Course: SPED 502MME. Literacy Intervention for Diverse K-12 Students with Mild to Extensive Support Needs (3)
Restricted to candidates admitted to the Preliminary Education Specialist Credential Program, ITEP or the Dual Preliminary Single Subject/Education Specialist Program. Prerequisites for ITEP and Preliminary Education Specialist Credential Program: SPED 400 or SPED 541B, SPED 406; Prerequisites for Dual Single Subject/Preliminary Education Specialist Program: EPC 420, SED 521. This course develops understanding of reading processes and the reading and written language problems of students with mild to extensive support needs. Emphasis is given to informal diagnostic assessment procedures and the application of instructional techniques to remediate identified areas of need. Evidence-based high leverage approaches to supporting the development of individualized interventions in writing, phonemic awareness, word decoding, fluency, vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension are critically examined and applied. Students will engage in collaboration with a co-teacher to plan, instruct, and assess a child with significant reading challenges in the clinical setting, and participate in consistent collaboration with the families of clinic students.