
Advanced Search

CTVA 210. Television-Film Aesthetics (3)

TV and film communicative art forms. Representative films and television programs are exhibited and analyzed. (Available for General Education, C1 Arts.) (IC)

JS 220. Critical Thinking About Jews on Film (3)

An introduction to the process of critical thinking through analysis of how Jews are represented in the medium of film. In particular, students will consider how this representation is…

HIST 345. War in History and Film (3)

…created heroic figures, reinforced ideals of gender and race, and promoted nations and nationalism. Develop a critical understanding of historical perceptions of war by analyzing film, history, and literature….

MSE 550. Thin Film Technology (3)

Prerequisite: Instructor consent. The basic processes for the deposition of films and coatings. Physical vapor deposition (PVD); evaporation, sputtering and ion plating, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and plasma-assisted chemical…

CTVA 467. The Management of Postproduction for Television and Film (3)

Prerequisites: Grade of “C” or higher in CTVA 100, CTVA 210, CTVA 220, and CTVA 240 or CTVA 250 or CTVA 260. Advanced course on the management processes…

CTVA 416. The Documentary Tradition in Film and Video (3)

Prerequisites: Grade of “C” or higher in CTVA 100 and CTVA 210. Examination of the history, functions, ethics and aesthetics of the documentary in both theatrical and television…

CTVA 309. Film as Literature (3)

…to establish a unique visual literature with its own critical standards. Feature films of various types and from diverse sources are screened. (Available for General Education, C1 Arts.) (WI)…

AFRS 343. Film, Literature and Society in Africa (3)

Prerequisite: Completion of the lower division writing requirement. Examines African film and literature from an African cultural and historical lens. Establishes art as a critical tool of African people’s…

CTVA 682. Production Management I: Film and Television Production (3)

Prerequisite: CTVA 681. This course explores the theory and practice of managing content production. Students will learn the structure of crews and production, workflow methodology, the most economically…

Cinema and Television Arts, B.A.Film Production

The Film Production option includes the conceptualization, production, directing, editing and distribution of cinema projects. In order to qualify for the Film Production option, a student must earn the…