This ADT/STAR Act Degree Road Map applies to the following catalog year(s):

All lower division GE completed as part of the AA-T in Communication Studies 1.0 or 2.0.

Transfer Year 1: First Semester

Course Units
COMS 301 3
COMS 321 3
COMS 327 3
COMS 356 (meets GE Upper Division F Comparative Cultural Studies) 3
Elective 3
Total 15

Transfer Year 1: Second Semester

Course Units
COMS 351 3
Communication Methods. One course from: COMS 430, COMS 440, COMS 450 3
Divisional Band: Performance and Cultural Studies. One course from: COMS 303, COMS 304, COMS 354, COMS 401, COMS 404, COMS 445 3
Upper Division COMS Electives* 3
GE B5 Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning 3
Total 15

Transfer Year 2: First Semester

Course Units
Divisional Band: Communication Theory. One course from: COMS 320, COMS 350, COMS 431, COMS 451, COMS 453 3
Divisional Band: Rhetorical Theory. One course from: COMS 425, COMS 435, COMS 442, COMS 444, COMS 448 3
Community Involvement Requirement. One course from: COMS 323, COMS 400C, COMS 410, COMS 437, COMS 452, COMS 494/L 3
Upper Division COMS Electives* 3
GE Upper Division from Section C, Section D or Section F 3
Total 15

Transfer Year 2: Second Semester

Course Units
Upper Division COMS Electives* 3/3/3
Electives 6
Total 15
Total units after transfer 60

One course for the degree must have an Ethnic Studies/ES designation.

*Upper division COMS electives may be chosen from courses listed in Divisional Bands above, or from: COMS 309, COMS 312, COMS 315, COMS 325, COMS 360, COMS 395, COMS 399, COMS 406, COMS 420, COMS 428, COMS 436, COMS 443, COMS 446, COMS 464.