Program: Child and Adolescent Development, B.A.

Honors Option

Program Description

The purpose of the Department Honors Program is to recognize and support the development of exceptional Child and Adolescent Development undergraduate students. The Department Honors program allows students the opportunity to engage in advanced-level coursework to better prepare for graduate coursework and/or careers in the field of Child and Adolescent Development. Interested students should consult the Department of Child and Adolescent Development website for details and an application. Admission to the Department Honors Program is granted by approval of the Department Honors Committee.

Program Requirements

A. Eligibility

To be eligible to apply for the Department Honors program, a student must:

  1. Be a declared Child and Adolescent Development major.
  2. Have completed or be currently enrolled in CADV 380/L.
  3. Have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.
  4. Have a minimum 3.5 GPA in all upper division Child and Adolescent Development courses taken at CSUN (first-semester transfer students should report grades from their prior university/college).

B. Program Requirements

If admitted, students in the Honors in Child and Adolescent Development program must:

  1. Complete honors sections of the following courses with a “B+” or better:
    1. CADV 381H/L Methods of Child and Adolescent Study II and Lab (3/1)
    2. CADV 470H Advanced Theories in Child and Adolescent Development (3)
  2. Successfully complete CADV 495A (3) and CADV 495B (3).
  3. Successfully complete a Department Sponsored Internship (i.e., CADV 394 and CADV 494).
  4. Maintain a portfolio of their honors assignments from the required courses above.
  5. Present a project at the Department of Child and Adolescent Development Honors Forum. The project must be conducted under the supervision of a faculty member in Child and Adolescent Development and may be an empirical research project, a literature review project or a community project.
  6. Maintain a minimum 3.5 GPA in all of their upper division coursework for the major.

If an honors student fails to meet or maintain any of the requirements of the program, the student will be immediately dropped from the program.

Upon successful completion of the program, students will receive an Honors designation on their diploma and transcript.

Total Units Required in the Honors Program: 13


Department of Child and Adolescent Development
Chair: W. David Wakefield
Sequoia Hall (SQ) 285
(818) 677-3385

Honors Program Director: Nancy Miodrag
Sequoia Hall (SQ) 280-D
(818) 677-4349