This ADT/STAR Act Degree Road Map applies to the following catalog year(s):

All lower division GE completed. Requirements with completion of an AA-T in Global Studies as follows:

Transfer Year 1: First Semester

Course Units
CHS 100 (if not completed prior to transfer) 3
CHS 201 (if not completed prior to transfer) 3
CHS 246 (if not completed prior to transfer) 3
CHS 270SOC/F (if not completed prior to transfer) 3
GE B5 Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning 3
Total 15

Transfer Year 1: Second Semester

Course Units
CHS 331 3
CHS 345 or CHS 351 3
CHS 365 (meets GE Upper Division F Comparative Cultural Studies) 3
CHS 380 or CHS 381 3
CHS 401 3
Total 15

Transfer Year 2: First Semester

Course Units
CHS 445 (meets GE Upper Division Section D3 and D4 Constitution of the United States and State and Local Government) 3
CHS 453 or CHS 460 3
CHS 497 3
Upper Division CHS Electives* 6
Total 15

Transfer Year 2: Second Semester

Course Units
Upper Division CHS Electives* 3
Electives** 12
Total 15
Total units after transfer 60

One course for the degree must have an Ethnic Studies/ES designation.

*Upper Division Electives – Select 9 units in any of the following areas with the approval of an advisor:

Social Science: CHS 346, CHS 347, CHS 360, CHS 361, CHS 362, CHS 364, CHS 366, CHS 420, CHS 470, CHS 473

Humanities/Arts: CHS 306, CHS 308D/DL, CHS 310, CHS 350, CHS 382, CHS 390, CHS 405, CHS 409, CHS 414/L, CHS 415/L, CHS 476/F, CHS 486A or CHS 486B

Education: CHS 333, CHS 416, CHS 417, CHS 430, CHS 431, CHS 432, CHS 433, CHS 434, CHS 480, CHS 482

Environmental Justice and Public History: CHS 448 or CHS 467

**If needed, select upper division electives to total a minimum of 40 units upper division overall required for the bachelor’s degree.