This is an archive of the 2022-2023 University Catalog.
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This is an archive of the 2022-2023 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit


Program: Minor in Human Resource Management

Program Description

The Human Resource Management minor allows non-management majors the opportunity to pursue a secondary interest in the field of human resource management.

Program Requirements

1. Required Courses (15 units)

MGT 360 Management and Organizational Behavior (3)
MGT 370 Management Skills Development (3)
MGT 380 Employment Practices (3)
MGT 460 Strategic Human Resource Management (3)
PSY 356 Industrial and Organizational Psychology (3)

2. Each student must successfully complete one of the following courses (3 units)

MGT 450 Organization Change and Development (3)
MGT 454 Leadership, Power and Politics (3)
MGT 456 Negotiation and Conflict Management (3)
MGT 466 Strategic Leadership of Sustainability: Organizational Challenges and Opportunities (3)
MGT 498C Internship—Management (3)
MGT 499 Independent Study (3)

Total Units in the Minor: 18

One of the usual prerequisites for these courses (BUS 302/L) will be waived for students in either the management or human resource management minor. However, they must pass MGT 360 before taking courses other than BUS 104. This minor is not available to Management majors.


Department of Management
Department Chair: Deone Zell
Bookstein Hall (BB) 3119
(818) 677-2457