This is an archive of the 2017-2018 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2017-2018 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

About University (UNIV) Courses

Courses with the University (UNIV) prefix include Supplemental Instruction (UNIV 060, 061, 062) and the Freshman Seminar (UNIV 100).

University 100 (Freshman Seminar)

The Freshman Seminar is part of CSUN’s General Education program, where it fulfills the requirement for Lifelong Learning and also carries credit as both a Writing-Intensive course and an Information Competence course.

Faculty from a broad range of academic disciplines teach sections of University 100. All have at least one graduate degree, and participate regularly in professional development workshops and discussions focusing on college success. Some also serve on the University 100 Steering Committee.


UNIV 060 Supplemental Instruction

Coordinator: Karen Abramowitz
Oviatt Library 3rd Floor, East Wing
(818) 677-2033

UNIV 061/062 Supplemental Instruction

Coordinator: Anne Kellenberger
Oviatt Library 3rd Floor, East Wing
(818) 677-2033

UNIV 100 Freshman Seminar

Director: Cheryl Spector
Sierra Hall (SH) 437
(818) 677-3932