Student Outcomes Assessment Policy

Students may be included in outcomes assessment projects. Among the types of assessment methods that might be used are portfolios, capstone seminars, certification examinations, senior papers, juried performances, productions, recitals and art shows, research projects or supervised field experiences. Departments may have other assessment projects of this kind that are unique to their particular subject(s).

  • The project must have curricular value and must be meaningful in the context of the major.
  • Preferably, the project will be adapted from or included in an existing program requirement or course.
  • Students will have a high stake in the outcome of the project that can be, at the initiative of the department and if necessary at the approval of the Educational Policies Committee, a graduation requirement or part of a required course.
  • The project will evaluate competence in the major and relevant basic skills.
  • To the extent feasible, the project should be organized to give programs and the University visibility in the community and professional world. Therefore, departments and programs are encouraged to actively seek sources outside the University, including alumni and employees, for involvement in all stages of assessment.
  • Results of assessment activities should reflect on the program or department, rather than on individual faculty.
  • Results of the assessment should be reported as part of the program review and should be considered in other curricular reform projects. They can be shared with the public through appropriate media.