This ADT/STAR Act Degree Road Map applies to the following catalog year(s):

All lower division GE completed. Requirements with completion of an AA-T in Global Studies as follows:

Transfer Year 1: First Semester

Course Units
URBS 206 (if not completed prior to transfer) 3
URBS 250 (if not completed prior to transfer) 3
URBS 340A (meets GE B5 Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning) 3
URBS Elective Course* 3
GE Upper Division from Section C or Section F 3
Total 15

Transfer Year 1: Second Semester

Course Units
URBS 300 3
URBS 310 (meets GE Upper Division Section D Social Sciences) 3
URBS 340B 3
URBS Elective Course* 3
Elective 3
Total 15

Transfer Year 2: First Semester

Course Units
URBS 440 3
URBS 460 3
URBS 494C 3
URBS Elective Course* 3
Elective 3
Total 15

Transfer Year 2: Second Semester

Course Units
URBS 450 4
URBS 490C 3
URBS Elective Course* 6
Elective 2
Total 15
Total units after transfer 60

*Refer to catalog for course list.