This is an archive of the 2022-2023 University Catalog.
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This is an archive of the 2022-2023 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit


Program: Minor in Humanities Interdisciplinary Studies

Program Description

The Humanities minor is available for students interested in supplementing their degree with an interdisciplinary array of courses in ethnic studies, the arts, English, linguistics, philosophy and others. Students gain an understanding of the development of expression and ideas and its influences on society. The minor is 24 units and students are required to meet with an advisor before adding it to their degree plan.

Program Requirements

1. Lower Division Required Courses (9 units)

HUM 101 Forms and Ideas in Humanities (3)
HUM 105 Cultural Eras in Humanities I (3)
HUM 106 Cultural Eras in Humanities II (3)

2. Upper Division Required Courses (6 units)

HUM 391 Cultural Theories and Methodologies (3)
HUM 491 Capstone Seminar (3)

3. Upper Division Electives (9 units)

One intellectual history, theory and methodologies course from the list below (3 units):

AFRS 386 African-American Philosophical Thought (3)
ART 315 World Perspectives in Art History (3)
CHS 351 Survey of Mexican Philosophical Thought (3)
COMS 301 Performance, Language and Cultural Studies (3)
COMS 356 Intercultural Communication (3)
COMS 360 Communication and the Sexes (3)
ENGL 436 Major Critical Theories (3)
ENGL 438 Critical Approaches to Literature (3)
GWS 301 Feminist Theories (3)
HIST 303 Themes in Western Civilization Before 1500 (3)
HIST 304 Themes in Western Civilization After 1500 (3)
JS 300 Ancient and Medieval Jewish Arts and Literature (3)
MUS 307 Music from a Global Perspective (3)
MUS 310 Understanding World Cultures Through Music (3)
PHIL 301 Moral Problems in Contemporary Society (3)
PHIL 343 Indian Philosophy (3)
PHIL 344 Chinese Philosophy (3)
PHIL 345 Social Philosophy (3)
RS 356 Contemporary Religious Thought (3)
SPAN 307 Introduction to the Analysis of Hispanic Literature (3)

Two other upper division courses from the departments on the list below (6 units):

HUM 391 and HUM 491 also may be repeated once each for credit.

Africana Studies, Art, Asian American StudiesChicana/o Studies, Cinema and Television Arts, Communication Studies, English, Gender and Women’s Studies, History, Jewish Studies, Linguistics, Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures, Music, Philosophy, Religious StudiesTheatre

Total Units in the Minor: 24


Department of Interdisciplinary Studies and Liberal Studies
Chair: Ranita Chatterjee
Education Administration (EA) 100
(818) 677-3300