Policies and Procedures by Keyword: Credit

Academic Credit for Prior Learning, Knowledge, and Experience

Students may challenge courses designated by departments to receive credit through extensive professional experience or learning acquired outside formal, higher education. Departments choose appropriate methodologies for experiential learning course credit. These may include, but are not limited to, written examinations, portfolios, personal interviews, demonstrations and/or other means of assessment. Currently, CSUN departments facilitate this process …

Advanced Placement (AP) Credit

CSUN grants credit toward its undergraduate degrees for successful completion of examinations of the Advanced Placement Program of the College Board. Students should have their official AP course transcripts and test scores sent to the Office of Admissions as part of their application for university admission. To report test scores, use the CSUN school code 4707. The …

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Credit

The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is a series of examinations that test college-level knowledge gained through professional development, on-the-job training, the military, etc. CLEP affords participants an opportunity to obtain college credit, satisfy course prerequisites or meet general requirements by examination. Students attending CSUN should review the required CLEP scores for meeting course equivalencies in …

Credit for Extension and Correspondence Courses

The maximum amount of credit through correspondence courses and/or extension courses allowed toward the baccalaureate degree is 24 units. The maximum allowed toward the second baccalaureate or master’s degree is 9 units. Extension course credit does not apply toward the residence requirement at CSUN. Extension courses numbered 800 do not carry any credit toward CSUN …

Credit for Military/Veterans

CSUN grants elective undergraduate credit to veterans who have completed basic training in the U.S. Armed Forces, which has been recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE) Military Guide, ACE National Guide to College Credit for Workforce Training and National College Credit Recommendation Service. A maximum of 24 extension course units may be allowed …

Credit for Non-Collegiate Sponsored Courses of Instruction

CSUN grants undergraduate degree credit for successful completion of non-collegiate instruction, either military or civilian, appropriate to the baccalaureate degree, which has been recommended by the Commission on Educational Credit and Credentials of the American Council on Education. The numbers of units allowed are those recommended in the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experience …

Credit for Work Completed Prior to Earning the Baccalaureate Degree

A maximum of 9 units of credit earned at the 500-level during a student’s final undergraduate semester at CSUN may be applied toward a master’s degree, subject to departmental approval. Requests for such credit are filed following admission to a CSUN master’s program on a Graduate Petition form. Courses are subject to the following University …

Credit for Work Taken at Community Colleges

Credit earned in regionally accredited community colleges will be evaluated in accordance with the following provisions: Community college credit is allowed up to a maximum of 70 semester units. Credits and grades earned after the student has the maximum allowable may only satisfy subject and GPA requirements but cannot apply toward the total units required …

Credit Hour

On July 1, 2020, the United States Department of Education changed its definition of the student credit hour. Fundamentally, the change shifted responsibility for credit hour compliance to the accreditation agency and/or to the state. As such, the CSU’s accreditor, the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC), has published its own updated definition of …

Credit/No Credit Grading

A grade of CR, indicating passed with credit, is given for work equivalent to “C” or better for undergraduate students and for work equivalent to “B” or better for postbaccalaureate and graduate students. NC, indicating no credit, is given for work equivalent to C-, D+, D, D- or F for undergraduate students and for work …

Credit/No Credit Work

A maximum of 18 semester units with restrictions may be applied toward the bachelor’s degree for CSUN “Credit/No Credit’’ graded courses. If 18 or more semester “Credit/No Credit’’ graded units are accepted in transfer from other institutions, no additional “Credit/No Credit” graded CSUN courses may be used to satisfy degree requirements.

Graduate Credit for Extension and Concurrent Enrollment Courses

Courses taken prior to admission to a master’s degree program through CSUN’s Extension or Concurrent Enrollment programs are subject to the limitations that apply to graduate work taken at other institutions (see Transfer Work policy). Courses taken through Extension or Concurrent Enrollment following admission to a master’s degree program are subject to departmental approval for …

International Baccalaureate (IB) Examination Credit

International Baccalaureate (IB) courses designated as Honors Courses on the UC/CSU “a-g” college preparatory subjects list are awarded extra grade points for computation of the high school GPA. To be awarded advanced standing credit for successful performance, the IB test must be higher level (HL) and have a score of 4 or higher. IB tests …

National Council of Licensure Examination (NCLEX) Credit

Students in the RN-BSN or the Collaborative programs may automatically receive 15 units of NCLEX credit after: Successfully completing NURS 303 Introduction to Professional Nursing. Proof of passing the NCLEX examination as demonstrated via verification through the Department of Consumer Affairs License Search, or the candidate’s state equivalent.

Restrictions on Examination Credit

No credit for any examinations will be awarded to a student who has: Taken the examination previously within the past term. Earned equivalent credit through regular coursework, credit by another examination or other instructional processes, such as correspondence. Earned credit previously at a level more advanced than that represented by the examination in question. Credit …

Transfer Work for Graduate Programs

Credit for work performed in extension or at another regionally accredited institution is subject to the following limitations: Transfer of work is subject to the approval of the graduate coordinator of the program that the student will enroll in and the Assistant Vice President of Graduate Studies. An unofficial transcript must be submitted with either …