Program: Minor in Economics
Program Description
The Economics minor presents concepts that support the understanding of consumer behavior and business decisions. Students learn how individual industries function and gain an understanding of how the market economy functions as a whole.
Program Requirements
1. Required Courses (9 units)
ECON 160 Principles of Microeconomics (3)*
ECON 161 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)*
ECON 310 Price Theory and Applications (3)*
*Courses that are also GE, Social Sciences.
2. Electives (9 units)
Students must select 9 units from any 300- or 400-level Economics course, except ECON 498.
Total Units in the Minor: 18
Department of Economics
Chair: Anton D. Lowenberg
Bookstein Hall (BB) 3125
(818) 677-2462