Computational Materials Theory
Director: Nicholas Kioussis

Center for Biological Physics
Director: Miroslav Peric

Interdisciplinary Research Institute for the Sciences (IRIS)
Director: Rabia Djellouli


College of Science and Mathematics
Dean: Jerry Stinner
Special Assistants to the Dean: Robert Espinoza and David Gray
(818) 677-2005