Program: Minor in Writing and Rhetoric
Program Description
The Writing and Rhetoric minor is particularly designed for students whose careers are likely to entail professional and/or technical writing.
Program Requirements
1. Core Courses (12 units)
Select four courses from the following:
ENGL 205 Business Communication in Its Rhetorical Contexts (3)
ENGL 215 Critical Thinking About Research Writing (3)
ENGL 301 Language and Linguistics (3)
ENGL 305 Intermediate Expository Writing (3)
ENGL 306 Report Writing (3)
ENGL 315 Digital Writing (3)
ENGL 407 Composition and the Professions (3)
ENGL 455 Literacy, Rhetoric and Culture (3)
ENGL 459A-Z Selected Topics in Writing and Rhetoric (3)
ENGL 494/IP English Intern Program (1/2)
2. Electives (6 units)
Choose two additional courses to complete the minor, drawing from those listed above under Core Courses and/or those listed below as Electives. Students may not double count courses as Core Courses and Electives.
AFRS 395 Bilingualism in the African-American Community (3)
ART 244 Graphic Design I (3)
CHS 405 Chicanas/os and the Media (3)
CHS 433 Language Acquisition of the Chicana/o and ESL Speakers (3)
CHS 482 Language of the Barrio (3)
COMS 309 Advanced Public Speaking (3)
COMS 325 Legal Argumentation (3)
COMS 354 Communication and Technology (3)
COMS 356 Intercultural Communication (3)
COMS 443 Rhetoric of Business (3)
COMS 444 Political Rhetoric (3)
ENGL 302 Introduction to Modern Grammar (3)
ENGL 355 Writing About Literature (3)
ENGL 405 Language Differences and Language Change (3)
ENGL 406 Advanced Expository Writing for Teachers (3)
ENGL 412 Literary Magazine (3)
HIST 301 The Historian’s Craft (3)
JOUR 255 Introduction to Public Relations (3)
JOUR 390 Freedom of the Press (3)
JOUR 400 Media Law and Ethics (3)
JOUR 465 Mass Communication and Popular Culture (3)
JOUR 478 International News Media (3)
JOUR 480 History of the American News Media (3)
MGT 498 Internship—Management (3)
MKT 440 Integrated Marketing Communications (3)
Total Units in the Minor: 18
Department of English
Chair: Beth Wightman
Associate Chair: Danielle Spratt
Sierra Tower (ST) 708
(818) 677-3431