This ADT/STAR Act Degree Road Map applies to the following catalog year(s):

All lower division GE completed. Lower division major requirements of General Psychology (PSY 150) and Statistics (MATH 140) completed as part of the AA-T in Psychology.

Transfer Year 1: First Semester

Course Units
PSY 250 (if not completed prior to transfer) 3
PSY 301 1
PSY 320/L (Satisfies GE B5 Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning) 3/1
Cognitive Psych.* One of the following: PSY 304, PSY 367, PSY 369, PSY 382 3
Social Psych.* PSY 345 3
Total 14

Transfer Year 1: Second Semester

Course Units
PSY 321/L 3/1
Clinical/Personality.* One of the following: PSY 310, PSY 351, PSY 353, PSY 370, PSY 380 3
Developmental Psych.* One of the following: PSY 313, PSY 327, PSY 335, PSY 361, PSY 365 3
Electives 6
Total 16

Transfer Year 2: First Semester

Course Units
Upper Division PSY Electives 6+
GE Upper Division from Section C or Section F 3
Electives 6
Total 15

Transfer Year 2: Second Semester

Course Units
One 3-unit 400-level PSY course (Not PSY 486SOC, PSY 495A-Z, PSY 497 or PSY 499) 3
Upper Division PSY Electives 2+
GE Upper Division from Section D or Section F 3
Electives 7
Total 15
Total units after transfer 60

One course for the degree must have an Ethnic Studies/ES designation.

*The area requirements of Clinical/Personality Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, and Social Psychology may be taken in any order, but should be completed within the first year at CSUN.

Minimum of 42 units required in courses for the Psychology major. No more than 4 units of PSY 421 may be counted toward the major. No more than 6 units combined of PSY 498 and PSY 499 may be counted toward the major.