This is an archive of the 2014-2015 University Catalog.
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This is an archive of the 2014-2015 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

Policies by Category: Graduate Policies

Academic Leave (Leave of Absence) Graduate Policy

Graduate students in good standing may take a two-semester leave of absence. Though no formal approval is required, it is suggested that students seek academic advisement. Graduate students in degree programs should contact their Departments before the end of the second semester of leave of absence. Students who do not enroll by the third semester …

Administrative Grading Symbols (I, IC, RP, SP, W, WU, CR and NC)

Incomplete (I): The symbol “I” indicates that a portion of required coursework has not been completed and evaluated in the prescribed time period due to unforeseen but fully justified reasons, and that a substantial portion of the course requirement has been completed with a passing grade and that there is still a possibility of earning credit. …

Course Numbering System

001-099 Courses that carry no credit toward a Degree or Credential. Generally remedial or subcollegiate-level in content. 100-199 Lower Division, introductory courses that constitute the beginning of college work in a major or in general education and which require no previous college experience. Open to Upper Division students. 200-299 Lower Division courses of freshman and sophomore level. …

Course Types

Academic Internships Many departments and programs offer special undergraduate courses in which students earn academic credit for formally supervised experience outside the traditional university classroom. Students work with faculty and internship hosts to plan, process and evaluate the learning resulting from internship/clinical practica. CSUN recognizes that laws and regulations reserve certain rights for external agencies …

Credit for Work Completed Prior to Earning the Baccalaureate Degree

A maximum of 9 units of credit earned at the 500-level during a student’s final undergraduate semester at CSUN may be applied toward a Master’s Degree, subject to Departmental approval. Requests for such credit are filed following admission to a CSUN Master’s Program on a Graduate Petition Form. Courses are subject to the following University …

Credit/No Credit Grading

A grade of CR, indicating passed with credit, is given for work equivalent to C or better for undergraduate students and for work equivalent to B or better for post-baccalaureate and graduate students. NC, indicating no credit, is given for work equivalent to C-, D+, D, D- or F for undergraduate students and for work …

Grading Symbols

Grade Definition Points Dates Used A Outstanding 4.0 1958-present A- 3.7 1987-present B+ 3.3 1987-present B Very Good 3.0 1958-present B- 2.7 1987-present C+ 2.3 1987-present C Average 2.0 1958-present C- 1.7 1987-present D+ 1.3 1987-present D Barely Passing 1.0 1958-present D- 0.7 1987-present F Failure 0.0 1958-present CR Credit 0.0 1967-present NC No Credit …

Grading Systems and Policies

The University uses a combination of the following grading options: A-F letter grading: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D- and F. Grades A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D- indicate passing grades; F indicates failure. Faculty define the grading criteria for all courses. Any changes in …

Graduate and Post-Baccalaureate Application Procedures

Graduate and Post-Baccalaureate Application Procedures The following information applies generally to all 23 campuses of the California State University system. For information specific to CSUN graduate and post-baccalaureate application procedures, please refer to the Graduate Studies section of this Catalog and to the Admissions and Records website. All graduate and post-baccalaureate applicants (e.g., Ed.D., joint Ph.D. applicants, master’s degree applicants, those seeking …

Graduate Credit for Extension and Concurrent Enrollment Courses

Courses taken prior to admission to a Master’s degree program through CSUN’s Extension or Concurrent Enrollment programs are subject to the limitations that apply to graduate work taken at other institutions (see Transfer Work policy). Courses taken through Extension or Concurrent Enrollment following admission to a Master’s degree program are subject to Departmental approval for …

Graduate Foreign Language Reading Examination

When competency in a foreign language is a Departmental requirement, students may demonstrate competency in one of three ways: Passing the Graduate Foreign Language Examination (Princeton Examination); Passing a Departmental examination. The examination is given by the Department of Foreign Languages in the 5th week of each semester. Candidates who plan to take this examination should …

Graduate Probation and Disqualification Policy

Academic Probation Students enrolled in a Graduate Program (Certificate, Master’s, or Doctoral) will be placed on academic probation at the end of the semester when their cumulative GPA falls below 3.0. To be removed from probation, students must earn sufficient grade points in the following semester of enrollment to raise their cumulative GPA to 3.0 or above. Failure …

Graduation with Distinction (Graduate Policy)

A student may receive the Master’s degree with distinction by maintaining a 3.885 or higher GPA on all formal Master’s degree program coursework. The notation “With Distinction’’ is posted with the degree on the transcript, and also will appear on the diploma.

Online Course Designations

A Fully Online Class (OF) is an online course offering in which all class sessions and exams are presented in an online environment. If a course meets at a specified time online, the course should list the day of the week and time in the Schedule of Classes. Fully online courses have no on campus …

Policy on GPA Requirements for Graduate Programs

Students pursuing a Graduate Degree must maintain a minimum 3.0 (“B”) GPA in the formal program and in the cumulative GPA. No grade below a “C” can be counted in the formal program. Any grade of “C-” or below in the formal program must be repeated after an approved course repeat form has been filed. …

Post-Baccalaureate Credential Probation and Disqualification Policy

Academic Probation Students enrolled in a Post-baccalaureate Credential Program will be placed on academic probation at the end of the semester when their cumulative GPA falls below 2.75. To be removed from probation, students must earn sufficient grade points in the following semester of enrollment to raise their cumulative GPA to 2.75 or above. Failure to do so …

Repeat of Courses (Graduate Policy)

Students must submit a Course Repeat Form with prior permission of the Graduate Coordinator/Department Chair and the Associate Vice President of Graduate Studies. A graduate student may repeat up to 6 units in which a grade of “B-” or below has been earned. In these cases, only the most recent grade will count. Students seeking …

Syllabi for All Graduate Courses

To better inform students about the requirements, content and methodology of the University’s graduate curricula, all faculty teaching graduate courses will distribute a written syllabus to each student in the course and/or post it online no later than the second week of classes. The syllabus should contain at least the following information: Course objective(s). A …

Transfer Work for Graduate Programs Policy

Credit for work performed in extension or at another regionally accredited institution is subject to the following limitations: Transfer of work is subject to the approval of the Graduate Coordinator of the major Department and the Associate Vice President of Graduate Studies. An unofficial transcript must be submitted with either the formal program or course …

Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) Substitution (Graduate Policy)

All CSUN graduate students earning a degree are required by the CSU to satisfy the Graduate Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) prior to full classification.  Graduate students who completed an undergraduate degree at any CSU since 1982 have automatically met this requirement because they were required to demonstrate writing proficiency in order to graduate.  All other …

Withdrawals (Graduate Policy)

Cancellation of Registration or Withdrawal from the University Students who find it necessary to cancel their registration or to withdraw from all classes after enrolling for any academic term are required to follow the University’s official withdrawal procedures. Failure to follow formal University procedures may result in an obligation to pay fees as well as …