This 4-Year Degree Road Map applies to the following catalog year(s):

YEAR 1: 1st Semester

Course Units
GE Basic Skills: A2 Written Communication 3
GE Basic Skills: B4 Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning 3
GE B1 Physical Science or GE B2 Life Science 3
GE C1 Arts 3
GE D1 Social Sciences 3
Total 15

YEAR 1: 2nd Semester

Course Units
LING 200* or LING 230* or LING 250* 3
GE Basic Skills: A1 Oral Communication 3
GE Basic Skills: A3 Critical Thinking 3
GE B1 Physical Science or GE B2 Life Science (select from GE subarea not previously completed) 2
GE B3 Science Laboratory Activity 1
Elective 3
Total 15

YEAR 2: 1st Semester

Course Units
Studies in a Language Other Than English (consult with advisor) 3
Group A Elective (consult with advisor) 3
GE C3 American History Institutions and Ideals 3
Electives 6
Total 15

YEAR 2: 2nd Semester

Course Units
Studies in a Language Other Than English (consult with advisor) 3
GE D3 and D4 Constitution of the United States and State and Local Government 3
GE E Lifelong Learning 3
GE F Comparative Cultural Studies 3
Elective 3
Total 15

YEAR 3: 1st Semester

Course Units
LING 300 3
LING 310* or LING 325* 3
Group A Elective 3
GE Upper Division Section F Comparative Cultural Studies 3
Elective 3
Total 15

YEAR 3: 2nd Semester

Course Units
LING 309 or LING 427 or LING 441 or LING 447 3
LING 402 3
LING 404 3
GE C2 Humanities 3
GE Upper Division Section D1 Social Sciences 3
Total 15

YEAR 4: 1st Semester

Course Units
LING 403 3
LING 408 3
Group A Elective or Group B Elective 3
GE B5 Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning 3
Elective 3
Total 15

YEAR 4: 2nd Semester

Course Units
LING 417 3
Group A Elective or Group B Elective 3
Electives 9
Total 15

One course for the degree must have an Ethnic Studies/ES designation.

Note: A course counted as required cannot double count as an elective.

Group A Electives

LING 200*, LING 230*, LING 240*, LING 250*, LING 309*, LING 310*, LING 325*, LING 330, LING 331, LING 407, LING 411, LING 427, LING 430, LING 447, LING 455, LING 495A-Z

Group B Electives

AFRS 395, ANTH 310*, CHS 333*, CHS 433, CHS 482, CD 442, CD 462, COMP 310, COMP 333, COMP 410, COMP 569, COMS 350, COMS 356*, COMS 450, DEAF 484 (taught in ASL), DEAF 485 (taught in ASL), ENGL 400, ENGL 405, LING 303*, PHIL 445, PSY 367, SPAN 400, SPAN 401, SPAN 425, SPAN 497

*LING 303 may double count for B5 Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning. LING 310 may double count for B5 Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning or E Lifelong Learning. LING 240 may double count for C1 Arts. LING 200 may double count for C2 Humanities. LING 230 and/or LING 309 may double count for D1 Social Sciences. ANTH 310, CHS 333, COMS 356, LING 250 and/or LING 325 may double count for F Comparative Cultural Studies.