ASTR 152. Elementary Astronomy (3)
Introduction to astronomy. Topics to be covered include the historical development of astronomy; the laws that govern the behavior of the universe; a survey of the properties of stars and galaxies, including their origin and evolution; and the Big Bang Theory. This course also is offered online as ASTR 152OL. (Students using this course to satisfy the General Education requirement in Natural Sciences may satisfy the corresponding lab requirement by completing course ASTR 154L.)
ASTR 154L. Observational Astronomy (1)
Recommended Corequisite or Preparatory: ASTR 152. Introduction to the techniques of observational astronomy, including data acquisition and interpretation. Testing of astronomical hypotheses by using data from observations of the moon, planets, sun, stars and galaxies. 3 hours per week. (May be used to satisfy the lab requirement in General Education, Natural Sciences provided ASTR 152 has been completed.)
ASTR 301. The Dynamical Universe (3)
Preparatory: MATH 150B; PHYS 220A or 225; Completion of the Lower Division writing requirement. Applications of Newtonian and relativistic dynamics to astrophysical systems. Planetary and satellite motion, planetary rings, binary and multiple star systems, clusters of stars, dynamics of spiral and elliptical galaxies, missing mass of galaxy clusters, relativistic orbits (Mercury and the binary pulsar), black holes and the dynamical fate of the universe.
ASTR 352. Current Developments in Astronomy (3)
Preparatory: Completion of the Lower Division writing requirement. In-depth examination and interpretation of astronomical discoveries occurring at the time the course is taught. Reading includes both background material and current periodicals accessible to Upper Division, General Education students. Likely areas of discussion include spacecraft exploration of the solar system, satellite observations of high-energy radiation from space, exotic astronomical objects (e.g., double quasars, black hole candidates), and new cosmological data. (Students using this course to satisfy the General Education requirement in Natural Sciences may satisfy the corresponding lab requirement by completing course ASTR 352L.) (IC)
ASTR 352L. Current Developments in Astronomy Lab (1)
Preparatory: Completion of the Lower Division writing requirement. Recommended Corequisite or Preparatory: ASTR 352. Use of observational and laboratory facilities and published data to explore current developments in astronomy. 3 hours per week. (May be used to satisfy the lab requirement in Natural Sciences, General Education provided ASTR 352 also is completed.) (IC)
ASTR 401. The Radiative Universe (3)
Preparatory: PHYS 227. Application of the laws of radiation, atomic structure and subatomic structure to astrophysical systems. Cosmic magnetic fields, energy sources, analysis of radiation from stars, nebulae, supernovae, active galaxies and quasars, the early universe and origin of the elements.
ASTR 499A-C. Independent Study (1-3)
No course description.
PHYS 100A. General Physics I (3)
Prerequisite: MATH 103 or 104 or 105, or a score on the Mathematics Placement Test (MPT) sufficient for entry into MATH 255A. Introductory course in physics. Topics covered include mechanics, heat and sound. (Students using this course to satisfy the Natural Sciences requirement in General Education may satisfy the corresponding lab requirement by completing course PHYS 100AL.)
PHYS 100AL. General Physics I Lab (1)
Recommended Corequisite or Preparatory: PHYS 100A. 3 hours per week. (May be used to satisfy the lab requirement in Natural Sciences, General Education, provided PHYS 100A also is completed.
PHYS 100AR. General Physics I Recitation (1)
Corequisite: PHYS 100A. Recitation-discussion of topics introduced in PHYS 100A. Optional class emphasizing problem solving. Problems solved are directly related to topics introduced in the lecture class. 1 hour per week.
PHYS 100B. General Physics II (3)
Prerequisite: PHYS 100A. Continuation of PHYS 100A. Topics covered include electricity and magnetism, light, and modern physics. (Students using this course to satisfy the Natural Sciences requirement in General Education may satisfy the corresponding lab requirement by completing course PHYS 100BL.)
PHYS 100BL. General Physics II Lab (1)
Recommended Corequisite or Preparatory: PHYS 100B. 3 hours per week. (May be used to satisfy the lab requirement in Natural Sciences, General Education, provided PHYS 100B also is completed.)
PHYS 100BR. General Physics II Recitation (1)
Corequisite: PHYS 100B. Recitation-discussion of topics introduced in PHYS 100B. Optional class emphasizing problem solving. Problems solved are directly related to topics introduced in the lecture class. 1 hour per week.
PHYS 220A. Mechanics (3)
Prerequisite: MATH 150A or 255A; Recommended Corequisite or Preparatory: MATH 150B or 255B. Dynamics and statics of particles and rigid bodies, harmonic vibrations and fluid mechanics. (Students using this course to satisfy the Natural Sciences requirement in General Education may satisfy the corresponding lab requirement by completing course PHYS 220AL.)
PHYS 220AL. Mechanics Lab (1)
Recommended Corequisite or Preparatory: PHYS 220A or 225. 3 hours per week. (May be used to satisfy the lab requirement in Natural Sciences, General Education, provided PHYS 220A also is completed.)
PHYS 220B. Electricity and Magnetism (3)
Prerequisites: PHYS 220A; MATH 150B or 255B. Recommended Corequisite or Preparatory: MATH 250. Electric and magnetic fields, circuit theory and electromagnetic induction. (Students using this course to satisfy the Natural Sciences requirement in General Education may satisfy the corresponding lab requirement by completing course PHYS 220BL.)
PHYS 220BL. Electricity and Magnetism Lab (1)
Recommended Corequisite or Preparatory: PHYS 220B or 226. 3 hours per week. (May be used to satisfy the lab requirement in Natural Sciences, General Education, provided PHYS 220B also is completed.)
PHYS 225. Physics I (4)
Prerequisite: MATH 150A. Recommended Corequisite or Preparatory: MATH 150B. First course of a sequence intended primarily for physical science majors. Calculus-based course on mechanics, fluids, waves and acoustics.
PHYS 226. Physics II (4)
Prerequisites: MATH 150B; PHYS 225. Recommended Corequisite or Preparatory: MATH 250. Second course of a sequence of courses intended primarily for physical science majors. Calculus-based course on electricity, magnetism and optics.
PHYS 227. Physics III (4)
Prerequisites: MATH 150B; PHYS 226 or 220B. Recommended Corequisite or Preparatory: MATH 280. Third course of a sequence of courses intended primarily for physical science majors. Calculus-based course on thermodynamics, waves and modern physics.
PHYS 227L. Physics III Lab (1)
Recommended Corequisite or Preparatory: PHYS 227. 3 hours per week.
PHYS 301. Analytical Mechanics I (3)
Preparatory: MATH 250, 280; PHYS 227. Newtonian mechanics of a single particle, oscillations, systems of particles, central force motion, calculus of variations and Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics.
PHYS 305/L. Physics of Music and Laboratory (3/1)
Corequisite: PHYS 305L. Preparatory: Completion of the Lower Division writing requirement. This course is currently taught entirely and only online. History and development of the science of sound and music, physical concepts necessary for the study of wave motion, mechanics of the construction of sound and musical tones, and basic physical principles involved in the production of sound in instruments and the human voice, including studies of the production of language. A good understanding of the composition of sounds and musical tones is obtained without detailed mathematics through experiments carried out in the home or other locations using the students computer with installed software. A final project is required. (Available for General Education, Natural Sciences.) (IC)
PHYS 311. Electromagnetism I (3)
Preparatory: MATH 250, 280; PHYS 227. Vector calculus, electrostatics, magnetostatics, Faradays Law and introduction to Maxwells equations.
PHYS 365. Experimental Physics I (2)
Preparatory: MATH 250, 262, 280; PHYS 227/L. Advanced experimental techniques in physics, with topics including optics, nuclear physics, thin-film characteristics, microwaves, data acquisition via computer interface, computer simulations, solar observations and other topics chosen by the instructor. This course includes a module on computer analysis in physics using Matlab. Students are trained in advanced experimental techniques and complete 2 experimental modules for 2 units of credit. 6 hours per week.
PHYS 366. Experimental Physics II (2)
Preparatory: MATH 250, 262, 280; PHYS 227/L. Advanced experimental techniques in physics, with topics including optics, nuclear physics, thin-film characteristics, microwaves, data acquisition via computer interface, computer simulations, solar observations and other topics chosen by the instructor. Students are trained in advanced experimental techniques and complete 2 experimental modules for 2 units of credit. 6 hours per week.
PHYS 375. Quantum Physics I (3)
Preparatory: MATH 262; PHYS 301. Classical background, the wave function, Schroedinger equation, time development and stationary states, 1-dimensional problems, harmonic oscillator and formalism of quantum mechanics.
PHYS 376. Radiologic Physics (3)
Preparatory: PHYS 100A/L, 100B/L or instructor consent. Specialized course devoted to the nature and production of X-radiation. Topics include the interaction of radiation with matter, attenuation of X-rays and the principles behind radiographic equipment and components.
PHYS 389. Mathematical Methods in Physics I (3)
Preparatory: PHYS 227; MATH 280 or 351. An introduction to the mathematical methods used in junior and senior level physics courses. Topics covered include vector analysis, linear algebra, and partial differentiation.
PHYS 402. Analytical Mechanics II (3)
Preparatory: MATH 262; PHYS 301. Noninertial reference frames, rigid body motion, coupled oscillations, nonlinear mechanics, scattering, vibrating string and Fourier analysis. Available for graduate credit.
PHYS 410. Electromagnetism II (3)
Preparatory: MATH 262; PHYS 301, 311. Maxwells equations and applications, electromagnetic waves, radiation and special relativity. Available for graduate credit.
PHYS 420. Modern Optics (3)
Preparatory: PHYS 311, 375. Propagation of electromagnetic waves. Geometrical optics. Physical optics, including refraction, reflection, interference, diffraction, and polarization. Atomic spectroscopy. Lasers. Available for graduate credit.
PHYS 431. Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (4)
Preparatory: PHYS 301, 375. Laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamic potentials, kinetic theory, phase transitions, equilibrium ensembles and related formalism with applications to classical and quantum systems. Available for graduate credit.
PHYS 451. Quantum Physics II (3)
Preparatory: PHYS 311, 375. Hydrogen atom, angular momentum, spin, matrix representation, quantum statistics, perturbation theory and scattering. Available for graduate credit.
PHYS 465. Experimental Physics III (2)
Preparatory: PHYS 365. Advanced experimental techniques in physics with topics including optics, nuclear physics, thin-film characteristics, microwaves, data acquisition via computer interface, computer simulations, solar observations and other topics chosen by the instructor. Students are trained in advanced experimental techniques and will complete 2 experimental modules for 2 units of credit. 6 hours per week.
PHYS 466. Experimental Physics IV (2)
Preparatory: PHYS 365. Advanced experimental techniques in physics with topics including optics, nuclear physics, thin-film characteristics, microwaves, data acquisition via computer interface, computer simulations, solar observations and topics chosen by the instructor. Students are trained in advanced experimental techniques and will complete 2experimental modules for 2 units of credit. 6 hours per week.
PHYS 470. Introduction to Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics (3)
Recommended Corequisite or Preparatory: PHYS 451. Production, interactions and structure of subatomic particles, including radioactivity, accelerators, detectors, classification of elementary particles, quark model, nuclear properties, nuclear models and nuclear reactions. Available for graduate credit.
PHYS 480. Introduction to Solid State Physics (3)
Preparatory: PHYS 311, 375. Structure of crystals; electron theory of metals; theory of semiconductors; and mechanical, electrical and magnetic behavior of substances in the solid state. Available for graduate credit.
PHYS 489. Mathematical Methods in Physics II (3)
Prerequisite: PHYS 389 or graduate standing; Preparatory: MATH 380, PHYS 375 (may be taken concurrently). Topics include complex variables, ordinary and partial differential equations, special functions, and boundary value problems with physical applications. Available for graduate credit.
PHYS 490. Computer Applications in Physics (3)
Preparatory: PHYS 301 and 365, or instructor consent. Applications of numerical analysis and computer programming to the solution of problems in classical and modern physics. Available for graduate credit.
PHYS 493. Physics and Astronomy Colloquium (1-1-1)
Preparatory: Junior, senior or graduate standing in Physics. Series of lectures presented weekly by faculty members and invited speakers on topics of current interest in physics, astronomy and related fields. May be repeated twice for credit.
PHYS 496A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses in Physics (1-3)
Experimental courses in Physics, with course content to be determined.
PHYS 498. Undergraduate Thesis (3)
Preparatory: Admission to Honors Program in Physics.
PHYS 499. Independent Study (1-3)
See Independent Study under Courses of Study.
PHYS 585. Computational Materials Theory (3)
Prerequisite: PHYS 451 or PHYS 650 or instructor permission. Introduction to the mathematical and physical principles underlying computational materials theory based on quantum mechanics. Topics will include the density functional theory– the cornerstone of modern electronic structure calculations for atoms, molecules, and solids. We will also cover quantum transport, magnetism, and many body physics. The emphasis is to develop theoretical models for real materials and solve the problem by applying advanced numerical methods. The course is aimed at advanced undergraduates and graduate students in understanding advanced physics in material science through hands-on research projects.
PHYS 589. Mathematical Physics Seminar (1)
Preparatory: Senior or graduate standing in the Department of Mathematics or the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Seminar comprised of a series of weekly lectures in mathematical physics by faculty members and invited speakers. (Cross-listed with MATH 589.)
PHYS 595A-Z. Experimental Topics Courses (1-3)
No course description.
PHYS 600. Classical Mechanics (4)
Preparatory: PHYS 402, 410, 451. Advanced course in classical mechanics, with topics selected from Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics, continuum mechanics, nonlinear systems and chaos.
PHYS 601. Selected Topics in Astrophysics (3)
Preparatory: PHYS 375, 402, 410. Advanced treatment of the observational and theoretical foundations of astrophysics. Topics may include stellar structure, radio sources, relativistic cosmology, the origin of the elements and galaxy formation.
PHYS 610. Electromagnetic Theory (4)
Preparatory: PHYS 410, 489. Advanced theoretical treatment of the electrostatic field with introduction of mathematical techniques. Introduction to electromagnetic waves and radiation from sources.
PHYS 615. Plasma Physics (3)
Preparatory: PHYS 402, 410, 431. Plasma state, motion of isolated charged particles, collisions, plasma statistical mechanics, statistics of collisions, fluid and statistical models, waves in plasmas, instabilities, non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and radiation processes.
PHYS 620. Optics (3)
Preparatory: PHYS 410 or 420. Advanced topics in physical optics, interference and diffraction theory, partial coherence and polarization, conducting thin films and crystal optics. Introduction to gradient index optics, holography, nonlinear effects and other topics of fundamental or current interest.
PHYS 630. Statistical Physics (3)
Preparatory: PHYS 431, 451, 600. Theoretical foundations of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics for equilibrium and non-equilibrium systems. Applications to Bose and Fermi assemblies, real gases, liquids, solids, solutions, phase transitions and chemical reactions.
PHYS 640. General Relativity (3)
Preparatory: PHYS 402, 410. Introduction to the mathematics and physics of curved space-time. Gravitational fields as curvature of space-time. Einsteins gravitational field equations, solutions and experimental tests. Application to topics of current interest in relativistic astrophysics, particle physics and field theory.
PHYS 650. Quantum Mechanics I (3)
Preparatory: PHYS 451. Recommended Corequisite or Preparatory: PHYS 600. Mathematical foundation of quantum theory. Scattering theory. Angular momentum and spin. Identical particles. Heisenberg and Schrodinger representations. Perturbation theory.
PHYS 651. Quantum Mechanics II (3)
Preparatory: PHYS 650. Relativistic wave equations. Advanced scattering theory. Selected topics from quantum theory of atoms and molecules.
PHYS 680. Solid State Physics I (3)
Preparatory: PHYS 451 or 480. Advanced treatment of condensed matter physics. Topics include crystal structure, cohesive energy, lattice vibrations, Sommerfeld theory of metals, electronic structure theory and theory of semiconductors.
PHYS 681. Solid State Physics II (3)
Preparatory: PHYS 480 or 680. Advanced treatment of condensed matter physics. Topics include magnetic ordering beyond the independent electron approximation, optical processes and excitons, dielectric properties, superconductivity, defects and surface-interface physics.
PHYS 690. Mathematical Physics (3)
Preparatory: PHYS 489. Selected topics in advanced mathematical physics, such as boundary value problems, Greens functions, nonlinear dynamics, approximation methods, numerical analysis, group theory and differential geometry.
PHYS 696A-C. Directed Graduate Research (1-3)
No course description.
PHYS 697. Directed Comprehensive Studies (3)
Preparatory: Completion of all courses required in the program. May not be used for credit in the program itself.
PHYS 698. Thesis (3-6)
Preparatory: Classified graduate status; Permission of the department; Instructor’s consent to serve as Thesis Advisor. Dissertation of a specialized advanced topic in physics such as a critical evaluation and extension of an existing theoretical treatment, the construction and use of advanced research apparatus or an original theoretical analysis.
PHYS 699. Independent Study (1-6)
Preparatory: At least one graduate course in Physics; Instructor consent. Investigation of a special topic in physics, with emphasis on advanced theoretical or experimental skills. See Independent Study under Courses of Study.