Fall 2024 - Schedule of Classes
EED 578D
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Recommended Prerequisites: Admission to Multiple Subject Credential Program; Admission to student teaching. Corequisites: EED 480 and EED 579D. EED 578D is the second of two substantive clinical practice experiences in the Multiple Subject Credential Program–ITEP Pathway. The course requires 20 hours of Early Field Experience preceding student teaching and 10 weeks of student teaching in a participating public school classroom to provide the credential candidate the opportunity to establish connections among course content, theories of teaching and learning, and classroom pedagogy. In this course, student teachers are placed with an exemplary mentor teacher, skilled in both teaching and classroom management, in order to develop skills in planning daily standards-based lessons, implementing the elementary curriculum, engaging and supporting all students in learning, using educational technology, assessing student learning, and developing as a professional educator. Candidates plan lessons that provide access to the curriculum for all students and use a range of instructional strategies to tailor and adapt instruction as necessary to meet individual student needs. Emphasis in this all-day supervised clinical practice experience (approximately 320 hours) is on implementing positive behavioral support strategies with students and developing general pedagogical skills such as planning and teaching effective, meaningful, engaging lessons in all subjects, as well as integrated and designated English language development (ELD). Student teachers are provided formative feedback from their master teacher and university supervisor to help them move toward mastery of the California Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs). Teacher candidates must complete and pass the state-mandated Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA). (Credit/No Credit only)
Class Number | Location | Day | Time |
Class Number | Location | Day | Time |