Policy on Prosecution for Theft and Bad Checks

It is the policy of CSUN to prosecute individuals for theft, such as shoplifting, and the issuance of worthless documents, such as bad checks, wherever occurring on campus. All persons committing such acts are subject to prosecution by civil authorities under the California Penal Code. In addition to the penalties possible under the Penal Code, students may be disciplined under Section 41301 of Title 5, California Code of Regulations, and may be expelled, suspended, placed on probation and/or have their records encumbered. University employees committing such acts also may be subject to disciplinary action under Section 89535 of the California Education Code.

Every act of theft or the issuance of a worthless document is a burden that falls on the whole community, if in no other way by imposing an expense to the general public. This burden is magnified in the educational community where every additional expense is a real sacrifice to those involved in education. Moreover, such actions are an antithesis to what is expected of a campus community. Since it would be less than realistic to assume that these acts would not occur on campus, it is necessary that the educational community adopt those practices that society has developed to protect itself.

CSUN will employ those measures available to it under California laws and University policies to prosecute for theft and the issuance of worthless documents. Such measures include the utilization of Section 1719 of the California Civil Code (AB 1226) that permits the recipient of a bad check to recover the amount owing upon such check plus three times its face value, up to a limit of $500 in a court of competent jurisdiction. In addition, Title 5, California Code of Regulations, includes Auxiliary Organizations as an integral part of the campus. To provide an overall shield against the previously described acts, compatible policies and procedures will be utilized by each Auxiliary Organization in cooperation with the University.

Policies and procedures developed in accord with this statement will be filed with and available for inspection in the Office of the Special Assistant to the President.