This is an archive of the 2022-2023 University Catalog.
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This is an archive of the 2022-2023 University Catalog.
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Program: Minor in History

Program Description

The History minor is a flexible 24-unit program ideal for students with other majors who are interested in History and who want to learn skills in writing and critical thinking. It offers the opportunity to take courses in a wide range of geographical areas and chronological periods.

Program Requirements

The History minor consists of 24 units in History, no more than 12 of which may be in lower division. With an advisor, students developĀ a program to complement a major and fit their particular needs. Students will be able to choose a broad program that provides a background in several areas of history, or they will be able to specialize in U.S., European, African, Asian, Latin American, topical or comparative history.

Total Units in the Minor: 24


Department of History
Chair: Jeffrey Auerbach
Sierra Tower (ST) 610
(818) 677-3566