Course: EED 520. Reading Instruction for Diverse Learners (3)
Prerequisite: Restricted to candidates officially admitted to the postbaccalaureate multiple subject teaching credential program. Corequisite: EED 500 or EPC 500. EPC 315 (Psychological Foundations of Teaching and Learning) may be substituted for the EPC/EED 500 prerequisite only if completed as an undergraduate. This course prepares postbaccalaureate multiple subject credential candidates to teach reading, speaking, listening, and language across the curriculum to all students—including beginning through advanced readers, English learners, and students with disabilities (e.g., individuals demonstrating atypical development). Teacher candidates will become familiar with historical and theoretical perspectives on reading/language arts and the current state-adopted standards in English language arts and English language development (ELD). Candidates will learn how to use an array of engaging instructional methods to address student needs and to help students become skillful, analytic, lifelong readers. Candidates learn to administer literacy assessments and use assessment data to inform instructional planning. This course requires twenty (20) hours of directed fieldwork in a public school during reading/language arts/ELD instruction.