Course: SED 525BL. Bilingual and Bicultural Teaching in Multiethnic Secondary Schools (3)

Required course for all Bilingual Authorization Program candidates. Prerequisites: SED 521 (pre Fall 2011) or SED 523 (Fall 2011 and later). Preparatory: SED 525xx. This course will examine the history, policies, programs and research on the effectiveness of bilingual education and bilingualism in the U.S., as well as the philosophical, theoretical, legal and legislative foundations of bilingual education and their effects on program design and the educational achievement of bilingual children and adolescents. Also addressed are the transferability between the primary and English language; authentic parental participation; the interrelatedness among the four domains of language (listening, speaking, reading and writing); and the application of different bilingual education models, instructional strategies, materials and skills to instructional settings. The course also will examine planning, developing, implementing and assessing standards-aligned content instruction in the primary and the English language with a variety of instructional and assessment strategies, as well as the use of a variety of criteria to select instructional materials to assess their appropriateness and suitability for the local context and to augment resources when necessary. (Cross-listed with EED 525.)

Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes


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Spring-2025 - Schedule of Classes


Class NumberLocationDayTime