Africana Studies majors may apply listed AFRS courses in General Education.
Art majors may count ART 140 in Arts and Humanities.
Asian American Studies majors may apply listed AAS courses in
General Education.
Biochemistry majors may count BIOL 106/L and BIOL 107/L, and CHEM 101/L in the Natural Sciences.
Biology majors may count BIOL 106/L in the Natural Sciences.
Business majors (Accountancy; Finance; Information Systems; Management; Marketing; or Business Administration with an Option in either Business Law, Global Supply Chain Management, Real Estate, or Systems and Operations Management) may count BLAW 280 in Lifelong Learning.
Central American Studies majors may apply listed CAS courses in
General Education.
Chemistry majors may count CHEM 101/L in Natural Sciences.
Chicana/o Studies majors may apply listed CHS courses in
General Education.
Child and Adolescent Development majors may count CADV 310 in Lifelong Learning.
Cinema and Television Arts majors may count CTVA 100 in
Lifelong Learning.
Civil Engineering majors will be considered to have satisfied the Basic Skills: Critical Thinking and Basic Skills: Mathematics requirements. CE majors may count MSE 304 in Social Sciences, and CE 101/L and CE 280/L in Lifelong Learning.
Communicative Disorders and Sciences majors may count BIOL 101/L in Natural Sciences.
Communication Studies majors may count COMS 309 in Basic Skills: Oral Communication.
Computer Engineering majors will be considered to have satisfied the Basic Skills: Critical Thinking and Basic Skills: Mathematics requirements. Computer Engineering majors may count BIOL 106/L and BIOL 107/L in Natural Sciences; MSE 304 in Social Sciences; and COMP 110/L in Lifelong Learning.
Computer Science majors will be considered to have satisfied the Basic Skills: Critical Thinking and Basic Skills: Mathematics requirements. Computer Science majors may count BIOL 106/L and BIOL 107/L in Natural Sciences, and COMP 110/L in Lifelong Learning.
Construction Management majors will be considered to have satisfied the Basic Skills: Critical Thinking and Basic Skills: Mathematics requirements. CM majors may count BIOL 106/L in Natural Sciences, MSE 300 in Social Sciences and CM 336/L in Lifelong Learning.
Criminology and Justice Studies majors may count CJS 340 in Lifelong Learning.
Economics majors may count ECON 310 in Social Sciences.
Electrical Engineering majors will be considered to have satisfied the Basic Skills: Critical Thinking and Basic Skills: Mathematics requirements. EE majors may count MSE 304 in Social Sciences and ECE 206/L in Lifelong Learning.
English majors may use one of the following courses in Arts and Humanities: ENGL 258, ENGL 259 or ENGL 275.
English majors in the Junior Year Integrated (JYI) Option may count either ENGL 311 or ENGL 371 in Upper Division GE.
Environmental and Occupational Health majors may count EOH 352 in Social Sciences. BIOL 101/L, BIOL 106/L and BIOL 107 may count in Natural Sciences.
Family and Consumer Sciences majors may count FCS 340 in Lifelong Learning. Majors in the Nutrition, Dietetics and Food Science Option, and those in the FCS Education Option may count BIOL 101/L in Natural Sciences.
French majors may count FLIT 295A or FLIT 295B in Arts and Humanities.
Gender and Women’s Studies majors may count GWS 300 in Comparative Cultural Studies.
Geology majors in Option II – Geophysics may substitute COMP 110/L for COMP 100 as a GE requirement.
Health Administration majors may count BIOL 101/L in Natural Sciences and HSCI 345 in Social Sciences.
History majors may count HIST 270, HIST 271 or HIST 371 in Title 5.
Jewish Studies majors may count JS 200 in Arts and Humanities.
Journalism majors may count JOUR 100 in Lifelong Learning.
Kinesiology majors may count KIN 306 in Social Sciences, but they may not receive Upper Division General Education credit for KIN 306. BIOL 101/L counts in Natural Sciences.
Liberal Studies majors in Teacher Preparation Options will be considered to have satisfied General Education requirements.
Linguistics majors may count LING 250 or LING 325 in Comparative Cultural Studies.
Management majors may take ECON 308 for Upper Division General Education in Social Sciences and BLAW 280 in Lifelong Learning.
Manufacturing Systems Engineering majors will be considered to have satisfied the Basic Skills: Critical Thinking and Basic Skills: Mathematics requirements. MSE majors may count MSE 304 in Social Sciences and MSE 319/L and MSE 248/L in Lifelong Learning.
Marketing majors and minors may substitute ECON 307 (non-GE) for ECON 310. Marketing majors may count BLAW 280 in Lifelong Learning and MKT 350 in Social Sciences.
Mathematics majors may count MATH 150A in Basic Skills: Mathematics. COMP 106/L counts in Lifelong Learning. Mathematics, Junior Year Integrated (JYI) Option may count ASTR 301 in Natural Sciences.
Mechanical Engineering majors will be considered to have satisfied the Basic Skills: Critical Thinking and Basic Skills: Mathematics requirements. ME majors may count MSE 304 in the Social Sciences, and ME 101/L and ME 209 in Lifelong Learning.
Music majors in all B.A. Options and the B.M. program may count MUS 307 (Upper Division GE) in Comparative Cultural Studies, MUS 191/L in Lifelong Learning and MUS 202 in Arts and Humanities.
Philosophy majors may count PHIL 230 in Basic Skills: Critical Thinking.
Physics majors may count PHYS 220A/AL or PHYS 225/220AL in Natural Sciences. COMP 106/L and COMP 110/L may count in Lifelong Learning.
Political Science majors may count POLS 155 or POLS 355 in Title 5.
Psychology majors may count PSY 150 in Social Sciences.
Public Health majors may count BIOL 101/L in Natural Sciences and HSCI 345 in Social Sciences.
Radiologic Sciences majors may count BIOL 101/L and PHYS 100BL in Natural Sciences, HSCI 345 in Social Sciences, and HSCI 384 and HSCI 486B in Lifelong Learning.
Recreation majors may count RTM 352 in Lifelong Learning.
Religious Studies majors may count one of the following courses in Arts and Humanities: RS 100, RS 101, RS 304, RS 307, RS 310, RS 356, RS 361 or JS 200.
Sociology majors may count SOC 305 in Social Sciences.
Spanish majors in the Spanish Literature Option may count FLIT 295A or FLIT 295B in Arts and Humanities.
Urban Studies and Planning majors may count URBS 310 in Social Sciences.