This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit



UNIV 060. Supplemental Instruction (1)

Supplemental Instruction is an academic-assistance program designed to help students master difficult course material in historically challenging classes. Students participate in a series of weekly peer-facilitated small-group study sessions that focus on learning strategies and problem-solving skills specific to the corresponding lecture course. Students enroll in University 60 for 1 unit, non-baccalaureate credit.

UNIV 061. Supplemental Instruction in Writing (1)

UNIV 061 is a mandatory corequisite for 113A–Approaches to University Writing. Students enrolled in AAS, AFRS, CAS, CHS, ENGL or QS 113 must enroll concurrently in Supplemental Instruction, for which they will receive a maximum of 1 additional unit of non-baccalaureate credit per semester. UNIV 061 sessions are led by experienced peers who have been successful in writing courses.

UNIV 062. Supplemental Instruction in Writing (1)

UNIV 062 is a mandatory corequisite for 113B–Approaches to University Writing. Students enrolled in AAS, AFRS, CAS, CHS, ENGL or QS 113 must enroll concurrently in Supplemental Instruction, for which they will receive a maximum of 1 additional unit of non-baccalaureate credit per semester. UNIV 062 sessions are led by experienced peers who have been successful in writing courses.

UNIV 100. Freshman Seminar (3)

This course introduces first-time freshmen to the University as an institution, a culture, and an intellectual experience. Academic success is the central goal of the course. Topics include academic skills (writing, reading, note-taking, test-taking and information competence, as well as critical, analytic and creative thinking); the value of higher education; the history and culture of CSUN; lifelong learning; the discourse of higher education; ethics and responsibility; diversity in higher education; advisement; health; and self-assessment. The course includes weekly writing assignments, frequent in-class exercises and some on-campus field trips. (Available for General Education, Lifelong Learning.) (IC)