Program: Music Therapy Certificate
Program Description
The post-baccalaureate certificate in Music Therapy is specifically designed for those who have already acquired a degree in music and who wish now to enter the field of music therapy. The coursework is designed to enable the student to be prepared for a six-month internship leading to sitting for the national Board Certification Exam for Music Therapy. Upon completion of the program the student is awarded the Music Therapy Certificate, which will then allow the student to take the national Board Certification test so the student has the credential to practice music therapy on a national level. The American Music Therapy Association has approved this as an Equivalency Program. Additional information is available at Music Therapy FAQ.
Program Requirements
MUS 292 Music Therapy Orientation (2)
MUS 360/L Functional Music Skills for Therapy and Lab (2/1)
MUS 390MI Music Therapy Improvisation (2/2)
MUS 392/L Music in Therapy and Lab (3/1)
MUS 477 Music Therapy Practicum (1-1-1-1)
MUS 491 Psychology of Music (3)
MUS 492/L The Practice of Music Therapy and Lab (3/1)
MUS 494A/C Internship in Music (1/3)
PSY 310 Abnormal Psychology (3)
SPED 400 Developmental Differences and Implications in Special Education (3)
Total Units Required for the Certificate: 34
Department of Music
Chair: John Roscigno
Cypress Hall (CY) 116
(818) 677-3181
Program Coordinator: Ron Borczon
(818) 677-3174