This 4-Year Degree Road Map applies to the following catalog year(s):

YEAR 1: 1st Semester

Course Units
GE Basic Skills: A2 Written Communication 3
GE Basic Skills: B4 Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning 3
GE B1 Physical Science or GE B2 Life Science 2
GE B3 Science Laboratory Activity 1
GE C1 Arts 3
Elective 3
Total 15

YEAR 1: 2nd Semester

Course Units
GE Basic Skills: A1 Oral Communication 3
GE Basic Skills: A3 Critical Thinking 3
GE C3 American History Institutions and Ideals 3
Electives 6
Total 15

YEAR 2: 1st Semester

Course Units
POLS 155 or POLS 355 (meets GE D3 and D4 Constitution of the United States and State and Local Government) 3
GE B1 Physical Science or GE B2 Life Science (select from GE subarea not previously completed) 3
GE E Lifelong Learning 3
Electives 6
Total 15

YEAR 2: 2nd Semester

Course Units
POLS 156 or POLS 225 (meets GE D1 Social Sciences) 3
GE F Comparative Cultural Studies 3
Electives 9
Total 15

YEAR 3: 1st Semester

Course Units
POLS 350 or POLS 411 or POLS 412 or POLS 414 3
POLS 372 (meets GE B5 Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning) 3
Global Politics and Policy Requirement 3
Law and Society Option Elective 3
GE Upper Division Section F Comparative Cultural Studies 3
Total 15

YEAR 3: 2nd Semester

Course Units
Domestic Politics and Policy Requirement 3
Global Politics and Policy Requirement 3
Law and Society Option Elective 3
GE C2 Humanities 3
GE Upper Division Section D1 Social Sciences 3
Total 15

YEAR 4: 1st Semester

Course Units
Domestic Politics and Policy Requirement 3
Global Politics and Policy Requirement 3
Law and Society Option Elective 3
Proseminar: POLS 471A-F 3
Elective 3
Total 15

YEAR 4: 2nd Semester

Course Units
Domestic Politics and Policy Requirement 3
Law and Society Option Elective 3
Proseminar* 3
Electives 6
Total 15

One course for the degree must have an Ethnic Studies/ES designation.

*POLS 494I/A, POLS 494J/A, POLS 427A/L, POLS 427B/L or POLS 449 may be substituted for 3 units of POLS 471.

Law and Society Electives

Electives must include two of the following: POLS 450, POLS 455, POLS 457A or POLS 457B. May also include ENGL 407, PHIL 390, PHIL 446, PHIL 460 or SOC 434.

Domestic Courses

POLS 360, POLS 361, POLS 380, POLS 403, POLS 404, POLS 405, POLS 406, POLS 407, POLS 413, POLS 440, POLS 441, POLS 442, POLS 443, POLS 444, POLS 445, POLS 446, POLS 447A, POLS 448, POLS 449, POLS 450, POLS 455, POLS 457A, POLS 457B, POLS 458, POLS 460, POLS 461, POLS 462, POLS 463, POLS 465, POLS 466, POLS 467, POLS 469/L, POLS 471A, POLS 471E, POLS 471F

Global Courses

POLS 310, POLS 321, POLS 330, POLS 332, POLS 410, POLS 420A, POLS 420B, POLS 420C, POLS 420D, POLS 420E, POLS 420F, POLS 420G, POLS 420H, POLS 421, POLS 422, POLS 423, POLS 424, POLS 426, POLS 427A/L, POLS 427B/L, POLS 428, POLS 429, POLS 430, POLS 431, POLS 432A, POLS 432B, POLS 433A, POLS 433C, POLS 434A, POLS 434B, POLS 435A, POLS 435B, POLS 436A, POLS 438, POLS 439A, POLS 439B, POLS 448, POLS 471B, POLS 471C, POLS 480, POLS 481

General Courses

POLS 303, POLS 321, POLS 350, POLS 411, POLS 412, POLS 414, POLS 415, POLS 471D, POLS 486SOC, POLS 490CA, POLS 494SOC, POLS 496A-Z, POLS 498A, POLS 498B, POLS 498C, POLS 499A, POLS 499B, POLS 499C, POLS 499RIA