This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit


Mission Statement

The Africana Studies major and minor consist of course sequences and concentrations within an interdisciplinary curriculum (including history, political science, literature, cultural studies, psychology, social science, religion and others) that provide students with intellectual training in understanding and analyzing both the broad range of the African-American experience in the U.S. and issues of the African diaspora. The department encompasses university-trained social scientists and humanists from the major academic disciplines.

Academic Advisement

Seeking academic advisement is essential to academic success and timely graduation. Students are required to regularly meet with the department’s designated advisors as well as attend mandatory advisement workshops in the Fall and Spring semesters. Undergraduate advisors are Cedric Hackett and Aimee Glocke. Contact the department for an appointment. Additional academic advisement is also available to students through both the department advisor and staff advisors in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Student Services Center/EOP Satellite. Please call (818) 677-2658 to schedule an appointment.


After graduating, Africana Studies majors attend law school or graduate schools in various fields. Many become teachers, social workers, entrepreneurs or work in government. Typical immediate employment options for a graduated Africana Studies major include the probation department, editorial work at publishing enterprises, community development program directors or assistants, bank tellers and/or managerial trainees, retail sales positions, K-12 teaching, teaching assistant and research assistant positions in graduate school, and more. For additional information regarding Africana Studies-related career options, consult the Africana Studies department.

Credential Information

Africana Studies majors interested in teaching social studies at the middle school or high school level may combine their major program with the Single Subject Social Science Subject Matter Program in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences (CSBS) to meet requirements for entering a Single Subject Credential program. View Social Science Subject Matter Program for Secondary School Teachers for more information.


Chair: Sylvia Macauley
Santa Susana Hall (SN) 221
(818) 677-3311