
Advanced Search

Department: Finance, Financial Planning, and Insurance

Our mission is to equip students with the academic knowledge, professional skills, tools and networks needed to achieve their personal and professional goals and to prepare our graduates to be leading members of public, private, government and nonprofit organizations.

University Smoke- and Tobacco-Free Policy

snuff, and SNUS. “Tobacco Product” does not include any cessation product specifically approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for use in treating nicotine or tobacco dependence. These…

JOUR 391. Free Press in the Digital Era (3)

Prerequisites: Completion of lower division writing requirement. Upper division standing required. Not available for those with credit in JOUR 400. This course offers an opportunity to examine the freedom…

FIN 434. Life and Health Insurance (3)

Prerequisites: FIN 336; Grade of “C” or higher in FIN 303. BUS 312 and BUS 302L are prerequisites for Business majors. An examination of life insurance, health insurance, employee benefits…

EED 697. Directed Comprehensive Studies and Exam (3)

Preparatory: Restricted to and required of M.A. degree candidates in the semester in which they take the comprehensive examination for the degree. This course is designed to provide encouragement,…

FIN 336. Principles of Risk Management and Insurance (3)

Risk management and insurance as an economic and business institution. Survey of risk management, fire, marine, casualty and life insurance for those interested as potential customers, salespersons or brokers….

FIN 495A-C. Seminar in Insurance (3-3)

means of case studies, readings and class discussion. Up to two different courses of this series may be taken for credit in the following areas: (A) Insurance Operations, (B) Insurance

HUMA 697. Comprehensive Exam (1)

Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Students will work toward the completion of the comprehensive examination with guidance from faculty. Comprehensive exams are completed during the semester in which students complete all…

EPC 697. Directed Comprehensive Studies (3-3)

to registration. Advanced studies of comprehensive topics. Taken during final semester of program. See Department Culminating Experience Handbook for information on how to form a committee. (Credit/No Credit only)…

PSY 697ABA. Directed Comprehensive Studies/Exams (3)

Prerequisites: Graduate standing in Psychology; Instructor consent. This course is the culminating experience in the Master of Science program in Applied Behavior Analysis. Directed Comprehensive Studies includes two parts:…