Course: CAS 151. Fundamentals of Public Speaking (3)

Prerequisite: Multiple Measures Placement in GE-level writing, or completion of 113A or 114A, or completion of the lower division writing requirement. This course will introduce students to the fundamentals of public speaking and verbal communication, with particular emphasis on issues related to the Central American experience. Lectures and class assignments will focus on intensive practice in public speaking and developing students’ critical thinking, reading and listening skills. Over the course of the semester, students will learn how to research, organize, prepare and deliver oral presentations and to become confident and effective public speakers. Students will be required to deliver speeches that address topics and themes relevant to Central America and the Central American diaspora in the U.S. and to engage in constructive peer evaluations of their classmates’ oral presentations. Fulfills same requirements as AAS 151, AFRS 151CHS 151, COMS 151 and QS 151. (Available for General Education, Basic Skills A1 Oral Communication.)

Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes

CAS 151

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Spring-2025 - Schedule of Classes

CAS 151

Class NumberLocationDayTime