This is an archive of the 2022-2023 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2022-2023 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit



HHD 185. Public Health for Social Justice (1)

Using a holistic and personalized approach, students will (a) explore actively the structural and personal factors that contribute to health disparities, (b) link social justice themes to health and (c) explore careers in health research and activism. (Available for General Education, D1 Social Sciences.)

HHD 501. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Aging (3)

Prerequisites: Baccalaureate degree in health or human services or equivalent. This course provides an interdisciplinary overview of the fundamental principles, theories, issues and concepts in the field of gerontology. The interdisciplinary emphasis derives from the fact that to understand aging we must consider facts and explanations from a wide array of fields. Social gerontology integrates knowledge that ranges from history, demography, physiology, philosophy, science, ethics, medicine, law, mass communication and social policy, among others. The course will emphasize the research literature to consider issues that include work, retirement, leisure, health, technologies and living environments.

HHD 502. Aging Policies and Programs (3)

Prerequisite: Baccalaureate degree in health or human services or equivalent. This course is designed to provide students with knowledge of the policy process, the politics of aging and an opportunity to explore selected aging policy issues in-depth. The content focus is on a few areas that provide fertile ground for policy development and/or analysis and offer insight into the historical, social, economic and demographic issues that have influenced the development of federal and state legislation and programs for older persons. Projects and papers will provide students with opportunities to examine issues surrounding the design and implementation of particular policies, track current changes in legislation, or undertake critiques of policies already in place.

HHD 503. Gerontology Program Development (3)

Prerequisites: Baccalaureate degree in health or human services or equivalent. Using an interdisciplinary approach, this course critically examines a variety of issues relating to the administration, development and evaluation of gerontology programs and services for diverse populations of older adults and their families. Topics covered include leadership, organizational planning, ethics in human services, fiscal management, program development and evaluation, personnel management, and marketing. The course emphasizes applications to actual problems facing government agencies and organizations serving older adults.

HHD 504. Current Issues in Aging (3)

Prerequisites: Baccalaureate degree in health or human services or equivalent. This interdisciplinary course addresses selected topics in aging presented at an advanced level. Preference is given to current topics considered key for gerontology professionals. Possible topics include emerging issues in diversity, gender, nutrition, consumer affairs, physical fitness and mental health.

HHD 513. Leadership/Professional Competencies for Health and Human Development Disciplines (3)

Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Seminar in which special emphasis is placed on leadership competencies needed by the future leaders in the health and human development professions. An interdisciplinary approach is taken. Topics to be discussed include leadership skills, financial management, evidence-based management practices, strategic planning, ethics and how to create a culturally competent workplace/organization. In addition, a personal assessment of leadership styles are conducted utilizing strengths based leadership, emotional intelligence as well as other measurement tools.