Course: SPED 503MME. Curriculum and Instruction for Diverse Learners with Mild to Extensive Support Needs (3)

Restricted to candidates admitted to the Preliminary Education Specialist Credential Program, the Dual Preliminary Single Subject/Education Specialist Credential Program, the ITEP program, or the Master of Arts (M.A.) degree in Educational Therapy. Prerequisites for ITEP and Preliminary Education Specialist Credential Program: SPED 420 or SPED 541B, SPED 511, and EED 472, or EED 565M, or SED 525XX. Pre/co requisites for Dual Preliminary Single Subject/Education Specialist Credential Program: SPED 420, SPED 511, and SED 525XX. This course examines evidence-based models of curriculum and instruction across several core content areas (e.g., math, science, social studies, and language arts). Candidates demonstrate the ability to design universally designed lessons using the components of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and create individualized curricular and instructional supports to meet the needs of learners with extensive to mild support needs. Emphasis is given to using assessment findings to guide instructional decisions. Finally, candidates demonstrate the ability to apply direct instruction and/or systematic instructional strategies when teaching new skills, tasks, and concepts.

Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes


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Spring-2025 - Schedule of Classes


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