This ADT/STAR Act Degree Road Map applies to the following catalog year(s):

All lower division GE completed. Lower division major requirements of General Psychology (PSY 150) and Statistics (MATH 140) completed as part of the AA-T in Psychology.

Transfer Year 1: First Semester

Course Units
PSY 250 (if not completed prior to transfer) 3
PSY 301 1
PSY 320/L 3/1
Cognitive Psych.* One of the following: PSY 304, PSY 367, PSY 369, PSY 382 3
Social Psych.* PSY 345 3
Total 14

Transfer Year 1: Second Semester

Course Units
PSY 321/L 3/1
Clinical/Personality.* One of the following: PSY 310, PSY 351, PSY 353, PSY 370, PSY 380 3
Developmental Psych.* One of the following: PSY 313, PSY 327, PSY 335, PSY 361, PSY 365 3
GE B5 Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning 3
Elective 3
Total 16

Transfer Year 2: First Semester

Course Units
Upper Division PSY Electives 6+
GE Upper Division from Section C or Section F 3
Electives 6
Total 15

Transfer Year 2: Second Semester

Course Units
One 3-unit 400-level PSY course (Not PSY 486SOC, PSY 495A-Z, PSY 497 or PSY 499) 3
Upper Division PSY Electives 2+
GE Upper Division from Section D or Section F 3
Electives 7
Total 15
Total units after transfer 60