Prerequisite: ECE 240 or ECE 240N. Recommended Prerequisite: ECE 410. Review of single phase, three phase power and calculations of power using the “per-unit” method. Study of single line diagrams using reactance and impedance, and three phase transformers as applied to power systems and synchronous machines. Discussion of series impedance, capacitance, voltage and current as related to power transmission lines. Modeling of admittance, impedance and network calculations are included. Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) and Automated Transmission Operations (ATO) are discussed as a consequence of the implementation of the smart grid. The effects of magnetic field in power transmission lines also are discussed. Design and simulation projects are included. Students make presentations about their findings. PSPICE and MATLAB are utilized. Available for graduate credit.

Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes

ECE 411

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Spring-2025 - Schedule of Classes

ECE 411

Class NumberLocationDayTime