This is an archive of the 2022-2023 University Catalog.
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This is an archive of the 2022-2023 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit


Program: Minor in Recreation Management

Program Description

The department offers three distinct minor programs to meet the needs of professional education within the RTM field and the university. The three minors are: (1) Recreation Management, (2) Hospitality and Tourism, and (3) Leadership Through Adventure.

The Recreation Management minor allows for students in other disciplines to develop several core competencies in the recreation field. This program provides a basic framework of the skills and knowledge of the leisure and recreation experience and the delivery of those services to others. Core foundations are required in understanding the leisure experience and the role of designing recreation programs for others. Flexibility exists to select relevant electives for one of the many specialty areas in the field.


Department of Recreation and Tourism Management
Chair: Nathan Martin
Redwood Hall (RE) 262
(818) 677-3202